Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

The Huge Pillow - Bet?

The Huge Pillow - Bet?

0*smack* *punch* *flaming fist* *slap* *kick* *smack* *hadouken* *elbow*     

A rain of punches and kicks suddenly assaulted my body.     

"You fucking son of a bitch! How sick are you in the head, you little shit?! Doing a joke like that?! Have another kick!" Oscar exclaimed.     

The group continued to lynch me as I received more blows but they suddenly lifted me up and threw me in the pool.     

"WAIT! WAIT!! WAIT~!!!"     

I landed back first and I immediately sank at the bottom. I just let my feet touch the bottom before I kicked the tiles so I could propel myself up. As soon as I reached the surface, the pool water sloshed around as I swam to the other side. I lifted my body upwards to the poolside and the water dripped from my clothes. I was soaking wet as I glared at them but they started to laugh heartily. I just shook my head and breathed a sigh of relief before I chased all of them and sprinkled water all over.     



It was chaos for the following moments then Jenny asked, "What did he do?"     

My people shook their heads with different expressions but Allan answered, "They called him yesterday and he pretended to be dead, he snarled and growled in the radio."     

"That's messed up."     

"I agree."     

It took a while before things calmed down then Oscar approached me, "Hey kid, better apologize to your girl, Kaley. She's pretty shaken from what you fucking did, she watched the gates all night. She's sleeping in her room now."     

"All night? I did too at the store yesterday... Hmm~ I'll let her sleep some more first, I need to sleep as well."     

My body felt very heavy and I needed to have some rest. My shoulders were aching and my eyelids were starting to fall. I then bid goodbye and I headed to my house. I also brought the box I took from the store while I let Rin handle where Allan and the rest could lay their heads on.     

I opened the door to my room and I was greeted by its darkness. I removed my gear and the rest of my clothes since they were soaking wet. I let them occupy a small corner on the floor for now, while the box I took was placed inside my dresser. Sleep was all in my mind right now and my bed was calling for me. I slowly crawled to my bed and hugged the huge pillow right beside me. However, I never remembered having it placed there. It was warm, soft, and it smelled really good. I hugged it even tighter and I buried my face between these two huge and soft parts while I wrapped my hands and my leg around the rest.     

I couldn't even tell how quickly I fell asleep because, after a few moments, I blacked out entirely while in the same position. I couldn't even tell how long I slept as my mind drifted away.     

After a while, I woke up feeling refreshed and I made a few stretches after standing up. I made my bones crack when I pushed against the folds of my knuckles and feet and when I twisted my neck from side to side. After that, I looked for my watch on the floor and it said 2:36 PM. I tidied my bed but I just found three pillows for my head. I couldn't seem to find the other one that felt supple.     

'Maybe it was this one?' I examined one of my pillows on the stack but I shook my head.     

'It's not this… It's not even the right size. Maybe I'm just really tired, whatever.' I nodded at the thought then I tidied the mess I made on the floor. I put on a fresh set of clothes and I started knocking at Kaley's room.     

*knock* *knock* *knock*     

"Kaley?" I called.     

*knock* *knock* *knock*     

"Kaley?" I called again.     

*knock* *knock* *knock*     

"Kaley?" I tried calling for her again.     

No answer.     

'She must be outside or something.'     

I decided to go outside and Zeus greeted me by jumping on me a few times. He walked beside me as I headed to the back of my house when I heard people talking to each other. I saw a few of them just chilling and I saw Allan talking with Ken. They were trading stories and I approached them.     

Ken's gaze shifted to me and he raised his hand, waving me over, "Hey, dude! Got some sleep? The others are still building the fence outside and Oscar led the scouting party. He brought more people than you though."     

"Your aunt told us to rest for a bit more first and the others are still sleeping," Allan said.     

I nodded as I yawned.     

All of a sudden, Allan's body jolted as he immediately stood up, "Fuck! Dude! I forgot to tell you, we opened the back of Tiny and it's loaded with two shotguns and several stacks of cash! Well, we wouldn't be able to use the cash but it was a fuck ton!"     

My eyebrows shot up as I turned to the armored van which was now completely clean, "Really? What kind?"     

"Oscar was so happy seeing them and he said you wouldn't want those, so he stored them in his armory. He called them SPAS-12s or something. The extra slugs are placed on the straps, it looked really cool."     

We started talking about other stuff then I saw Rin and Olivia walk by. They saw me see them but they almost moonwalked away from the vicinity. They quickly back-pedaled and avoided my line of sight.     

