Offer to the CEO

Getting Married - Part 3

Getting Married - Part 3

0Tuesday, continued …     

Hou Yi and Anna Jones followed Official Song, down the corridor that Official Song motioned then down in the Civil Administration Bureau to complete the necessary formalities for the issuing of their marriage certificate.     

The longer they walked down the corridor, the more overwhelmed Anna became with what was to happen, in the absence of her parents. She had only agreed to obtain their marriage certificate here, based on a lie, but despite her relationship with her parents she had wanted them with her on such an occasion.     

Hou Yi, paused as he noticed Anna was not coping. He bent down and whispered to her "I can guess what your problem is. You are wishing your parents were here. Do not worry. I arranged the booking for a room that films the issuing of marriage certificates. While I did it, because I wanted confirmation for my father and grandfather of the wedding, it now has a more important task, you can show your parents this, so they can see their little girl getting married, despite not being here."     

Anna looked up at Hou Yi. She recognised that Hou Yi was giving her something she did not expect, her parents being able to see this day. Even though that was not why he made the arrangements, he did recognise the importance of it for her. She contrasted the arrangements Lu Jinhu apparently made for them, it was all about him and his parents, nothing for her.     

Anna thought, how could she had though herself in love with him when he was so selfish. Yes, Hou Yi was selfish, but unlike Lu Jinhu could think of others. Anna accepted at least she was getting a good deal in marrying Hou Yi, compared to what she would have gotten marrying Lu Jinhu.     

Official Song noticed that the couple he was about to issue their marriage certificate to, were not behind him. He turned and noticed CEO Hou, and Miss Jones, standing in the middle of the corridor looking into each other's eyes, oblivious to everything around them. He was so surprised, as what he was observing was so full of emotion and by all accounts that CEO Hou was a cold person who never displayed emotion     

Official Song looked at his watch and realised if he did not get them moving soon, he could not complete all the formalities before the next couple was due. While for almost anyone he would make them wait for CEO Hou, he knew for this couple he could not. The young bride only had weeks to live, with incurable cancer. The young groom, just wanted to call her his wife, legally, and the families had agreed, despite the pending tragedy.     

Reluctantly, Official Song, walked up to the couple who were still oblivious to his presence "Sorry CEO Hou, Miss. Normally I would let you take as much time as you needed, but there is a need to use the room after you. I would put them off, but the circumstance are such that I cannot for the young couple involved."     

This stopped Hou Yi and Anna, from their thoughts about what they were about to do. Anna blushed, realising that Official Song must have believe that they were so much in their own world that they forgot about everything else.     

Hou Yi stated, "No problem, Official Song."     

With that, Hou Yi and Anna followed Official Song into the room where their marriage certificate would be issued.     

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