Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Can't Sacrifice This Time!!

Can't Sacrifice This Time!!

1Lu Qiang was angry, but he had to control it, as the person in front of him was his Grandpa, who he loved and respected a lot. He knew, sometimes, in the excitement, Grandpa had a habit of going overboard.     

Grandpa stood there without saying a single word further as he knew, even the tiny thing related to Lu Lijun can make Lu Qiang lose his mind.     

Lu Feng stepped towards Lu Qiang and stood beside him. He said while patting Lu Qiang's back, "Calm down. It's not that big of a deal. We can still handle him."     

When others saw how Lu Feng talked to Lu Qiang, they were pretty surprised to see this, but they thought it's because of Lu Lijun, as he was the most important and precious person in both elder brother's lives.     

Lu Qiang nodded to what Lu Feng said. He then took a deep breath and said while looking at others, "Everyone, go downstairs." He then looked at Lu Feng and said, "You stay."     

Lu Feng looked at him and said, "Even if you have asked me to leave, I would be here only because it's about my little brother too."     

Everyone went downstairs and decided to wait for Lu Qiang and Lu Feng to make Lu Lijun come out of the room.     

Lu Qiang knocked on the door and said, "Lu Lijun, It's me; open the door."     

There was no reply. Lu Qiang tried again and said, "I know you are upset with me. I am sorry."     

Still, there was no reply. It was not surprising for Lu Qiang and Lu Feng as it was indeed challenging to convince Lu Lijun once he was upset with something. He is like an angel when he is fine, but he will get really tough to handle at a time like this.     

There was a reason why Lu Qiang and Lu Feng pampered him a lot, and no one was allowed to behave harshly with him. For the last five to six years Lu Qiang and Lu Feng were taking care of him in their way. Even though they both never talked to each other, their understanding of handling Lu Lijun was always in sync.     

They didn't have to consult or ask each other what to do. When one is away, the other one will always be there to take care of Lu Lijun. It happened mainly during Lu Qiang's business trips.      

Lu Feng always tried to be around Lu Lijun whenever Lu Qiang went on his business trips. Lu Qiang, too knew that Lu Feng would be able to handle Lu Lijun, so he never felt worried whenever he was away.     

Other than Lu Qiang, Lu Lijun only listened to Lu Feng. Lu Lijun's anger was not easy to handle for the Lu family, but his two elder brothers were like a cold breeze to Lu Lijun's heart, who could cool him down anytime with only small efforts.     

Lu Qiang tried to convince Lu Lijun to open the door, but there was no reply as he expected. Lu Feng tried too, but still, there was no use.     

Lu Qiang and Lu Feng thought about the solution to open the door. Lu Lijun locked the door from inside, which was unable to open from outside even with the keys. This was not the first time when Lijun locked himself in, but he opened the door once he cooled down after listening to Lu Qiang, however, this time he was not ready to open it. Almost half an hour passed, persuading him, but there was no reply, not a sound or anything from inside.     

All the family members were worried too, as Lu Lijun never took this much time to come out after listening to Lu Qiang. This time the condition was complex, that even Elder Lu felt worried. He never imagined his words could affect him that badly. He was just sitting quietly to wait for Lu Lijun to come out. His wife looked at him and gave him an assuring nod that everything will be fine.     

Lu Qiang and Lu Feng decided to enter the room through the gallery of Lu Lijun's room. Lu Lijun's room was adjacent to his parent's room, and their galleries were facing the same direction and were away by a distance that could be covered with some effort.     

Breaking the door was not an option. In the past, the doctor suggested not to do it until and unless that's the final resort. Considering his condition, making him come out of the room on his own by talking to him is the best thing to do.     

Breaking the door was like forcing him to come out and going against his will, and that was not good in his case. He could have taken a different way to show his anger instead of locking himself in a room, and that was the other concern the doctor had, hence, locking himself inside the room was the safest option.     

He understood and came out on his own most of the time, but this time it took longer than usual, so Lu Qiang and Lu Feng started to feel worried.     