"What's with those two?" I asked.     

Ken and Allan looked at each other then they both shrugged.     

"Ah- We saw Kaley earlier looking for those two and we saw her pull their ears as she dragged them upstairs," Ken said.     

"Why though?"     

"We're not really sure… they both have been silent the whole time and they won't speak of it. Women stuff maybe?" Allan said.     

"Is that so? Better not to talk about it then."     

"Oh, right. Allan, I'm gonna need my gun back." I said as I held my hand out.     

"B-But, I already named it!"     

"It already has a name. It's called 'My Gun'" I said.     

"Can I have the black one at least?!"     

"Nope that's 'My Gun 2'. I'll lend you one if you're outside with the scouting party or if you are on guard duty." I said.     

"Did you just?" Ken muttered.     

"Great! I'm gonna go outside now!" Allan started to slip past me.     

"You're supposed to rest, right? Give it to me for now."     

Allan drooped his head low as he reluctantly gave it back, "Here..."     

"I'll lend you a rifle later if you stay for watch duty at night," I said.     

Allan's face lightened up then we continued trading stories.     

I left them after a few minutes and I stood at the catwalk. I jumped a few times and checked its durability. It holds perfectly and there was no wobble of any sort.     

I saw the construction group working on the second layer of the fence and they waved at me when they saw me looking at them. I lifted myself up then I sat on the edge of the wall as I watched them work. I then looked at the ropes under me and I said to them, "Have you tested the ropes yet?"     

"We only pulled on it for a bit but we never climbed on it," Unc Zeidrick replied.     

"I'll test it while you guys work on the fence then," I said.     

I called Ken and Allan over as I checked each rope for damages. After that, I threw all of them down on the other side. Since there were three ropes on each wall, we three checked it at the same time.     

"Hey man, before we start, arms only, okay? Wanna have a bet you chicken shits?" Ken said, grinning wickedly.     

"A pistol maybe? My pistol?" Allan said.     

"What happens if both of you lose then? What are you gonna give me then?" I said.     

"We're gonna-" Allan was about to give a suggestion but I cut him off.     

"Hold on, why is this a 2-on-1 now? It's supposed to be a three-way, right?" I said.     

"One wish then? Free gun or anything the other guy says?" Ken said, giving a far bet.     

"Okay, bet."     


"Bet, bitch."     

'A level 9 spell eh?'     

The guys working at the fence got riled up when they heard us, so they decided to rest and watch for a while. Cheers started to erupt and some of the people inside were watching us from above the catwalk. We positioned ourselves with one hand on the rope then Ken removed his jacket. His muscles bulged and he started to flex it in front of everybody. Allan's jaw dropped when he saw his guns and I removed my weapons first so there would be no obstructions in my movement. The crowd then began the countdown for us, "3… 2… 1… GO~!!!"     

We started climbing as fast as we could and as I was about to reach the top, they were already celebrating Ken's victory. He reached the top a fraction of a second faster than me while Allan was a few seconds behind.     

I was smiling as I sat on the edge with Ken and Allan, "Holy fuck, dude!"     

"Shit, I'm out of shape..." Allan added as he was breathing heavily.     

Ken just smiled and gave both of us a flex then he brought himself down. We just tested the other side normally while Ken thought of his wish. I tied the ropes back and Ken just suddenly turned to me with another one of his grins.     

"Got your wish now?"     

"I'd like a gun dude and Allan, shave your head!" Ken announced very quickly.     

Allan was devastated to lose his hair but he accepted it. I went back to my room and I thought of a gun to give him.     

I entered a section of my room where several guns were displayed neatly. I saw on a corner a sawed-off double-barreled shotgun that could fit perfectly in his bag behind his wheelchair or just at the side pockets just above the wheels. I also grabbed a dozen slugs and a few blanks for it and headed back. The two were still by the catwalk when I arrived and their eyes lit up with excitement.     

"Is this good?" I said as I handed him the gun.     

"Fuck yeah, can I shoot it now?" Ken was grinning wickedly as he caressed it.     

"Yeah, come with me."     

After going to a safe spot, I handed him the shells and I taught him how to operate the gun. I loaded it with blanks first so he could see how it works. I fired it a couple of times so he could see how it should be handled. I removed the used shells after that and I handed it back to him. He loaded it with blanks as well before he pointed it away from us and squeezed the trigger.     

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