Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

DDR Camp - Reaching home

DDR Camp - Reaching home

0We ate happily in the early morning and the morale was unexpectedly high. There was still some nervousness or fear in their expressions but most of them were looking determined and surprisingly, even excited. I gave them one more run-through of the plan and everyone listened intently.     

After a few minutes of resting, we gathered everyone in front of the door at the back.     

"We'll head out for the trucks first. Wait for them completely back up against the door before hauling the bags. It's just like what we talked about, yeah?"     

Everyone just nodded silently as they looked at each other.     

I came out first and I was with Juan, Jenny, Allan, Chris, and a few more people as we went out the door with our weapons drawn.     

Two figures moving erratically dashed towards me but I flicked my wrist to deliver two slashes almost instantly. My first strike went horizontally, entering the side of where its eyes were located, exiting in the opposite direction while the second one went straight for the other one's eyes socket as I thrust with full force.     

Their bodies fell limp then I immediately led Juan and Jenny towards the trucks. The others were with Chris and Allan and they tried to kill the ones coming from the other side.     

On the way, I killed three more bloody figures wearing this store's uniforms and I ducked down to check under the trucks for any surprises the moment we arrived. I then gave the go signal and the two managed to start the engines with the keys they have on hand. They started them right by the door while I helped the rest clear the way.     

I continued to put down bodies while the rest that had their first time killing the undead decide to just drag the bodies to the side so the trucks wouldn't accidentally drive over them.     

Like clockwork, the people by the door came outside to fill the truck with the bags and bags of supplies we prepared yesterday. As we discussed, the first truck would belong to me while the second one would belong to the people that decided to take shelter in the DDR Camp. As soon as they finished hauling the items, those people rode the back of the truck as we closed it tight.     

'So far, so good.'     

We then made our way to the curve while I led the rest of the group that was supposed to take their own chances. The pushcarts rattled as the people behind me hurried to advance. I moved ahead and thanked the fact that some of these biters were moving slower compared to when they just started to turn. Even a simple push would give enough time to run away if the person being attacked wasn't able to crush their heads.     

'They really are moving much slower after a time… Freshly turned ones are much more agile than the ones here… Well, we still need to keep our guard up since we're not really sure if that could be the case for the long run because the same couldn't be said for the one I saw yesterday...'     

One by one, the ones behind me started to break off into their own vehicles as we waited for them to throw their items inside. They were hurriedly throwing each item inside while the ones still far from their vehicles were getting a little impatient. Despite that, no one dared to break the formation because none of them were confident to go on their own.     

It didn't take long before several engines started to turn on, attracting a few in the distance. Despite that, I made sure that no one gets scratched or bitten as long as they were right behind me. Three cars and a few motorcycles started to drive away after the people driving them gave me a firm handshake or an upwards nod.     

The dead on the highway started to notice us one by one the moment they drove off but they helped a bit by mowing down the ones that crossed their path. The dead actually divided their attention towards us but there was still a lot left that were making their way towards us.     

"Dude, they're coming!" Allan exclaimed.     

"I know! Move fast!" I shouted back as I raised my AR-15.     

I picked the ones in the immediate vicinity but I then aimed at the ones by the armored van. As soon as I cleared the dead near it, I threw the set of keys towards Allan.     


"Huh- Fuck!"     

"Allan! Hurry the fuck up!" Juan and Jenny frustratedly exclaimed.     

Allan actually dropped the keys on the ground and he started to scramble just to pick it up. I almost smacked him in the head but he eventually started the armored van. The engine started to purr so I started to lead the rest to their own vehicles. I unloaded shot after shot towards the cluster coming towards us and I only stopped for a short reload.     

The noise of the AR-15, even suppressed, started to attract more and more of the deadheads on the highway so the ones that were left were forced to abandon being quiet as they started to move faster with less restraint on making noise.     


"Move! Move! Move!"     

"Sorry, excuse me!"     




"Drive straight ahead and ram everything that obstructs your path because that thing could take it no problem. I'll make a quick run for my bike and follow the rest of you. Turn at the gas station when you see the one with the 'Total' sign!" I shouted.     

"You sure you're gonna get your bike fine?!" Allan exclaimed.     

"Yeah, I'm sure! The trucks are waiting, go now!"     

We gave each other a nod and I sprinted towards the corner where I left my bike. I let round after round from my AR-15 and I made sure to hit precisely to not waste the shots. Luckily, the path was mostly clear and I only fired less than a dozen rounds before I got to my bike.     

"79…" I muttered before I placed the keys to the ignition.     

My Hayabusa started immediately then I raised the stand as I quickly caught up to the group. I readied my pistol just in case we encountered the mob from before and I was scanning everything that we passed through. Besides the two trucks that followed the van, another car was following them along with two other motorcycles.     

