The Alchemists

We Are Actually Immortals

We Are Actually Immortals

"Are you sure? Fifty years is a long time, you know," said Rose. She thought the man was just joking, so she decided to tease him back.     

"Rose, I can really wait for you for as long as you need. I want you to enjoy your life first and then we will get married later. If you are ready, I will come to propose to you right away, anytime," added Rune repeating what he said earlier as affirmation.      

Unlike most men, Rune's feelings deep in his heart cherished Rose and the girl's time. He also trusted Rose completely for their love. Rune wanted the best for Rose, as well as for himself.     

If Rune could make his woman happy, at any cost, then he would do it.     

Rune's words and expressions were so serious. This made Rose so surprised that she frowned. What's more with the silence that surrounded them, the sound of tree leaves blowing in the wind could be heard clearly, making Rune's voice sound even more assertive.     

Rose's free hands began to grip the shirt on her chest which was covered by her long brown coat. However, the look in the girl's eyes couldn't leave Rune's face, which had not changed its expression one bit.     

Rose then started to think logically about how much time would it take if the man was willing to wait that long? What happened if they got married at a very old age? But to imagine that, Rose needed to know in detail when Rune was born.     

Looking back, as Rune's girlfriend, the girl didn't know the date of the man's birthday. Finally, Rose asked, "By the way... Rune, I wonder when is your birthday. You never told me."     

The man then answered honestly, "I was born on August 10, 2024."     

Hearing Rune's answer, Rose nodded her head. "Okay."     

She was a bit absentminded when she heard his response and didn't immediately notice the year. Rose then began to think deeply and calculate how old Rune was now, as well as his age if they had to wait a long time to get married until she was satisfied with her life.     


When the girl had finished calculating in her mind, her eyes widened with a look of surprise evident on her face instantly, because, this was the year 2068. So, it meant that, if Rune was born in 2024, he would soon turn 44 years old this summer.     

Rose removed her hand from the shirt on her chest. She then raised an eyebrow and looked at Rune with an expression of disbelief.     

The girl asked, "You are joking... right? Why don't you tell me your REAL birthday."     

Rune cleared his throat and replied, "THAT is my real birthday."     

Rose slightly backed away from her seat to look at Rune carefully from head to toe. The man's appearance still looked like someone in his mid-twenties, not a man in his 40s and over.     

Rose's expression became more and more confused. Moreover, she knew that the man had never lied in front of her.  In response to Rose's question, Rune shook his head without saying anything.     

He wasn't joking. He did tell her the truth.     

"Rune, please..." Rose chuckled and shook her head, still thinking Rune was pulling her leg.     

However, the man still looked at her with the most serious expression. Wait... come to think of it, he did look quite serious today.     

Was he... not joking?     

Wait...! He couldn't possibly be serious, could he?     

Rose remembered that Rune had once said that he looked much younger than his actual age, and so did the rest of his family. Even when she met Rune's siblings, Rose had seen for herself that they still looked young, handsome, and beautiful.     

It all must be because of the facial and skincare routine they had, right? They could easily get access to anti-aging medicines and advanced treatment technology, belonging to the second richest family, The Schneiders, while the Linden family was number one. However, the two families were still one big family.     

Rose was getting more and more astonished in her heart. Sitting in this wide grass-bed garden actually provoked the girl to want to get up from sitting, then walk away from Rune and think more deeply.     

Because if he and his family were truly as old as he claimed to be, it means they had tackled skin rejuvenation for a lifespan that had reached twice its appearance. It's a little hard to believe. Especially if you are almost 50 years old.     

Rose was really confused now. She then touched her own head with a frown. Rose took a deep breath. However, even the wind that continued to blow, bringing cool air for them was unable to calm the complicated feelings in Rose's heart.     

Seeing the girl's pale face, Rune let go of Rose's hand which he was holding on to. He then pulled on the thin red and black striped scarf that continued to adorn his spring coat. Then the man put the scarf on Rose slowly to provide comfort for the girl.     

Rose raised her face and looked back at Rune.     

Still, the man's two blue eyes were still very sharp. Even though now his right hand went up to touch Rose's cheek and then moved to the side of the girl's head, his gentle actions were in stark contrast to his firm expression.      

The man really meant every word he just said.     

Rune finally answered frankly, "My family is indeed older than they seem."     

Hearing the explanation from the man, Rose still couldn't believe it because she hadn't found an answer. How was that possible? She then looked at Rune seriously right into his eyes.     

Unfortunately, from that face, she couldn't track a single lie. However, he actually looked even more serious. This made Rose realize that The Schneiders must be keeping a secret about their family and Rune had been trying to tell her.     

"H-how...?" Rose looked at Rune with knitted brows and the most confused expression.     

Rune cleared his throat, touched her arms gently, and said with the most serious tone, "We are actually immortals."     





From Missrealitybites:     

YES! Finally, Rune spilled the tea. I know I said I am trying so hard to end his story by May, but it's so hard to do when I have to do so many other works (that will bring in money to support my family - this book doesn't).     

I don't even have time to write my WSA entry, for the contest. I will keep trying though. I will publish one more chapter tomorrow for "The Alchemist", and hope I can also continue the others.     

In the meantime, do you want to check a book written by my mentee, Rossita? I LOOOOOVE IT and I AM OBSESSED WITH THE MALE LEAD... ahem, I mean the story... ahaha. I look forward to reading new chapters every day.     

The male lead, Liam Almandine, is mature, super strong, doting, and great in bed. Everything I've ever wanted in a 2D husband lol. Feel free to check the teaser in the next chapter. I am sharing with you the first three chapters of "The Alpha's Replacement Bride".     

The snusnu starts in chapter 2. Go ahead, indulge yourself in the story and have fun. I capped the cost for the next chapter at the minimum (5 coins) so you don't have to spend lots of coins to read it.     


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