Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

I Will Be Your Knight...

I Will Be Your Knight...

2At Lu mansion.     

As everyone flitted to their room after the party, Lu Feng went to the garden and sat in the gazebo. His calm facade was overtaken by a smile when he recalled the incident of bumping into Jiang Yuyan. Her strange reaction had piqued his interest.     

"Finally… they are back."      

Saying, he looked around the gazebo, and a long-gone memory came to his mind.     

Lu Feng had accompanied Lu Qiang to the gazebo where the Jiang siblings sat. They saw Jiang Yuyan crying over her classmates' words, and her brother consoling her.      

To calm her down, Lu Qiang had promised to marry her, instantly making a smile appear on her face. The other two at the scene had been equally pleased that the little girl was finally feeling better.     

Having carried his new camera, Lu Feng offered up his services to the future bride and groom. He held the camera to his eyes and clicked the image of the two smiling.     

"I'll make two copies for both of you," Lu Feng informed as he added, "It will prove Lu Qiang's promise to you. You have to keep it safe so that he won't try to deny it later."     

She didn't utter a word, but she looked at Lu Qiang with a questioning sight. The innocence in her eyes could melt anyone's heart.     

"Rest assured, I will never break my promise," Lu Qiang swore as he looked at her.     

Jiang Yang, too, was looking at his sister. "That's right," he said fondly.     

"That's true, but you can still use it to show the boys in your class. If someone bullies you, tell me their names. I will give those idiots a beating they will never forget." Lu Feng promised with a crook of a smile.     

"Really?" Jiang Yuyan asked.     

"Yes! I will always protect you from those who wish to bully you."     


"Always?" She thought for a moment. "Do you promise?"     

"Yes. It's a promise. I'll be your knight forever." Lu Feng's voice was firm.     

Jiang Yuyan jumped with joy on hearing this.     

"We shouldn't forget to take a picture as a proof of oath!" the brother, Jiang Yang, chimed in.     

"Give me the camera. I will take the picture," Lu Qiang volunteered.     

"My cute princess and her smart knight, please stand here." Jiang Yang pointed to the vacant space between the two benches.      

Lu Qiang picked up a stick lying farther away and handed it to Lu Feng. "This is your sword."     

The photograph was clicked just like that as proof of their promise.     

Lu Feng opened his eyes and decided to make his way to the mansion. Upon entering his room, he moved towards the study table and picked up the small wooden frame placed on it.      

It had a picture of him in his childhood in which he held a trophy in his hand while smiling brightly. He sighed as he opened the back cover of the frame and pulled out the picture hiding behind at the back of the frame.     

It was the photograph they had taken that day, proof of his promise to Jiang Yuyan. He was standing in the corner of the patio, holding a stick in his hand like a sword as Jiang Yuyan stood behind him, holing the corner of his t-shirt on either side of his waist.      

Her face peeked out from behind him as if playing a game of peek-a-boo. They looked content with life in that picture, their smiles cute and childlike innocent still present.     


At Jiang residence.     

Once she was home, Jiang Yuyan wiped off her makeup and pulled off her clothes. Freshening up, she lay on her bed but was unable to sleep. Feeling annoyed, she decided to visit the gallery and get some fresh air.      

It was the same massive gallery in which one could enter through the corridor between Jiang Yang and her room. Both rooms could access the gallery, decorated with beautiful ornamental plants and a four-seater coffee table.     

She leaned on the railing of the gallery and let the cold breeze calm her down as she reminisced the moments she had spent with Lu Qiang, such as- meeting at the airport, bumping into him at the restaurant, and finally at the party.     

Distress bubbled in her heart as she began to feel the way she always did when he was close to her. Her heart raced, and her breathing became heavy. When she remembered the kiss, she snapped open her eyes and placed both her palms to her chest, checking her heartbeat.      

The buzzing in her ears made her incapable of hearing anything else as she took in a cleansing breath and exhaled with purpose. Suddenly, her breath caught up in her throat when someone placed their hand on her shoulder, almost startling her to death!     

When Jiang Yang was about to go to bed, he saw his sister standing in the gallery. Feeling curious, he came out of his room to go to her and put his hand on Jiang Yuyan's shoulder.     

She swiveled around and swore when she saw her brother. "Fuck! Why is everyone sneaking up on me today?"     

"Language!" Jiang Yang nagged.     

"You scared the hell out of me. Can't you make a sound?" Jiang Yuyan accused him, patting her chest, trying to calm herself down.     

"What? Where you thinking about someone and imagined them standing behind you?" Jiang Yang teased.     

"You're overthinking," she defended and moved towards the coffee table placed in the gallery. She sat down on the chair and put her feet on the table.     

"If I were to make a guess. You should be the one to overthink, little sis," Jiang Yang commented as paced towards the table.     

"What?" she asked absent-mindedly, staring at the starry sky.     

"You need to stop overthinking," he explained as he sat down beside her and looked up towards the sky.     

After a moment, he looked at her. She was staring at the sky blankly, no sign on mindfulness in her. He smiled mischievously, as he looked back towards the direction of the sky and silently said something that made his sister jump out of her chair.      

"How was the kiss?"     

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