Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Updates - Reminder

Updates - Reminder

1Oscar and a few more of us that admitted that they tasted a rabbit were the antagonists of this night but I suddenly remembered something. A wicked grin slowly formed on my lips and Kaley caught wind of it.     

"Why are you looking like that now?!"     

"Heh! Won't you even try to taste them at least?"     

Olivia interjected, "What?! Why?! Why?! Look at them! They're really really~ cute! Isn't that right, Rin?!"     

Rin suddenly gave out an indescribable face as she started fidgeting, "Umm… A-Actually... I've eaten a f-few before... t-they're really g-goog. We made stew one time and I ate it for two days..."     

Everyone belonging to the 'Rabbit Lives Matter' squad stared in shock while the rest of us started laughing hysterically. The way all of them dramatically fell on their knees with the back of their palms placed on their forehead was fucking priceless. A select few even managed to squeeze out tears as they were 'betrayed' by someone they thought was in their cause.     

"How could you eat them?!"     

"They're really good! Trust me!"     

"And who even said that?!"     

"If you don't trust me, believe the rabbits themselves!"     

"W-Wha- Huh?"     

I flatly dropped the bomb, "Yeah, they eat their babies."     

"Um, WHAT?!"     

I turned to Derek that also admitted that he tasted a rabbit before, "Derek, back me up on this one?"     

Derek stood up and explained, "It's true, they actually do that sometimes. We usually kill the ones that did that immediately since it would be no use in breeding them. Once they do that, they would continue to so even if they give birth for another time."     

Olivia slumped down even more, "I think I can't eat anymore… hngh..."     

"Yeah, cook them or kill them. Whatever. I suddenly don't care anymore. I don't even care from the start..." Charlotte suddenly chimed in but tears were welling in her eyes.     

I scratched my head and tried to save the situation, "However, the ones who didn't and took care of their young are left alive so we could have more of them in the future. Who knows, we'll have an army of them and we could have a bunch of them in each household, for eating or just simply taking care of as pets..."     

Kaley chimed in, "I'm having mixed feelings now… ARGH!"     

"That's one of the reasons I told you to just name one."     

"I know! I just-"     

"And if someone wanted a reci-"     

"You're making it worse!"     


Everyone continued eating as things calmed down but I could still feel Olivia's darting glare. It was like a prickly feeling in my back and I'm sure she had already imagined sending several knives through me. However, I just shook my head in amusement as I thought of ways to convert her once we had a free rabbit we could butcher. I was sure I could convert all of them just by tasting what I would be cooking once.     

We eventually finished eating and we started the meeting after clearing the area.     

"Okay~ Everyone, great work today. Our goals are being reached and we're steadily clearing the right side of our area, getting more people in our ranks and increasing territory. By tomorrow, we would be able to reach the end of the road which leads us to the canal system."     

Jared interjected, "So, one last push?"     

"To clear this place, yes. The people that would be coming with me tomorrow should get a good night's sleep since I need you in top shape. We've been on the winning side so far and I don't wanna screw it on the last stretch. Most of you received a small upgrade and remember that doing helpful things and surviving could lead you to more."     

Kaley asked, "Where are we heading into tomorrow?"     

"We'll be arriving into a small stretch of patched-up houses which is a squatter area of sorts. We should be careful about going in that place because Ken couldn't quite see anything from above and flying in a lower altitude to maneuver around was a little bit impossible because of the random materials sticking out."     

"Is the squatter area the last stretch then it's the canal system?"     

"No. We'll be coming across a few more houses and a few of them actually had their lights left on. We aren't sure if there would be survivors inside but we need to try our best to recruit them. We'll clear that area of the dead as well and we could start looting for essential items. After that, we'd have a huge area for our use."     

Russel nodded a few times, "Nice. We could safely get out once in a while."     

I chuckled as I turned to Ken, "Dude, do we have a status on the mob? Or even the DDR Camp?"     

"Uhh~ there are still no signs of them anywhere and I think they might've gone to a different area. I could only send the drones as far but they're definitely far from our radius. With the DDR Camps that you asked me to keep an eye- or actually an ear on, I discovered that a few civilians have started leaving their care."     

"Why? Did something happen?"     

"I heard someone reporting to their captain that a few of them went outside to go back to their homes with the reason of getting more supplies or items for their use. But… only a few managed to come back though the soldiers already have suspicion that they weren't planning to. In any case, they didn't bother looking for them since the priority was keeping the DDR Camp safe."     

'No one wandered here though…'     

"Unc, update on the shack?"     

"Yep, we just finished taking it apart. With that said, we could start covering it with more soil while Raphael here could set up a small irrigation system that connects from our water supply. Charlotte had already set up a plan in which seeds to plant but I'm thinking of transferring a few seedlings from the greenhouse over to that farm we're making."     

I nodded a few times, "That's good, that's good. Rin, how are we on food and other supplies?"     

Rin stood up as she adjusted her glasses, "With regards to our own supply, we are actually gaining more than we are losing them. Most of our sources come from your scavenging runs but our farms would beat that in the long run unless you came upon a few delivery trucks or something similar in which you could only get outside."     