I looked at my speedometer and the numbers were on the hundreds. I could faintly hear a few thuds and crashes as the armored van started to mow down everything. However, I saw it beginning to slow down when we started to get near the depot.     

'I fucking told him to ram everything!'     

I pulled my radio and shouted at the top of my lungs.     






The sounds of metal bending violently and glass getting shattered erupted as the armored van rammed the cars topped over one another. We were at a fair distance away as we saw the upturned vehicles flying a few feet away as the armored van staggered after the crash. Despite losing speed, the armored van continued to drive straight as it eventually gained speed once more.     







"Hah! Just keep on driving dude, we're getting close."     



I shook my head in amusement and we continued driving forward. We passed by another block and I caught a glimpse of one of the graffitis on the walls. It said 'Chosen Ones' written on the top of a drawn fist and I was sure that I didn't see it yesterday.     

'What the fuck?'     

My expression solemnized as I made a mental note of what I saw. When we reached the entrance of the DDR Camp that was by the highway, I radioed everyone involved to stop while the others moved ahead. I just caught one final glimpse from Carl as he drove forward with his family, giving me a respectful nod.     

"Hold!" one of the soldiers guarding the place stopped us.     

I stood in front as I removed my helmet. Their eyes started scanning towards me then their eyes started to wander to the trucks we brought with us.     

I stood upright then I gave them a proper salute, "Greetings soldier, we have a few people needing sanctuary, and they brought food, water, and medicine. I request you process them immediately so the rest of my group could go our own way."     

The soldier I was talking to returned my salute and he said, "Valdez, let them in."     

It only took a few moments but they soon opened the back of the truck. The people at the back came out one after the other and they started to unload everything from the truck. They gave me thankful looks but Juan who was driving that truck was having a short dilemma on whether he would stay here or go about his original plan. However, he still drove outside the moment the truck was ready.     

"Thanks again, see you later." Juan gave us a proper handshake before leaving.     

"Good luck, man!" Allan exclaimed.     

"Hmm, you too."     

We were about to leave as well but the soldier I was talking to jumped down from his platform and wanted to have a little talk.     

"Are you military?" the soldier asked.     

'Ferdinand? Must be an officer.'     

"Special Unit US-Philippine-Japan Collaboration. Sorry, can't discuss more. It's classified." I let my silver tongue out.     

He just stared at me first but he nodded eventually.     

'Holy Fuck! That worked! I just lied to the Philippine Army!'     

I had a thought in my head and I asked the soldier, "Is there a civilian here named Ivan Maning?"     

"Let me check for a minute, sir."     

He looked at me for a brief second then he called another soldier. The soldier went back and retrieved a huge notebook, and he started rifling through the list. His hand traced each page and then he stopped.     

"Sir, we have a match and he's staying on the 2nd floor on the west side of the hospital. Do you need us to retrieve him or perhaps just talk?"     

"I don't need to talk to him, I just wanted to see his file."     


A few minutes later, a file with his name was given to him by another soldier.     

He handed me the file outside the gate and I started to skim through it. I found words like Type B, Male, Normal, and etc. But what made me frown was the marital status. It clearly said 'single'. I appreciated the degree of organization that they have though I have a few things I would change personally.     

'Did he just abandon them? They could just be living together and never got married but this is too cruel.'     

"Anything wrong, sir?" the officer saw my face and he asked.     

"Yeah, better put 'widowed' on his marital status here. We found his wife and baby yesterday. Watch out for that guy, he..." I relayed the story from yesterday.     

The officer kept a stoic face as he nodded but I saw a twitch in his eyebrow.     

"Do you guys have a Satellite Phone? Call me for anything, let's keep the communications open. My number is 0063 316 619 2316."     

After exchanging numbers, we said goodbye as we continued on the road. It would only take a few minutes before we reach my place but we kept our guard up. The armored van slowly pushed any stray vehicles along the way and we finally made the turn towards the elementary school.     

I saw them working on the fence at the end of the wall but they all turned around as they heard my Hayabusa from a distance.     

"Hey, guys! He's here!" Unc Zeidrick called out while a few people came outside.     

Glancing around, I saw a few more charred bodies in the area where we used to burn them. The guys stopped working and they welcomed us inside. The main gate was opened and they were surprised that I brought more people with me.     

"HOLY SHIT!!! IS THAT AN ARMORED VAN?!" Russel rushed to pat it all over.     

"It's Tiny."Allan stepped out of the armored van.     

"Huh? It's huge, right?" Russel turned to Allan, confused.     

"No, it's 'Tiny', get it?"     


Jenny, Chris, Charlotte, James, and Susan also came out of the truck, looking around in surprise.     

"Woah~!" James, Susan's grandchild gasped when he saw the place.     

"Guys this is everyone, everyone this is... guys... hah... I'm so fucking tired... I need to sleep..." I said as I removed my helmet.     

"Here he is! Get him!"     

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