Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

The Plan - Oh boy...

The Plan - Oh boy...

2As soon as I gave the vest to Allan, he almost started performing the waltz with the vest but the blood staining it was dripping down. Small splotches have already formed on the marble flooring so I had to wave him down and tell him to stop waving it around. Jenny on the other hand was just faintly smiling, amused at what Allan was doing in front of us.     

'Ah, that's why...'     

"Dude, clean that first before you wear it. Do you understand? If some of that blood gets into your system, you're fucking done." I said.     

"Ah- my bad, my bad." Allan gingerly laid it down to the side.     

"I'm sure the people driving here with that van always has a partner with them..." Jenny chimed in.     

"That's right, let me take a close look inside then." I replied, approaching the switch for the lights.     

I then turned the lights on and found another body inside right by a cubicle. Its head had a bullet-sized hole and its legs, arms, and face were chewed off. It seemed that the trail of blood I saw outside came from this guard but its partner had a feast of its own after dragging him here.     

'It doesn't matter if you hole up. Once you get bitten, it's over...'     

I took the same items from the body although the same pistol wasn't there. It only had the extra magazine that contained .45 ACP bullets.     

"Dude, can Jenny have the other one?" Allan asked, pointing at the other blood-stained vest.     

"Sure, here's the way to properly wash it..." I then give a few instructions.     

"I'll help you, we can wash it in the bathroom." Jenny said as she picked up the other vest.     

After a while, the two came back while wearing the newly-cleaned vest I gave them earlier. However, the boots the guards were wearing didn't fit Allan, and one of the pairs available landed on Juan's lap. Allan was looking frustrated not being able to wear the full set and just resorted to taking one from the store, but I suddenly looked a few inches below.     

'This motherfucking idiot!'     

Allan was still wearing shorts!     

"Dude, you have the vest from the guard and the boots from the store but you still want to wear shorts?!" I was shaking my head in disbelief.     

"Come on man! Pants are the bane of my existence! You know I don't like being restricted! I need to be quick!" Allan retorted by stretching his legs from side to side.     

"How about jogging pants or those stretchy jeans? They're super comfortable, I think you don't want to end up like that other guy." I said as I pointed to the guard with the mangled leg.     


Allan immediately gulped and he once again headed to the aisles. I glanced at the back entrance and several loaded pushcarts were already in place. This supermarket still had a lot more items to be taken but doing that would just take too long for everybody to load inside their vehicles.     

I checked my watch and it was already 9:00 PM. My stomach immediately grumbled and it reminded me that I haven't eaten yet. I saw that the others have already opened a few packs of food or have already cooked their own. Us four were the only ones that hadn't taken a bite yet so I decided to cook for us.     

'Hmm, this could work...'     

I found a stall in the food court that read 'Rice in a Box!', and ducked to get inside the small entrance. It was a takeout stall that sold fried rice topped with various ingredients the customer would decide to be put in. The cooking equipment was still inside plus some of the ingredients so I got to work.     

I washed their rice cooker and I started to cook some fragrant rice first. While the rice was still cooking, I went back to do a little shopping. I came back with a whole chicken, green onions, a red onion, garlic, corn, green peas, carrots, togue or Mung bean sprouts, mushrooms, honey, soy sauce, salt, pepper, and eggs.     

I prepared and washed all the ingredients first and then I started by deboning the chicken. After that, I cut it into small pieces along with the green onions, red onion, garlic, carrots, and mushrooms. At the same time, I already turned the stove on and placed a wok to cook everything in it. When everything was ready, I placed some oil onto the pan and added the chopped garlic and red onions to be stir-fried until golden brown.     

The smell now started to waft inside the store as I was cooking and a few heads looked in my direction. I just smiled and continued cooking and then I placed the chicken as I added soy sauce, honey, salt, and pepper. When the chicken was fully cooked, I set it aside to cook the vegetables in its juices.     

I started dropping the mushrooms, carrots, corn, green peas, and the togue to the wok and it smelled fucking incredible being cooked in the chicken's oils. After a while, I cracked a few eggs and I kept on mixing them until they were fully cooked with the rice and the chicken. Allan was already behind me holding utensils but I told him to call Jenny and Juan to eat with us.     

"T-Thank you..." Jenny gulped as she saw the simple spread.     

"Holy shit, you can even cook?!" Juan was ecstatic as they sat down.     

"Dig in!" I chuckled as I handed them the utensils.     

"Oh, I fucking will!" Allan was ready to stuff his face with food.     

We ate like savages and though no one was speaking to each other because of the way we were eating, we enjoyed the meal together. The three offered to clean up after we were done and I started to check the weapons I have on hand.     

'The M9 is out but luckily I found a Glock 21...'     

I was deep in thought but Allan waved me over.     

"Hey dude, could you... you know... give me one of your guns? You know, Jenny has Bert's shotgun now and Juan has Jenny's revolver. You're fully decked out and I'm still holding this bat... You have that extra one in your bag, right?"     

"It has no bullets though." I replied, showing him the empty mag.     

"We got two extra magazines from those guards at the bank, right?"     

"Those are different, the Beretta M9 uses 9mm bullets and the Glock 21 uses .45 ACP bullets."     

