The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Special Announcement!

Special Announcement!

0The Queen of Stonasia was in a frenzy. She couldn't believe that Alexa Grant could pull it off and bring in all her family from the Philippines. She still has no idea that Alexa is the first daughter of the United State Of America. She's still thinking that President Grant was only helping her out of the kindness in his heart at an uncle or distance relative. Only if she knew, she would surely have a heart attack.     

While the Palace was abuzz with the royal families from all over the kingdom, the resorts that were owned by Mega World were also filled with the Grant's, Wen, Tan, and Go, family. Everyone was preparing for the big event that would happen in less than 3 hours time.     

Alexa and Chrissy decided to pay them a visit while President Grant went to the Palace to have a game of chess with the King. Only the Queen was in a frenzy, everyone else was enjoying themselves.     


Alexa was in heaven when Andrea and Daniel arrived just in time that they also arrived at the resort.      

"Sister-in-law!!!! Oh, I'm so glad that you could make it. Hahaha!" She runs to Andrea and gives her a very tight embrace.     

Daniel pouted and gave his sister a glare. "What is this? Am I invisible that you could only see your sister-in-law but not your brother? What's going on here? Maybe I should just turn around and go back to America where people can see me." He banters as he spreads his arms waiting for Alexa to give him a hug.     

"Brother! I'm so' sorry! I was only excited to see that my sister-in-law was able to come. I didn't expect her to be here that's why. Give me a hug..." She then went to her brother and hugged him like a teddy bear before kissing him on both of his cheeks.     

"That's more like it! If you didn't give that kiss, I would not have forgiven you." He said while patting Alexa's back.     

Chrissy was only watching and waiting for them to acknowledge her. Even though they were close as true sons and mothers, she still doesn't want to impose on Daniel who had done so much for her daughter.     

"Mom! It's only a couple of days, but we already miss you so much." Daniel said after letting go of Alexa, he went straight to Chrissy to give his regards. They hugged and Andrea also went to them and joined. When Alexa saw that, she also went and joined the hugging session with all four of them.     

Suddenly, "Ahem! Ahem! What about the poor old me? Don't I get a hug too?"      

Grandmother Grant was seated on one of the lobby sofas trying to rest. He's too old for traveling long distances. But for her granddaughter, she would go to hell and back a couple of times.      

Everyone went to where grandmother Grant was sitting and joined her.      

No sooner than they had sat down, a voice from a distance was heard. It was Sophia and Albert Tan who just came from their room and decided to get some fresh air.     

"Cousin!" Chrissy said under her breath loud enough for Sophia to hear as she approaches them.     

"First Lady Chrissy, how are you?" Sophia thought to play with Chrissy and called her by her title.     

"I'm fine as always, thank you for asking... President Tan!" Banters Chrissy back at Sophia.     

After the much-needed introductions, they all decided that they would meet up at the garden in 30 minutes to give Grant's family a chance to freshen up and let grandmother Grant rest.     

Sophia had made a call to everyone to let them know of the plan to meet up in the garden for some refreshment since it's still early yet to go to the Palace for the family meeting. Everything was arranged and Alexa and Chrissy went with grandmother Grant, Daniel, and Andrea to their villa.      

Sophia and Albert went ahead and went out for a stroll around the resort while everyone was still making preparations.     


For very short notice, the palace was in grandeur for the events. It's only supposed to be a family meeting, but it turned out to be one big event. Reporters were outside the palace waiting for who would be arriving. The palace was shining brightly with all the lights and decorations.     

Due to the nature of the event's they only allowed a few reporters inside the throne room to cover and report what's happening. Others were only allowed outside the palace gates.     

Cars after cars came and the reporters were having a field day. No one knew why all the royal families were there, and they didn't care. What they care about is the news that there are some special events happening in the palace.     

When the time comes for Alexa's family to come, that's when the media goes crazy trying to figure out what's going on? Everyone is speculating, but no one knows for sure even the reporters inside the throne room.     

The King allowed a reporter from the United States of America, the Philippines, and one from the kingdom of Stonasia. That way, it's covered from all sides of the family. President Grant could care less, but if it will make the King of Stonasia happy, so be it.     


When it was almost the time, all the royal families gathered inside the throne room. Then all the king's advisors arrived, next to where President Grant's advisors. Following them were the Grant's, Wen, Tan, and Go families. Once they were situated inside, the king and queen of Stonasia arrived.     

Everything was ready except that President Grant, First Lady Chrissy, Alexa, and Crown Prince Alexander had not yet arrived. That upset the queen even more to the point that she's ready to announce to cancel the whole thing.      

People began murmuring and the Queen could hear it. It's irritating her more and more. She's counting the minutes and she began to hatch a plan to use it to her advantage. If they do not arrive in ten minutes...      

However, whatever she's thinking banished when she realized that people from Alexa's family were one of the richest people in the Philippines. She recognized Ann and Jeff, in which they had attended their wedding a while back.     

She was busy looking around the people from Alexa's family when the door opened and President Grant and First Lady Chrissy were announced. They walked towards the King and the Queen to greet them as a formality before they ushered them to the head table.     

Following them, the announcer named Alexa Grant was the daughter of the President Of the United State of America with Crown Prince Alexander of Stonasia.      

The Queen almost fell out of her chair when she heard the announcement... What shocked her more is when the two walked in, Crown Prince Alexander wearing the custom wedding clothes of the kingdom of Stonasia, while... Alexa was wearing a wedding gown...     

Alexa's arms were hooked on Crown Prince Alexander's arm as they walked towards the throne where the King and the Queen seated.     

The Queen's eyes were bulging out of the socket as they got closer and closer. Everyone was clapping and shouting joyous comments while the King had a big grin on his face. He raised his thumb up towards President Grant.      

When the Queen saw what the King had done, she almost painted, because she knew right there and then that they played her a fool...     

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