The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Dinner at the White House [Part-6]

Dinner at the White House [Part-6]

0President Grant, Daniel, First Lady Dianne, and Jane Si were already at the private family dining room waiting for Alexa's appearance. They all arrived earlier than the regular hours scheduled for dinner.     

"Where is she? What is taking her so long to arrive? Didn't you send a hairdresser and a stylist for her an hour ago, Aunty? Why isn't she here yet?" Jane Si was complaining while her mouth was pouted like that of a little child. She couldn't wait to see how the country bumpkin would look like in a famous brand's outfit and all made up.     

"She should be here any minute now, why don't you freshen up your drink. Don't you worry, no matter what she wears, she would not be any close to your elegant style, she's from a third world country after all." First Lady Dianne said to Jane Si arrogantly.     



Both President Grant and Daniel Grant exclaimed in unison. They were upset about the way First Lady Dianne was looking down on Alexa. President Grant had a scowl on his face while Daniel had a different kind of frown, his eyebrows almost touching each other.     

"Let me warn both of you right now! If I hear one more derogatory words coming out of those mouths of yours against Alexa, I will make sure you pay for it dearly. You understand?" President Grant scolded both of them sternly.     

Daniel, on the other hand, sat quietly with a scowl plastered on his face. 'What's wrong with my mother? She should be jumping for joy that she now has a daughter to be proud of instead of that spoiled brat Jane Si. Instead, she looks like she's miserable.' He thought while he watched his father scolded both of them.     


Alexa arrived just in time to hear the nasty comments that First Lady Dianne said. She was at the threshold of the private dining room when she heard them degrading her.     

Alexa knew then that she would have one hell of a hard time living with this First Lady. However, she had always been a fighter, and she knew what to do. Alexa grew up in the streets of Antipolo City hassling travelers to put food on their table. She would not let any First Lady or Second Lady lord over her and make her life miserable.     

Alexa already had enough of that back in the Philippines. Now that she had gotten to The United States of America, she planned to make the best of everything she had in front of her. Even if it meant she had to fight for her rights.     

Ria also heard the words that came out of the First Lady Dianne's mouth, and it tasted bitter. From then on, she decided that no matter what happened, she would stick around like glue to her lady boss. She would not let anyone bully her young Miss Grant: over her dead body.     

As Alexa hadn't made a move to go forward, Ria nudged her a little. "Miss Grant, I think you should announce your presence already. Don't you think so?" Ria's words had a meaning to it, and Alexa understood it clearly.     

However, she's still hadn't made a move. She just stood there contemplating whether she should go in or go back to her room. "What's wrong with me? It is not like they would eat me alive or something." She whispered to Ria while debating what she should do in the process.     

"Should I stay or should I go? Hahaha! That sounds like a lyric from a song." She jokingly told Ria to lighten the mood even just a little. Ria wasn't buying it at all. She decided to take it upon herself and announced without being obvious.     

"Miss Grant! Wait up. You don't know the way. Let me guide you!." She said it out loud so the people inside the dining room could hear her.     

"Ria! Shsss, be quiet, why don't you?! What are you trying to do, announce it to the whole world?" Alexa scolded her assistant for speaking out loud.     

Everyone inside the dining room heard Ria's loud voice and turned to look towards the door.     

"Oh! She's here. That's good. Now, we can eat; I'm famished." First Lady Dianne announced while ignoring Alexa in return.     

Alexa was going to turn around and leave, but they already spotted her so, she had no choice but to continue to enter Lion's den or more like Hell with the queen of Demons waiting for her.     

President Grant excitedly got up with a wide grin on his face, and he walks toward Alexa. "Come, come in!" He reached out for Alexa then ushered her toward everyone.     

"First let me make the introduction, then we can eat." He said it sternly while looking at First Lady Dianne.     

"Alexa, I want you to meet your older brother, Daniel."     

Alexa put the sweetest smile she could conjure before reaching to her new brother for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Bro!"     

Daniel got up and faced Alexa while one of his eyebrows was lifted high on his face, and staring straight at Alexa, "what's this? A handshake? What do you take me for?"     

Alexa felt embarrassed, and she hurriedly pulled her hands back before apologizing to her older brother. "I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking." She mumbled while looking at the ground unable to face Daniel Grant. 'Too much for welcoming a family member, I guess.' She thought sadly.     

"Hahaha! What's wrong with you? What's with the shy look? From what I read about you in your profile, you are a fighter; Where did that girl go? Bring my sister back? Hahaha!" He then pulled Alexa into a tight embrace. "Hahaha! Welcome! Little sister! Show that fighting spirit of yours, don't ever let anyone intimidate or walk over you. Understand?" Daniel advised Alexa while still holding her in a very tight embrace.     

"Bro, brother Daniel, please! I can't breathe..." Alexa whispered while trying to wiggle out from his embrace.     

"Oh, apologies! I was too excited to finally meet my little sister that I hugged you a little too tight." Daniel released Alexa, not before he kissed her on her forehead to welcome her to the family.     

"Lil, sis...If you ever...I mean ever...need my help for anything, say the word, and I'll come running. You hear me?" Daniel said to Alexa while holding her face with his two hands.     

Alexa wasn't sure how to reply, all she could do was a nod and smiled sheepishly. "Ok!"     

President Grant was getting impatient and a little hungry. "Alright! That's enough. Let me introduce her to your mother and Jane so we could start eating. I'm also hungry, and I could eat a Lion. Hahaha!" He told Daniel while grabbing Alexa's hand and bringing her next to him.     

The introductions were swift. First Lady Dianne and Jane Si nodded to acknowledge her then continued chatting with each other as if no one else existed. President Grant patted Alexa's hand and looked straight in her eyes without saying a word. 'I'm sorry!" was written all over his face.     

That's all that Alexa needed, and she did not care what the two 'bitches' were thinking and planning on doing. She could care less; all she cared about was what her newfound father and older brother...     



Alexa was given a seat towards the right side of President Grant, while on her right hand, Daniel. She was in between her father and brother, and they made sure that the two women would not have a chance to give her a hard time.     

Between President Grant and Daniel, Alexa never once felt unwanted. They made the whole dinner very welcoming for her. She ate comfortably without restrictions.     

Jane Si and First Lady Dianne continued talking nonsense with each other so that they could ignore Alexa the whole time. When they realized that the two men gave their full attention to Alexa, they found a way to make her feel uncomfortable.     

"Alexa, why don't you try this pork adobo, it's prepared especially for you. Isn't that right Aunty?"     

"Yes, please! Do taste it; you would be able to tell the difference. It's not the same as the one from your country; I guaranteed you that." First Lady Dianne scoops a hefty size of the serving, and while holding the serving spoon in the air overflowing with pork adobo, she motioned to Alexa to bring forth her plate...     

Alexa was unable to move. She knew that First Lady Dianne was doing it on purpose to embarrass her. President Grant, Daniel, and Jane Si were all looking curiously at her making it hard for her to breathe.     

Alexa was contemplating, trying to decide if she should comply and bring forth her plate, accept the massive portion of pork adobo which would make her look like a glutton. Or... However, no matter what her decision might be, she would not be in good terms with First Lady Dianne that was for sure.     

[It's one of those sayings, Damn if you do, and Damn if you don't] 'What to do... What to do...?     

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