Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

If I Can Change The Past...

If I Can Change The Past...

0After some time, the Jiang family bid their farewell and left Ming Mansion. Ming Rusheng and Ming Lan were in the living room alone, sitting on the sofa.     

"Seems like someone stole my brother's heart." Ming Lan commented, smiling teasingly at her brother.      

She noticed the way he looked at Jiang Yuyan when they were talking.     

"What are you talking about?"      

Ming Rusheng didn't look at his sister and continued to go through his mobile though he knew what she exactly meant.     

"Nothing just..." She didn't talk much as she scared her brother might get angry.     


In the car, Jiang Yang looked at his sister, who sat calmly, staring outside the car's window.       

"Looks like my beautiful sister got one more handsome admirer," he commented.     

"I don't know what you are talking about." Jiang Yuyan felt tired to think about anything.     

"It's good! Anyways, I am happy with the only one special person as your admirer." He said, but She didn't pay any attention to him.      

Jiang Yang liked Lu Qiang for his sister, but his stubborn sister was not that easy to make her think about him. Somewhere he was sure his sister was greatly affected by Lu Qiang's presence, which never happened before even if the most handsome men surrounded her.     

In the evening, Mo Ruolan and Jiang Peizhi packed their bags and prepared to leave as they had a flight to the USA. Airport was quite far from their residence, so they had to leave early.      

Jiang siblings insisted on seeing them off at the airport, but their parents denied the request as it would be late for them to get back home from the airport. The parents said good-bye to their children and left for the airport.     

"I will miss them." Saying, Jiang Yuyan sat on the sofa lazily.     

"Me too." Jiang Yang too sat beside her lazily.     

Giving out a deep sigh, Jiang Yuyan spoke. "Tomorrow is your first day at the hospital, and you will be busy, but I have to stay home. So boring."      

"If you want, I can shift you to Lu Mansion right away," Jiang Yang teased.     

Jiang Yuyan exclaimed, "No need! I am fine being alone. I'll try my hands on canvas and paints."     

"That would be better."     


The next day, Jiang Yang started his work, and Jiang Yuyan spent her time alone at home. Jiang Yang was worried about his sister as she had to stay alone at home, so he called her whenever he got free.     

Jiang Yang called his sister again and again, which irritated her as his frequent calls did nothing but disturbed her work.     

Jiang Yuyan wanted to concentrate, but her brother gave her more attention than his patients. It was like his body was in the hospital, but his mind was at home. She finally switched off her cellphone.     

When Jiang Yang returned home around seven o'clock, Jiang Yuyan was nowhere. He went to his sister's room, but she was not there, so he went to her art room.     

Entering the art room, Jiang Yang saw his sister was busy with her piece of art. He couldn't see what she was drawing as the painting faced in the opposite direction, where he was standing near the door of the room.      

She was immersed in her work to realize her brother's presence. Sitting on the wooden stool, she held a color tray in her left hand and was busy painting with the color brush in her right hand.      

Jiang Yang coughed to get Jiang Yuyan's attention and stepped towards her as she looked at him surprisingly,     

"When did you come?" Jiang Yuyan asked as she put the color brush in her hand in the brush holder on the table next to her.     

"When you were immersed in your world." Informing, he moved towards the painting to see what his sister drew.     

"Stop! Stop! It's not complete yet. You can't see it," she held the painting board's corner with one hand, pretending to hide it.     

"Still, let me take a look," he insisted, taking a step forward.     

Jiang Yuyan exclaimed, "No!" and added, "But don't worry, I'll complete it soon. It's not done yet because of the continuous disturbances caused by your calls."      

Putting the color tray on the side table, she got up from the stool to take her brother away from the painting.     

He didn't insist much and looked at her from head to toe. She had color on her clothes, hands, and her face too.     

Scanning her, he asked, "Were you painting yourself?"     

Hearing it, Jiang Yuyan looked at her dress and her hands. She wore a white top and a peach color skirt that highlighted all the colors she used for the painting. She had a bad habit of wiping her hands to her clothes unknowingly.     

"You and your clothes got painted too. Go and get fresh first."     

Nodding, she stepped towards the door as she instructed, "I'll be back in 10 mins" and left in the bathroom direction.     

As she left, Jiang yang was about to walk out of the room, but he stopped and turned back towards the painting. When he saw the incomplete painting, his expressions changed, and he looked worried.      

He touched the image in that painting with his fingers looking sad and with his eyes moist as he mumbled.     

"I wish I could change the past. It's all my fault for not being able to be with you, Yuyan."     

He went to his room. Pulling out a cell phone from his pocket, he dialed a number.     

"Hey! Do you have any plans for dinner tonight?" Jiang Yang asked the person on the other side of the line.     

Person: No!     

Jiang Yang: "Let's meet for dinner tonight."     

Person: "sure!"     

Jiang Yang: "Decide the place and message me the address."     

Person: "Okay!"     

Jiang Yang: "See you then. Bye."      

He hung up the call and went to the bathroom to get fresh.     

After some time, Jiang Yang came to the living room, turned on the television, and sat on the sofa. Jiang Yuyan too came downstairs.     

How was your first day at the hospital." She asked as she sat on the sofa.     

"It was good. How was your day at home?" He asked while going through the different channels on the television.     

"It was overall good except for your annoying calls."     

"We are going out for dinner," he informed her, and she agreed.     

"Hmm, anyways, the cook is on leave today."     

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