The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Dinner at the White House [Part 2]

Dinner at the White House [Part 2]

0Ramon's mind was too far away and in deep thought of Alexa's whereabouts. Therefore, he did not see a car coming as he crosses the street towards his car. Suddenly a loud horn was heard, and the vehicle swerves away to the right side of the road. The driver of the car opened his window and started cursing Ramon as loud as he could.     

"Man! If you want to kill yourself, please!!! not on my account, I have a family to support, and I don't want to rot in jail. Get a life man!" He then speeds off right after his outburst, leaving     

Ramon who's still shocked from what had just happened stood there in the middle of the street for a while, before continuing to the direction of where his car was parked.     

"Wow! That was a close one, I need to get my act together or I would not be in good shape or might not be around when Alexa does come back. If she ever will." He mumbles to himself as he got inside his car and drove off.     

On the way back to his hotel, Ramon received a call from his mother.     

"I want you to come home right away. There's an important thing that requires your presence. Forget about you bringing your fiancee for now. What's more, important is for you to come back."     

Ramon has not planned on going back home without Alexa. However, since his mother emphasize that it's an urgent matter, he must go back no matter what the cost.     

"Yes, mother! I will be on the next flight available... See you in a couple of days." Ramon hangs up while his eyebrow almost touched each other from overthinking...     


Meanwhile, in Stonasia, Prince Alexander was being reprimanded by the King. He's been given an ultimatum, and if he doesn't bring in a fiancee by the next day, Lady Antella would be his bride when spring comes.     

"I'm sorry to say this your Highness, but Lady Antella and I would never be husband and wife even if hell freezes. She likes someone else, and I'm not going to be in between to people who love each other. Is not right, not right at all." Prince Alexander made himself sound like a hero saving a damsel in distress. Giving the King a sad looking face as he speaks.     

"What you mean she's in love with someone already? How could that be possible when she's never around male species except you. Tell me! Who are this person and I will make sure that his out of the picture."     

"Father! What do you mean you're going to get rid of the other person? What are you a gangster? I mean what I said about Lady Antella and Me, we are not right for each other. Believe me when I say it, and please... give me time to find my wife. I already have one in mind. Alright!" Prince Alexander made himself sound pathetic and about the burst into tears.     

The King was not buying it, but at the moment he has no choice but to find a middle ground or Prince Alexander might not get married at all. "Alright, I will let you bring this woman that you want to marry, whenever that might be. In the meantime, I want you to start attending to your duty as Prince of Stonasia."     

Prince Alexander felt immediate relief to hear that the King is willing to meet him halfway. "That's a deal then, starting tomorrow I would do my duty and served the Country." He then took a bow and about to turn around and leave.     

"Whoa! Wait for a second, and I'm not done yet." The King called him back to listen to his order.     

"Your first duty would be to attend a function at The United State of America. The First Lady Dianne is having a Birthday party, and we are invited. Unfortunately, your mother the Queen is not close to that person, and she doesn't want us to attend. That's where you come in and your duty as a Prince. You understand what I'm asking you to do?" The King was adamant with his order and not taking no for an answer.     

Prince Alexander was about to decline, but when he saw the way the King was glaring at him... "Of course, it would be my pleasure to represent our Country and attend this wonderful party." He said jokingly to his father trying to lighten the mood.     

The King was happy with his reply and smiled after. "Make all the necessary arrangement, and you are to fly there within a Month time. Don't do anything to embarrass our Country or you will pay dearly. You got it?"     

"Yes! Your Highness the King, this Prince will make you proud. I might even bring you a Princess when I come back after that." Prince Alexander banter jokingly to the King, not knowing that the person he's currently spending so much money to find is there. He would be in for a shock once they meet again if they ever do...     

Author's note:     

Ranking for mass release:     

Top-50 [1 bonus chapter]     

Top-20 [3 bonus chapters]     

Top-10 [5~20 chapters] You all know which one is for 20 chapters mass release,     

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