Tricking My Cold Lover



0Yanmei was frowning as they head to their supposed dinner date. Even if Seo-jun did not find a long-sleeved dress that had a turtleneck, the fact that Anton insisted for a moment, made her upset. She earnestly liked the dress she was wearing.     

Thankfully, Anton settled for a coat, long enough to cover her knees. It was because she threatened not to go that he finally compromised.     

She could not comprehend his actions. He suddenly became upset for no reason. She initially thought that Anton seemed jealous over the actor who was trying to catch her attention, but then again she asked herself, 'Why would he? How could he?'     

She took back her suspicion simply because she realized; he was acting the part of a jealous boyfriend. She tried to convince herself and said in silence, 'Yes, that's right, Yanmei. He needs to make this as believable as possible.'     

They drove for nearly half an hour to arrive at the Four Seasons Hotel, not speaking to each other. When Minsuh pulled up at the driveway, Yanmei saw several reporters outside, ready with their cameras. She could only assume this was the result of Junsu leaking Anton's supposed date.     

Minsuh opened the door for them, and Anton got out of the car first. He then took a second to acknowledge the presence of the reporters before turning back to receive Yanmei by the hand.     

Yanmei held on to him tight. She took a deep breath before finally stepping outside the vehicle. In a split second, the reporters took pictures of her but she was quick to look down. She heard Anton say, "Enough pictures, please… That's enough. My girlfriend and I are both private individuals."     

'Girlfriend… that's right, girlfriend... I am a pretend girlfriend. I have to play the part,' said Yanmei to herself before looking up to give a weak smile.     

Still, the reporters continued to take pictures, even attempting to ask personal questions.     

"Mr. Yeong, what's the name of your girlfriend?"     

"What about Baek Hei-ran, Mr. Yeong?"     

"What's your name, Miss?"     

The name Baek Hei-ran irked him, that he took a chance to answer, "I was never in a relationship with Baek Hei-ran. I just want to make that clear."     

"I, Anton Yeong, gave you the chance to take one picture, not two, but one. If you continue to pester us, prepare to lose your jobs! Now… scram," Anton firmly said. Although he did not yell, the reporters backed up, knowing that he was a man incapable of giving empty threats.     

When the reporters cleared the path for them, Anton put a hand behind her back before walking her inside the property. Yanmei, on the other hand, was silent the whole time as she was being guided to the hotel lobby.     

"Are you okay?" He asked sincerely.     

She nodded and said, "Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"     

They made their way to the hotel's rooftop where Anton had reserved the entire garden terrace for their dinner date and the sight of it caught Yanmei by surprise. Her earlier dismay diminished, and a candid smile appeared on her face.     

The rooftop not only had a perfect view of the entire city, but it was also decorated with roses and tulips, mostly in her favorite shade.     

'Did he… Did he do this for me?' She asked, thinking that everything up to now highlighted her favorite color; purple.     

A band was playing ballad music at one side of the outlet and the area was cleared only for them, with one table at the centermost part of the rooftop.     

She heard Anton clear his throat and said, "Let's go and have dinner so we can go home early."     

She nodded and walked towards the table, but she was pulled back by his hand. She turned back to hear him say, "You can take off your jacket now."     

Perplexed, she asked, "What? But why did you earlier insist that I cover myself?"     

Anton put a hand on his temples, thinking of what to say. After a second, he looked up to her and said, "Earlier, I heard from the news that it will become very windy and cold, but being out here now… It really isn't that cold."     

"No! I think I like this coat!" Yanmei felt like being stubborn this time around. "Tell me, Anton. Why were you upset earlier and why did you want me to change into another dress, to begin with?"     

She shook her head and looked straight into his eyes. She said, "Tell me... honestly."     

"Look," said Anton. He was also shaking his head, trying to find a good excuse and eventually, he spoke again, "I -I did not want you to worry. That actor you saw back there? He has a history of harassment. Yes - That's right. He was probably thinking you were alone and was planning to wait for you outside the boutique! We won't ever know what goes behind a perverted mind."     

"Yanmei, I was just looking out for you. He was glancing at your neck and chest intensely. I did not like how it was going," Anton further reasoned as he caressed his chin. "So I figured to scare him away and have you change."     

Yanmei's eyes grew wide in horror. She recognized the actor from one of the TV series that was currently ongoing and could not believe such a face had a disgusting record. "Oh my goodness, how horrible! He was so good-looking!"     

Seeing that Yanmei believed him, he said, "I know... So you always need to be careful... Now, let's eat. I'm hungry. You may keep the coat on if you like."     

She shook her head and said, "No. It's fine. Let me take off my jacket."     

"Hmmm…" Anton felt triumphant. He nearly gave as smirk but he held himself back.     

As they took their seats, Yanmei asked, "By the way Yeong, how did you know that I like purple?"     

She saw him staring blankly at her that she added, "The flowers you gave me were mostly in the same shade of purple. This dress is purple and this whole set-up is purple in themed!"     

Anton lightly pulled back his head, Seemingly scanning his surroundings. He said, "Purple? Is your favorite color purple? I - I honestly thought most women like purple."     

"Oh! Haha! We'll that's true," said Yanmei as he put a table napkin on her lap. "I also had this info on the company profile."     

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