Tricking My Cold Lover

He Called Me an Old Man

He Called Me an Old Man

0It was nearly lunchtime, and Yanmei was still fast asleep. Anton Yeong received an important call from the old factory, pertaining to the syndicate that had been attempting to rob them for months.     

He badly needed to wake her up. "Yanmei, wake up."     

Yanmei merely rolled to the other side, hugging another pillow and said, "Hmmm, Teddy."     

"YANMEI!!!!" He finally shouted at the top of his lungs. Not only did he need to leave, but he was beginning to get irritated hearing the name, Teddy.     

Startled, Yanmei nearly jumped out of bed, hearing the familiar man's voice call out her name. She turned to the direction of the voice and as soon as she saw Anton, her eyes grew wide in shock. She said, "Yeong??!! What - what are you doing here?"     

Anton was giving her a resentful stare before saying, "I came back last night to give you back your phone! I found you drunk and calling the name Teddy! Who - the - fuck is Teddy?"     

Yanmei's mouth fell open. She soon covered it with her hand, hoping she did not reveal anything to him.     

"Yanmei, answer me?!" said Anton in a spiteful tone.     

Her mouth started to move, but no words came out. She kept giving hand gestures, but when Anton repeated his question, she cleared her throat to prepare an answer, "Teddy? Did I tell you who is Teddy?"     

He walked even closer to the bed with his arms folded against his chest. He said, "Would I ask you if I already knew?"     

"Phew!" Yanmei let out a sigh before slamming herself back to bed. She then explained, "Teddy is a teddy bear… Lately, I have been dreaming of a teddy bear."     

"So you dreamt of a teddy bear and began naming him, Teddy?!" He probed again to make sure his understanding was correct.     

"Yes!" She responded swiftly. "That is exactly how it happened… As far as I can recall - Wait…how did you even get in here last night?"     

Anton's eyes thinned at her. Just as he was relieved that Teddy was a teddy bear, apparently, Yanmei did not seem to recognized the turn of events from last night. He began to doubt if Yanmei remembered pecking him on the lips. He asked, "You mean, you don't recall?"     

"What should I… remember?" She asked while raising one of her brows.     

"You don't remember at all? Not even this?" Anton said while pointing his finger at his lips, rotating his forefinger around his mouth.     

Confused, she asked, "Why are you doing like that with your finger?"     

"What exactly… was the last thing you remember?" Anton asked.     

Yanmei began to think really hard from what she could recall last night. When she was sure of what had happened, she said, "The last thing I remember was falling asleep on the table… then - then dreaming of the teddy bear!"     

She immediately saw the doubt in Anton's face that she repeated herself, "I swear! That's all that I remember. I -I don't recall anything else."     

Yanmei saw a hint of disappointment on his face that she tried to ask about last night, "Why? What happened exactly?"     

The dismay on Anton's face became even more apparent that Yanmei began to fear if she had told him he was Teddy. The next thing she knew, he started walking outside her bedroom without any further explanation.     

"Wait! Yeong!" She called out to him. She ran as fast as she could asking him, "Yeong! Wait did we sleep - "     

"I did not touch you and I would not dare touch you! I only stayed with you because you were too drunk to care for yourself… plus, you kept asking me to stay, calling me Teddy." He started explaining with his voice raised but eventually, toned down towards the end.     

"No point in trying to make you recognize. You were obviously too intoxicated."     

"I need to go to the old factory and will probably be there for two weeks - "     

"Two weeks?" Yanmei asked, shocked to learn she would not see him for two full weeks.     

"Yes! Tentatively. Two weeks. I'll ask Minsuh to drive you every day while I am away. In the meantime, think… think carefully about what you did last night. Goodbye," he said before quickly turning his back on her.     

Anton quickly found the door and shut it, not waiting for Yanmei to reply.     

Realizing that Anton was angered, Yanmei brushed her hair with her fingers. She asked herself, "My goodness… What did I do? I hope I didn't tell him that I like him -No shoot! Yanmei! You don't like him! Stop it!"     

Yanmei tried to convince herself that her realization was unreal. She went back to her room trying to recall what happened last night, but it was all a blur to her. She hoped that she would remember soon so she could explain herself to Anton.     

Meanwhile, Anton was driving himself, on the way to the old factory. He called his assistant and instructed, "Junsu, I want to leave for China after three days. Have the private jet prepared."     

After ending the call with Junsu, he called his half-sister in Guangzhou, Li Wen. When his call was answered, he immediately said, "Wen, I need to get all the information about Yanmei's father and her half-sister. I want every single detail about them."     

Li Wen: "Well, good morning to you too. Why do you need their information?"     

Anton: "I'll be in Guangzhou in three days. I need to personally take care of some pests."     

Li Wen was silent for a second, but she made sure her understanding was correct. She asked, "Do you mean Yanmei's father and his daughter? We already blocked them from entering the company."     

"Yes, exactly! I want to bring Xia Zihao down and I will include his mistress and daughter with him. Blocking them from the Royal Dragon is not enough," Anton answered.     

"Why are you getting involved?".     

Anton did know how to uphold his plans, but the reason he could come up with was equally justifiable enough. He said, "He called me an old man."     

"Oh," said Li Wen. "Knowing you, that is indeed a grave sin. Okay then. I'll send you what I have."     

"Also have them under twenty-four-hour surveillance," he added.     


"Oh, and by the way, find out for me if there is anybody related to Yanmei by the name of Teddy."     

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