"Of course, self-sustenance is the key. However, getting the most of what is just lying around is also important. There's also a great risk coming outside but that's a topic for another day. With that said, continue, continue..."     

"O-Okay… with regards to our farms, we've made a few harvests of some greens and animal product. Some of the greens were getting pickled in a jar by Oscar while Jo's family started making salted eggs from the products we got from the chickens. The goat milk we also got was just refrigerated but I think someone's trying to make some cheese. Derek's working on the fish ponds too and he said it will run on its own as long as we feed them. I… I think that's it."     

"Great job, everyone. Thank you. After we secure this place, a few of us would start teaching classes on the more practical side, the kind of things they don't teach in school. While we are here, try attending them or even offer help to the people doing stuff you aren't familiar with. I'll be focused on guns, close combat weapons, and hand-to-hand combat but you already know which ones to approach. Any questions?"     

Nicole raised her hand, "Can we come with you tomorrow?"     

"You two can come but you'd need to stay in the back like Jonathan. You've only been trained for a day and deadheads coming for you is different from a few cardboard targets."     

"That's okay! We can agree to that!"     

After a few more easily answerable questions, we ended the meeting.     

I checked my watch and it was 7:51 PM so I went to the gym for a quick workout. After that, I went for a quick shower and then I decided to clean the guns we've used today. I brought out the same tools as before but I heard a knock on the door. I put down all of my tools and I opened my door to discover Kaley at the other side.     

Kaley smiled as she looked at me, "You busy?"     

I smiled back, "I'm just cleaning some of the guns we've used and I'm checking on the ones in storage before I sleep. How about you?"     

"Nothing much… Oh! Let me help you then!"     

"You said it! No taking it back now!"     

"Of course! I'd also like to clean my M70 and the AR-15."     

"How responsible~"     

"Shut up! C'mon! Where do I start?"     

"Okay, gloves first..."     

Kaley and I had a bit of bonding time as we were cleaning the guns and I took it as an opportunity to teach her more of the stuff she wasn't familiar with. She was a quick study and she could easily pick up anything that I throw at her, making me enjoy our time even more. However, Olivia came knocking and she dragged Rin with her to watch more movies. She just dove on the bed and was already getting comfortable.     

I chuckled, "We're gonna do this every night, huh?"     

Olivia exclaimed with a huge smile on her face, "Well, you have the best place to do it in! Of course, we're gonna do this every night!"     

"Okay, okay… we're gonna be done here for a few more so just play something random or wait for us, okay?"     

"Oh! Let me watch you guys then! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!"     

Kaley suddenly exploded, "Olivia! Take it down a notch!"     

"Ah… sorry..."     

'Holy shit… that's scary… and kinda hot...'     

Olivia dialed down and just curiously looked around my room to find things to fiddle. Rin, on the other hand, asked a few questions about firearms but she got more interested when she discovered the katana in my rack. I let her hold it for the duration but after I warned her several times of how sharp it was.     

After a while, Olivia started asking questions about firearms too but she mentioned that she was too afraid to handle it. I wasn't sure if my answers stuck with her head because she just lost all seriousness when Zeus popped up and stood by my side. He would randomly speak to me by barking or woofing but I kept replying to him nonetheless.     

"That's the last of it, right?"     

"Yeah, thanks for helping me."     

We cleaned up for a bit and then we sat on the bed to finally watch some movies with everyone. I avoided the inevitable time of them going back and forth just to choose what to watch by playing something randomly. The opening credits started rolling out and it was a romantic comedy starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.     

Kaley and I just held hands under the blankets as we enjoyed the movie. She was leaning her head on my shoulder when it concluded but Olivia rolled over and stared at us.     

"Hey, you two. We know what's going on for a while now. Right, Rin?" Olivia turned to Rin.     

Rin nodded, "Yes, that's right. That's why we decided to bunk together so the two of you should do bunk together as well. It's only natural..."     

Kaley chuckled as she leaned over to Olivia, "You sure about that? Won't you miss me? Hmm? I could always stay with you, he's just in another room, right?"     

"I-I'm not a kid!"     

Rin interjected, "Umm, what we mean is that if we continue to grow larger in numbers, we might need more room for everyone. I already feel kinda guilty that I have a room for myself..."     

I chuckled, "Who said we're running out of room? Once we clear the place, we could have houses for everybody. You could have one for yourself if you like!"     

"B-But why are some of them bunking in the same room with like f-four or seven people?"     

"Hmm~ I think that the reason for that is that they feel safer with close proximity to each other. It's like watching a horror movie alone, it's much scarier but bearable when you're with your friends or family."     

Olivia fidgeted, "U-Umm, if you don't mind me asking... where is your... you know... your mom and dad? Are they-"     


"OLIVIA!!!" Kaley shouted as Olivia flinched.     


It took me a while before processing my thoughts because my scars started throbbing violently as I felt an increasing amount of pain. The air suddenly got heavy as the temperature lowered for a few degrees but I was just staring blankly into space. I wasn't moving an inch anymore as several unforgettable scenes popped into my head over and over.     

I was reminded once again.     

The screams, the blood, the smile, and the quiet.     

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