Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

The day I lost them...

The day I lost them...

0I was clenching my hand so hard, my nails started to pierce through my skin. Bright-Red blood was flowing through the gaps of my hand and it was dripping on the sheets. They were creating small red circles, slowly turning into bigger clusters of red onto my sheets that were white.     

My head started throbbing as well and the pain from my scars felt like they were opening up once more. My vision got hazy and blurry and I also felt that my ears were ringing and vibrating until it was completely silent.     

After an unknown amount of time, I just saw someone familiar trying to stop the bleeding from my hand. Tears were welling up in her eyes and her face was flushed but I couldn't hear what she was saying to me. I could see her lips move but I couldn't even read them because my vision would go in and out of different times.     

It seemed like we were alone in my room and she just managed to get my hand to open up. Blood gushed even more but she tried her best to stop it from bleeding. She was wiping her tears with her sleeves and she kept trying to talk to me. She even tried to shook me awake but I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my cheek.     

It felt really familiar and I suddenly managed to hear her voice.     


Everything slowly returned to normal and I was back in my room once more. The air felt light and the temperature was optimal and the only difference was the blood on my sheets, Kaley's hands, and on my cheek. My hand was now wrapped tightly with a bandage and I saw Kaley sitting in front of me while the two were peeking from the door.     

'Fuck… it happened again...'     

They all looked like they got scared out of their wits and Olivia was shaking from fear. Her eyes were welling up like her sister and it seemed like she cried for a while. Rin was about the same and Kaley's face was a mess.     

I sighed heavily as I waved them over, "Come here..."     

Olivia immediately flinched but she still entered my room, "U-Umm… I-I'm reall-"     

I cut her off, "I'm sorry."     

Olivia started crying once more as she stammered, "H-Huh? I-I'm t-the- W-What are y-you-"     

"I'm sorry for scaring you, all of you. I just remembered something very unpleasant."     

Kaley interjected, "A-Are you okay? Does it hurt?"     

"Yeah, I'm good. Don't worry. I've been through worse… It'll take more to take me down."     

Olivia suddenly went up to my face as she grabbed my arm, "I-I'M SORRY! I R-REALLY AM! I-I SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID ANY-"     

I cut her off once more as I ruffled her hair and faintly smiled, "I told you, it's okay. I'm fine now, right? Besides, I should really be getting this out of me. Keeping it bottled would just make it even worse. Can you all just listen to me for a while? It would help me a lot? I promise I'm gonna be a great storyteller."     

Olivia wouldn't let go of me even if her hair was in shambles but she eventually calmed down. I was just looking at them with a faint smile but they soon sat in front of me as they agreed to my little request.     

"Okay, this is a long time ago but I'm gonna tell you the story about the day I lost them…"     

Their expression immediately changed but I continued, "Exactly 5 years, 2 months, and 16 days… Do you remember the corner where we used to burn the bodies? Opposite that corner was a 3-story house with a stainless gate. That's where I used to live and have fond memories with..."     

"We had a lot of dogs before… all 14 with different breeds though none of them were trained like Zeus. Every time someone would come up or pass by, they would bark incessantly and make a lot of noise. It was pretty annoying to me since I love my peace and quiet but I never thought that it would end like that on this particular day..."     

"I thought a few bystanders were just talking really loud right outside our house that's why our dogs were really noisy. I just assumed it would pass after a while and I didn't bother to check it. Turns out, a fucking drug addict got too high on psychedelics and started making a ruckus everywhere he goes..."     

"He managed to jump over the gate to our garage and he managed to break our screen door over there because it was more flimsy than our solid front door. As he did, he arrived at our kitchen and he got his hands on my mom's knife. Our dogs have just managed to get their way over him then it happened…"     

"All of our dogs got skinned and mutilated by the same fucking guy while he was using my mother's knife. Only two of our dogs were big enough to contend against an intruder and all they managed to do was take a chunk off of him before they were stabbed and cut up over and over… We just found their bodies sprawled on the first floor after everything was over..."     

Olivia started crying while Rin and Kaley's eyes were welling up with tears. Rin was covering her mouth from shock while Kaley scooted over to hug me tight. I just placed my hand over her as I continued the rest of my story.     

"Squealing was very different from barking so my dad immediately caught wind of it. He went outside their room to check the commotion while I was oblivious to what had already happened. I was playing some music to drown out the sound of our dogs barking earlier and I left it on even if I faintly hear them stop… Stupid, right?"     

"However, it didn't take long before I heard the door to our floor slamming really hard and my mom screaming for help. Her piercing scream went over the music I was playing and everything just stopped as my wind got in shambles. I stopped what I was doing and grabbed what's in front of me before rushing outside..."     

