Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Teasing their parents.

Teasing their parents.

0"Why are our parents taking so long?" Edmund, a twelve years old boy, asked his sister Esmeralda.      

"They might have overworked," Esmeralda answered.      

"Why do they always overwork at night?" Diana asked, wondering. She is Harry's daughter and she is the same age as Edmund.      

"Dad told us that he and mom feel more energetic at night? They always overwork at night" Edmund told her.      

"Even my parents say that" Diana agreed.      

"Mine as well. They mostly stay in the study room" Adrian, Katherine's son agreed. He is one year older than Diana and Edmund..     

"We didn't ask you," Edmund said.      

"Guys… stop" Diana sighed. These both always quarrel!      

"It seems like there will be a love triangle between these both" Esmeralda whispered to Margaret, Griffin's daughter.      

(In case if you forgot who Griffin is, he is Brina's cousin. The son of the villain and step brother of Diego, Camilla and biological brother of Natallie (Ethan's wife))      

Margaret is a few months older than Esmeralda and they are going to University together.      

Apart from being cousins, they are best friends too.      

"Seems like it." Margaret whispered back.      

But little they know that they would soon be in the same situation.      


Meanwhile, everyone is waiting for Brina and Louis so they can have a family breakfast before sending Esme and Margaret to University.      

"I bet those both will be rolling on bed, right now" Harry, Brina's brother, whispered to his wife, Rhianna.      

"Tell me something I don't know" Rhianna whispered back.      

"I already pity our daughter," Rhianna whispered.      

"Why?" Harry asked.      

"Our daughter and Edmund will be married when they grow up. What if he keeps her in bed this long" Rhianna whispered, thinking way ahead.      

"God! Anna! Don't even think about it. I will not let him hurt my daughter! Hmph!" Harry scoffed in a low voice while he glared at his twelve years, soon to be son in law, who is busy pouring orange juice for his daughter, Diana.      

"You guys are making me laugh." Will, Brina's nephew, now the King of kingdom Wentris chuckled.      

He is twenty four now and his wife Meg has already given birth to a daughter and triplets. Their daughter is four and their sons are two years old.      

"Seriously! See how your uncle is keeping your aunt busy!" Harry complained. He is still as protective and possessive as he was many years back.      

"You shouldn't be talking about this with Will, Harry! He is no different than Louis." Ethan, Louis's big brother said.      

He is still mad at Will for making Meg pregnant at an early age.      

"Exactly!" Diego tried to cool his brother in law, Ethan by taking his side.      

"You don't have a say in this as well" Ethan snapped.      

Ethan is mad at Diego too. He impregnated Eliina, his only sister when she was barely twenty three.      

"Okay" Diego said, shrugging his shoulders.      

"He will cool down" Eliina patted Diego's shoulder.      

"Babe, it's been eleven years and your brothers are still mad at me" he pouted.      

"I already warned you to be careful" Katherine, Brina's best friend and Eliina's cousin told Diego.      

"I do regret a little bit but that's okay" Diego said.      

Everyone in their family is here. In short, every Royal family from five Kingdoms.      

Kingdom Aletros is now flourishing as they have the best King and Queen, Edward and Sabrina (Louis and Brina).      

Kingdom Wentris (Brina's birth kingdom) is also happy and prosperous under their new, young King and Queen whom the whole Kingdom has shipped for years. William and Megan (Meg).      

They were always adored from their childhood. From being best friends to childhood sweethearts, teenager lovers to a dating couple and then to parents and to wife and husband... the whole Kingdom has seen every phase of them.      

So, they are like a family to everyone in kingdom Wentris.      

The other kingdoms are no different. One is being ruled by James and Katherine who are the coolest and also powerful couple.      

The other one is ruled by Remus and Penelope.      

The last one is ruled by Remus's brother.      

Everyone is pretty close just like a family and besides the Royal couple here, Harry and his wife Rhianna, Ethan and his wife Natalie, Griffin and his wife Sarah, Diego and Eliina, Nickolas and Camilla, Charlotte and her brother Calvin… everyone are in the peaks of their career.      

They always meet for every occasion no matter how small or big it is.      

A two weeks every year is a mandatory and the privacy of their children are always protected.      


"Sorry, we got late," Louis said as he led Brina to their seats.      

Brina's face is glowing and radiant with a beautiful and content smile, indicating how happy she is.      

"Hope you had 'good night' sleep" Katherine, Brina's friend teased.      

"Looks like they really had" Eliina, Louis's sister added, supporting her cousin, Katherine.      

"Good morning, mum" Edmund who was sitting on his chair greeted as he ran and hugged his mother.      

"Good morning, my pumpkin" Brina hugged him and placed sounding kisses on his cheeks.      

"Young man, I am here as well" Louis told his son, who is not only distracting his wife but also ignoring his presence.      

"Good morning, dad," Edmund indifferently greeted.      

"Baby, are you angry at your dad?" Brina asked her son who was glaring at her husband.      

"Sis told me that dad made you overwork and that's the reason you are late for breakfast" Edmund said.      

Katherine and others who were sitting near them started laughing at Edmund's innocent remark.      

"Esmeralda!" Brina chided her sixteen years daughter with her cheeks like red.      

Her daughter is too smart for her age and it is too obvious that she knows everything.      

"Mum, I didn't lie right? You and dad were overworking on Kingdom natters. What is there to blush about?" Esme asked, giggling inside.      

She loves how her mom gets flustered when it comes to these matters. She looks cute...      

"Dad, did I say anything wrong?" Esme asked Louis who was trying not to laugh.      

"Like mother, like daughter" Griffin, who is Brina's cousin and has seen how Brina was in her teenage years, said, making everyone chuckle.      

Later, everyone finished with their breakfast and Esmeralda, Elizabeth got ready for their University orientation, not knowing what all were planned for them.      


Hi guys... Your author here.      

I will be uploading a bunch of epilogues from today and one of the reasons for that it is to announce to my beloved readers that I am back from my break and I have started a new book.      


This is the name of my new book and I am sure you guys will love it if you enjoyed reading Royal love.      

I am hoping to see you all there.     

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