Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Surprised Yuyan...

Surprised Yuyan...

2Getting out of the bed, Jiang Yuyan stood up in front of her brother as she opened her palms, "Where is my gift?"     

Caressing her messy hair to tuck them behind her ears, Jiang Yang smiled, "Well…. that's a surprise which you will get in the evening."     

She looked at him, doubtfully, "Really?" Then I will be looking forward to it." Instructing, she went to the bathroom, not knowing her brother had really planned something for her, which might surprise her to her bones.     

Jiang Yang returned to his room, picked up his cell phone, and dialed Lu Qiang's number.     

Lu Qiang came out of the bathroom in a white bathrobe after having a shower, just then his cell phone rang. Picking up the cell phone, he saw Jiang Yang's name displayed on the screen and received the call, but before he could say a word, an impatient voice buzzed in his ear from the other side of the line.     

"Good morning! How is my dear brother-in-law?"     

The way Jiang Yang addressed him, Lu Qiang couldn't help but smile pleasantly, "Just got out of the shower," he replied casually.     

Lu Qiang didn't show what he felt; however, his heart jumped with joy because of what Jiang Yang called him, 'Brother-in-law.'     

He felt fortunate that Jiang Yang couldn't see him at that moment; otherwise, he couldn't imagine what his friend would have done with him.     

"Shower? It looks like I missed an eye-catching view. I envy my sister," Jiang Yang commented.     

Lu Qiang again smiled ear to ear, showing his cute canines but suppressed his smile and instructed, "Get to the point."     

"I hope you remember; today is my sister's birthday."     

Lu Qiang replied calmly, "I can never forget this day."     

"Well! I can guess that much. Let's plan something for her birthday."     


"I took a day off. Let's meet then. I will see you in your office, what say?".     



In the evening, the Jiang residence's doorbell rang. Jiang Yuyan was alone in the home. She opened the door and left surprised to see the person in front of her.     

Lu Qiang stood at the Jiang residence's door with the two gift boxes in his hands. One was quite bigger, while the other one was medium-sized, wrapped in a baby pink color, beautiful and attractive gift wrapping paper.     

Being shocked, Jiang Yuyan forgot to call him inside and stood frozen in her place while staring at him.     

"Can I come inside?" Lu Qiang asked, clearing his throat to get her attention.     

Coming back to her senses after hearing his words, Jiang Yuyan welcomed him, "Y...Yes! Come in"      

She moved to the one side to make way for him to enter the apartment and later closed the door.     

Lu Qiang stepped towards the living room with gift boxes in his hands, and Jiang Yuyan followed him. Stopping near the sofa, Lu Qiang turned around to look at Jiang Yuyan as he passed the gift boxes in his hands to her.      

"This is for you."     

Understanding, it was her birthday present, Jiang Yuyan received the boxes as she showed the gratitude, "Thank You," and stood there what to do next.      

"Won't you open it," Lu Qiang asked to break the awkward silence.     

"I will open it later."     

"There is something for you in that box. Open it," Lu Qiang insisted.     

Nodding, Jiang Yuyan walked towards the sofa and put those boxes on it as she sat down and started to unwrap them.     

There was a lavender color dress in the bigger box, with one tiny box having matching accessories with the dress. In another box, there was a pair of sandals. After checking stuff inside the box, Jiang Yang looked at Lu Qiang and said again, "Thank you."     

"Welcome." Saying he sat on the sofa and informed, "You need to come with me somewhere."     

Jiang Yuyan gave him a questioning look, so Lu Qiang replied, "Just get ready in this dress, and I will take you somewhere."     


Nodding Jiang Yuyan was about to lift the boxes, but Lu Qiang stopped her as he instructed, "I will get them for you. You go ahead."     

Jiang Yuyan agreed, and Lu Qiang lifted the boxes, as she led the way for him towards her room, upstairs.     

When they reached in front of Jiang Yuyan's room, she stopped and turned around, "I will take them from here."     

Saying she moved her hands forward to get those boxes from Lu Qiang, but he didn't look at her and continued staring at the door.     

Understanding the silent denial from him, Jiang Yuyan retreated her hands and opened the door of her room as she entered inside and stood at the entrance by holding a door to let Lu Qiang go inside the room.     

Lu Qiang walked straight towards her bed and put those boxes on it. In a single glance, he observed her room and turned around to leave it as he informed without looking back to her.     

"I am waiting downstairs. Take your time."     

When he left, Jiang Yuyan exhaled as if she was holding her breath for long. She moved to the bed and sat on its edge as he felt her heart pounding faster.     

When Jiang Yuyan saw him at the door of her home, she couldn't ask him directly, 'Why was he here?' When he said he would take her out with him, she could not ask, 'Where?' and 'Why?' When he said he would bring boxes to her room, she couldn't help but lead the way for him and felt like all those words choked in her throat.     

After that night, it was the first time when she faced Lu Qiang, and that was so sudden. She didn't know what to say or how to react and followed what he said as if she had lost all her senses. Calming herself, she got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get freshen up to get ready to go out.     

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