"Really? Then… can I have that Glock 21? You still have your rifle, right?"     

"Fine but be fucking careful, only shoot it when necessary. I only have the suppressor in my AR-15 and one shot from your unsuppressed guns and it will be harder for us tomorrow." I said as I placed the Glock 21 in front of him.     

"Fuck yeah! So, dude..." Allan suddenly smiled awkwardly.     

"Hmm? I'm not giving you my wakizashi."     

"Huh? No… Tell me how to use this again? I forgot..." Allan instantly looked away.     

"Pfft! Motherfucker!" Juan almost spat out his drink while Jenny was just smiling at Allan.     

'Oh boy...'     

I decided to give him a quick course and he nodded to every word I said. He tried everything I've told him over and over until he could remember it and I was actually surprised. Allan was a little slow on the uptake but he made up for it with repetition and more repetition. He actually knew how to use guns even before we were in college and all he needed was a little refresher.     

After several clicks and clacks, he gave me a smile as he successfully field-stripped and assembled the Glock 21 I gave him without any instructions. I just nodded a few times before I gave him the rest of the magazines available for it. He was wearing one of the belts of the guards and the proper holster for it was also available.     

"I wish the other one wasn't missing. It would've belonged to either one of you." Allan commented, glancing at Juan and Jenny.     

"No worries, I found a few boxes of shells available for Ber- this shotgun. Juan, are you really okay with my revolver? It only had four bullets left..." Jenny turned to Juan.     

"I'm fine with it, I still have my axe. It makes too much noise so it's for a final resort." Juan waved us off, telling us not to worry.     

I then gathered everyone and told them the whole plan for tomorrow.     

"Okay, listen to me first before you ask any questions. You need to follow me to the dot or else we would have trouble leaving safely. If you act on your own once we go out, I wouldn't care if a herd started swarming you because I'll only save the ones helping each other. Is that clear?" I started.     

They nodded a few times and then I continued.     

"We'll first head to the back entrance to remove all of the barricades while a few ready the pushcarts. After that, we'll head for the two delivery trucks on the corner so that Jenny and Juan could back them up, allowing us to fill them with supplies while a few people guard them with me. One of the trucks will belong to me while the other will belong to the group heading for the DDR Camp in Malanday. I will ensure none would come close but we need to be very quiet."     

"We'll then move to a 'C' pattern towards the parking area, proceeding to the other vehicles while bringing the other pushcarts for the others that would split with us. We'll kill everything that comes near and stay behind me while watching the back as we move. Once we reach the parking area, load everything as fast as possible and you'd be free to go whenever and wherever."     

"I'll have my rifle at the ready and I'll guard all of you until everyone not coming with us have left. Allan would be driving the armored van outside while I make a run for my bike. Don't worry about me because I'll catch up in a few seconds and you'll be safe inside your vehicles. To those of you coming with us should follow behind Allan because we'll be taking the shortest route possible. Double-check everything you've brought then get some sleep. I'll be on the roof taking watch but be ready for tomorrow. Any questions?" I concluded.     

A few of them had solemn expressions while some had excited ones since they would be able to leave this place. A few raised their hands to ask some questions so I pointed to them like what people would do in interviews.     

"Yes?" I pointed to a guy wearing a hat.     

"I'm Carl, we live in the Bulacan area. We would like to know the nearest DDR Camp over in that area."     

"I believe the closest one is the one in the Meycauayan Doctor's Hospital. I saw it on the list of the camps available for evacuation on the news."     

"Can I know which the other ones are?"     

"They're mostly built on schools or hospitals but the others are..." I told him the rest of what I know.     

"Thank you, we'll never forget this." Carl nodded a few times and then he lifted his hat for me.     

After that, an elderly woman raised her hand while clutching her grandson, "Excuse me, young sir. Are you still taking people in? My... my daughter… fell... to those things yesterday and we uh- we lost her. We had nowhere else to go and I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to take care of him properly if we're in the camps. I could help with anything you want at your place if you take us in and he's a really good boy. We wouldn't be much trouble and I work really hard… we-"     

I immediately cut her off, "No problem, we'll take you and your grandson. I suggest you ride with Jenny in the truck because it will be a little bit bumpy on the armored van."     

"I- T-Thank you! I- I don't know what- Thank you!" the elderly woman started to tear up as she hugged his grandson tight.     

She then introduced herself and I found out that her name was Susan and her grandson's name was James. She was already 77 years old while her grandson was only 3. They were just strolling in the park when everything happened and they lost someone very important. Jenny began talking to her and she asked if they needed help with anything.     

I looked at the crowd once more and saw a couple of high school students having a silent argument with each other at the back. The guy saw me looking at them and he spoke up despite the girl trying to pull him back.     

"Sir, can we also go with you? We lost contact with her family before the Internet went out. I'm living with my mom but she is... umm, gone now. Her fa-" the guy tried to explain their situation before he was interrupted by the girl.     

"You want us to live with a stranger?! We don't even know if what he's saying is true! And those DDR Camps? Yuck! I'd rather die than go to those DDR camps, one of my friends posted a picture inside and it's so cramped, it's disgusting." the girl blurted out, hand placed right on her waist.     

'Oh, boy...'     

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