Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Visit To Ming Mansion...

Visit To Ming Mansion...

0Jiang Yuyan had only two weeks to start her college and to move into the Lu Mansion. A week passed by during which the Jiang family visited Mo Ruolan's parental home in city S.      

It was a time for Jiang Peizhi and his wife to return to the USA, but before that, they decided to visit Mo Ruolan's maternal uncle.      

On Sunday noon, they went to her uncle's house. On the way, in the car, Mo Ruolan gave few instructions to her son and a daughter.     

"Remember one thing. Don't mention anything about the Lu family when we go there and don't even mention that Yuyan would stay at Lu Mansion unless and until it is necessary."     

Jiang Yuyan nodded, "Yes, Mom!"     

"Mom! We still remember it because of the same instructions you used to give us in the past. So rest assured," Jiang Yang commented,      

Mo Ruolan continued, "And remember that, you can't do or say anything which can upset my uncle."     

"Don't worry, Mom. We can't dare to upset Grandpa Ming. We love our lives more than anything." Jiang Yang chuckled.     

Elder Ming Shihong was Mo Ruolan's maternal uncle as she was the daughter of Elder Ming's sister. Mo Ruolan came to the capital for her studies, away from her home and family which was in the city S.      

During her University days, Mo Ruolan met Jiang Peizhi and fell in love with him. When she decided to marry Jiang Peizhi, the elder Ming was not happy because of the friendship between Jiang Peizhi and Lu Jinhai, but he knew Jiang Peizhi was a good man, so he didn't oppose much.     

At her wedding, the elder Ming didn't stay there for a long time. Just after the wedding ceremony, he left the venue because Lu Family was there.      

For Jiang Peizhi, elder Lu and Zhao Shuang were like his parents, so he couldn't get married without their blessings. Elder Ming knew it, and he didn't deny this fact. Aside from his problems with the Lus, the elder Ming was happy for his niece.     

The Jiang family reached the Ming Mansion, where Zhang Jie and Ming Yusheng welcomed them. Elder Ming was happy to see his niece and her family. As they sat in the living room, the servants brought them refreshments.      

When the elder Ming came to know Jiang Yang and Jiang Yuyan would stay in China, he offered both of them to stay in the Ming mansion, but somehow Mo Ruolan handled the matter without upsetting her uncle. still, the elder Ming raised a question of Jiang Yuyan's stay.     

"How can Yuyan travel daily such a long-distance? Let her stay here in Ming mansion, just as you stayed here during your university days, Ruolan," Elder Ming offered, showing the concern about Jiang Yuyan.     

"Ummm! Uncle...That..." Mo Ruolan didn't know how to explain it elder Ming. Even Jiang Peizhi kept silent and left it to his wife to handle her uncle.      

"What are you so hesitant about? Were you uncomfortable here during your stay?" Elder Ming was not happy seeing her reaction.     

"N..No uncle. How can it be?" Mo Ruolan said it with a forced smile.      

She felt nervous about how to answer it when she tried her best, not to mention the Lu family. Even Jiang siblings felt worried about their mother.     

"Then what's the problem? My grand-daughter Ming Lan is studying at the same University, so both will be a good company to each other," elder Ming asked again, his voice expressions serious and voice firm, that added the fuel Mo Ruolan's worry.     

Elder Ming's grandaughter, Ming Lan, was one year senior to Jiang Yuyan and was studying business management at the same University where Jiang Yuyan got admitted.     

Elder Ming's words made Mo Ruolan felt like he got caught in a hunter's net, but she couldn't lie to her uncle, as sooner or later, he will get to know about it.     

"Uncle, actually, we had arranged her stay at the University dormitory before, but elder Lu asked us to let her stay at Lu Mansion. We already agreed to it so...." She didn't know what to say further.      

Elder Ming looked at Jiang Yuyan, who sat silently beside her brother. He didn't bother to listen further and said, "Yuyan! Pay good attention to your studies and made us feel proud of you even more. If you need anything or any help with studies, then you can come to Ming Lan. She will help you." Saying it, the elder Ming looked at Ming Lan.     

Elder Ming didn't insist much as he knew nothing would change even if he insisted more. Also, he always avoided talking about anything related to the Lu family. It was a relief for Mo Ruolan, so she silently gave out a sigh and smiled.     

Seeing her grandpa looking at her, Ming Lan replied, "Of course, Grandpa! I'll help her." She smiled and looked at Jiang Yuyan.     

"Thank you, sister Ming Lan." Jiang Yuyan said while smiling back.     

Just then, elder Ming's grandson Ming Rusheng arrived at the home. Entering the living room, he saw the guests and recognized the Jiang family.      

Greeting them, he sat on the sofa near his sister. Elders were busy in their conversation, and the younger generation was busy with theirs.     

"I almost couldn't recognize both of you." Ming Rusheng commented, looking at Jiang siblings.     

"Same here. I, too, couldn't recognize you," Jiang Yang replied while his sister kept quiet.     

Ming Rusheng then looked at Jiang Yuyan as he smiled, "You have grown up to be prettier than before."     

"Thank you, brother Rusheng." Replying, she paid attention to what elders were talking about.     

She was not much interested in any kind of conversation with anyone as she was not in a good mood since the previous night.      

Elder Ming and his son Ming Yusheng teased Mo Ruolan by reminding a few funny memories of her childhood, to which Jiang Peizhi laughed out loud.      

Jiang Yang and Ming Rusheng were busy in their own conversation, but they also started to listen to those funny stories of the past and laughed.      

In between, Ming Rusheng peeked at Jiang Yuyan, who was smiling at listening to her mother's childhood stories. Sometimes he looked at her like he was in a trance.     


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