"As soon as I opened my door, a fucking guy bleeding out from his shoulder and sides was on top of my dad. His hair was unkempt but he was smiling wickedly as he was shouting, 'I WOULD KILL ALL OF YOU, YOU FUCKING DEMONS!!!' and stabbing my dad with my mom's knife over and over..."     

"My dad would wince from the pain as he was gurgling blood but the guys kept digging through my dad until he 'exorcised' him. My mom was a mess as she ran back to our room and grabbed my dad's gun but she doesn't even know how to use it. It just clicked and clicked before the same guy smiled wickedly and flicked his hand holding the knife..."     

"A short glint appeared before blood started gushing out from my mom's throat. She was clutching her neck but the wound was too deep to even try and stop the bleeding. She choked with her own blood, the same as my dad before the guy kept stabbing her head over and over…"     

"A tiny speck of their blood just made its way into my eyes before my body just… moved..."     

"I just came to my senses where my aunt was wiping the blood off my body. A lot of people were outside and I could faintly see the lights coming from a police car and several ambulances. I was outside, sitting on the stairs to my house while several bodies were around me covered in sheets and blood was seeping out in a few places..."     

"A cop seemed to be shouting at that time while my aunt was shouting back at her at the same time. I couldn't quite remember what they were saying but judging from how their lips moved, the cop seemed to be shouting, 'PUT THE WEAPON DOWN!' while my aunt was shouting, 'SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!'"     

I paused for a bit as I looked at the rack where my tachi was supposed to be and then I looked back at the three who I couldn't explain the expressions they were giving me.     

I simply continued, "Eventually, I just laid my bloody tachi on the ground and discovered that I was also covered in blood. My arm was bleeding all over and my left eye was seeing red due to the cut in my eyebrow. What happened definitely got on the news but it was eventually forgotten after news of a political scandal..."     

"I had no recollection of what happened until I watched the CCTV footage from our home. The footage was needed for the investigation but seeing the opening scene made me remember everything. That day, I killed six people with my hands..."     

The three were completely silent as they stared at me in either sadness or fear.     

"What happened was the moment blood got into my eyes I drew my blade but hesitated at the first strike. I managed to cut him but it wasn't enough to bring him down with that shallow strike. I cut him from his mangled shoulder up until to his abdomen but it was just a flesh wound, I failed to cut through bone..."     

"He was so fucking high he just laughed at me maniacally before cutting up my arm several times over. I doubt he ever felt pain because when I managed to lop his arm off, he just continued smiling as he spouted gibberish. I kept shouting at him why he did it but he threw a vase at my face and he ran downstairs and outside..."     

"I chased after him with my blade but I didn't notice that all of our dogs were dead and I just walked over them. I leaped over our staircase and managed to reach him but several of his family members were present and looking for him. They saw the state he was in and they suddenly attacked without warning..."     

Kaley interjected, "WHAT?! H-HOW STUPID A-ARE THEY?!"     

"I really don't know why but they did it. They smashed the bottles on their hands to be used as weapons while others pulled out knives. They all rushed at me at the same time but I just held my blade with both hands and moved. Five slashes total and they were bisected as they fell. The guy who broke into our house just died of losing too much blood before I got to him..."     

I paused for a moment before I continued.     

"People would practice some sort of discipline for a hobby or something to protect themselves from the threats outside. However, in my case, I just used what I learned for its intended purpose… to kill. It was all a blur, to be completely honest. I never would have thought I did those things until I remembered everything when I saw myself in the monitor..."     

"W-What happened then? DId you get in trouble?" Rin looked at me solemnly.     

"I did say that it got on the news and a lot of investigation happened. No charges held up against me even if the surviving family members of the people I cut down demanded that I should be locked forever. My family and my workers almost beat the shit out of them but they all calmed down when the court let me go and a huge sum of money would be sent to my direction to help with anything..."     

Rin bellowed, "They had the gall to say that?!"     


Olivia added though she was crying the whole time, "M-Me too! What sis said!"     

I chuckled as my expression turned dark, "Well, thank you. Those people were really fucked in the head, much worse than me. They're lucky that all of them didn't rush senselessly or I would've killed all of them on the spot. Using those substances must've melted a few synapses in their brains, making them lose reason. Thinking about it now, I really wished they did..."     

Kaley calmed down as she rubbed my back, "W-What happened after then? To you?"     

"After everything settled, I decided umm… to take a break from e-everything. I left the country for a while and it was eased my mind. I visited old friends, met new ones, learned a lot of things, ate a lot of food, and so on and so on… A few years after that was when I met the old man and you know what happened after that..."     

I didn't even realize that tears were slowly flowing down my cheeks as I spoke. It just felt warm for a while as I rubbed my eyes, but Kaley hugged me even tighter. Olivia lunged for me as well as she wrapped her arms around me and Rin even followed after a while. Their whole weight combined made us topple over then we started laughing heartily.     

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