Both entered Lu Qiang's parent's room and headed straight to the gallery. The distance between the two galleries is not far, but, still, it was dangerous if one made a mistake.     

Lu Qiang removed his jacket and placed it on the gallery's railing. He then looked at Lu Feng and said, "I will cross this gallery; you stay here, it might be dangerous."     

"I will come too," Lu Feng insisted.     

"I will open the door once I enter the room, then you can come."     

"You know better; you can't do that until he permits you to open it, and I don't have that much patience to wait. I am his brother too, and I have a right to feel worried about him."     

Hearing Lu Feng, Lu Qiang didn't say anything to stop him but just said, "Okay, but be careful."     

Lu Feng nodded and said, "You too."     

Lu Qiang climbed the gallery and stood on its railing. He crossed the gallery in just one long jump. Lu Feng followed him and did the same. Both entered the room and were surprised to see the messy condition in the room. It looked like he was furious and threw away everything in his room.     

His books, toys, clothes in a wardrobe, bedsheets, and chairs were all thrown elsewhere from their original position. Toys were broken. Even the new gaming laptop bought by Lu Qiang for his birthday present was lying in one corner and looked like he threw that too.     

Both headed inside by crossing the mess in the room below their feet. They searched for Lu Lijun, but he was nowhere to be seen. Lu Qiang checked the other side of the bed while Lu Feng checked the bathroom, but he was not there too.     

Lu Qiang looked at the wardrobe and stepped towards it. He saw Lu Lijun sitting in the closet, leaning back to its wall while his eyes were closed. He looked like he had fallen asleep.     

When Lu Feng and Lu Qiang saw him, both of them gave out a sigh of relief. Lu Qiang checked on Lu Lijun to see if he could wake him up, but he was in a deep sleep. Both felt worried to see him sleeping at this time of the day.     

Lu Qiang carried Lu Lijun in his arms as Lu Feng opened the door for Lu Qiang to take Lu Lijun to his room. It was an unspeakable understanding between these two brothers.      

Lu Feng too followed Lu Qiang to his room, and on the way, he called Lu Lijun's doctor to check him.     

Lu Lijun's room was messy, so Lu Qiang took Lu Lijun to his room on the second floor. Also, whenever Lu Lijun behaved like this, Lu Qiang always preferred to keep him by his side in his room.      

Lu Qiang put Lu Lijun on his bed and covered him with the quilt. Lu Lijun looked calm and sleeping soundly while breathing steadily. Lu Qiang then leaned downward, caressed Lu Lijun's head, and kissed him on his forehead.     

Lu Qiang sat on the corner of the bed with a worried expression on his face. Lu Lijun was sleeping right now, but how he will react once he wakes up is the thing to be concerned about. Lu Feng stood near the bed.     

Lu Feng looked at Lu Qiang, put his one hand on Lu Qiang's shoulder, and said, "Don't worry. We can make him understand the things; he just needs time."     

Lu Qiang looked at Lu Lijun's calm face and said worriedly, "I know, but I don't want to do anything which can make him go back to the state where we pulled him back from."     

Lu Feng also looked at sleeping Lu Lijun and said, "He is a grown-up kid now, not five years old. We did our best till now, but now it's time to make him understand the things clearly."     

Lu Qiang replied, "I can't rush for anything. Just let some more time pass by."     

Lu Feng, "I am worried about him, but too much time might make it difficult for him to take things normally. Also, this time I won't be able to see you sacrificing anything for any reason. Understand?"     

Lu Qiang didn't react. He just listened to what Lu Feng said while looking at Lu Lijun. After a while, he replied, "This time, something is there that I can't sacrifice, and I want both of them in my life. I need to find a solution."     

Lu Feng felt relaxed after hearing these words and said, "You are right, but I think you don't have to worry this much." He then smiled and said teasingly, "I think Lu Lijun will like Yuyan a lot that even you will feel jealous of him."     

Lu Qiang smiled, "I hope this happens. As long as both can stay by my side, I am fine with anything."     

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