Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Tiny Dots

The Tiny Dots

0Yang Lina.     

It sounded complete…     

Yang Lina looked at Xinyu with admiration in her eyes. "Thank you."     

"Lina, you have to think from your mother's point of view also. She couldn't leave her son to be with you. You had proven that you could take care of yourself, which was a huge satisfaction for her. And now she has parted with you by gifting you with the most expensive and closest to her heart diamond ring," said Yang Xinyu lifting her hand. "So be happy darling…" he kissed her forehead.     

Yang Lina nodded and wiped her tears.     

A week later, when Yang Lina was having her lunch, she experienced a terrible pain in her belly. It lasted for a second only. She thought it was just an episode similar to what she had earlier. So she quietly continued eating. There was no one at home and Mrs. Jiao was serving her the lunch.     

Wu Lina finished her lunch and got up from the table. But she had walked just two steps and the pain returned. She pressed her hands to her belly and bent a little, her face was contorted.     

Mrs. Jiao hurriedly came to her side and asked, "Missus, are you okay?"     

The pain subsided again.     

She said, "It's okay Mrs. Jiao," and walked towards her bedroom. But her pain returned, this time it was even more intense. She noticed that her water bag broke. She looked up at Mrs. Jiao. What just happened? She just didn't have the clue. Where has all that water come from? But Mrs. Jiao was quick to react. She said, "Missus, sit down on the sofa. It seems your labor has started.     

Yang Lina looked at her, panic written all over her face. Mrs. Jiao ran to the study and informed the mayor who was in the midst of a video conference.     

Yang Min-Chang ran out of his study leaving the people on the other side baffled.     

He went to Yang Lina, who was looking anxious. "Don't worry child. Let us go to the hospital." The mayor was so worried inside but he couldn't show it to his daughter-in-law.     

He asked Mrs. Jiao to tell the drivers and security to be ready. Mrs. Jiao ran in the bedroom and fetched the bag, which Yang Lina had mentioned about earlier and then rushed back to her. Meanwhile the mayor called Yang Xinyu that Yang Lina's contractions had started. Then he called the servants and ordered them to support Yang Lina up to the car.     

Mrs. Jiao and one more maid sat with Yang Lina in the car while the mayor sat in another car and together all of them started for the hospital.     

Meanwhile Yang Xinyu cancelled all his meetings for the day. He hurried out of the office while placing a call to Vladimir.     

"Vladimir, the contractions have started."     

Vladimir was watching TV but when he heard that he got goose bumps. He jumped out of the bed and informed Rosa. Together they left for the hospital.     

When they all reached the hospital they saw that Yang Lina had been settled in the VIP room. Yang Xinyu asked the doctor as to why wasn't she in the labor room. She replied, "Let the frequency of her contractions increase and we will shift her there."     

In the next one hour, the frequency increased and they lasted for thirty to seventy seconds. Yang Lina was shouting in pain.     

Vladimir and the mayor couldn't withstand her pain it and they ran out of the room. Vladimir thought he would faint soon. So the mayor asked his men to get some coffee for him.     

"If you are feeling dizzy, breathe in and out," said the mayor while patting Vladimir.     

Meanwhile, Yang Lina was shouting so loudly during her contractions that Yang Xinyu went numb. He didn't know how to pacify his wife. He ran to call the doctor and told her to help Yang Lina. The doctor smiled and said, "This is a natural process, she has to endure it. Don't worry, she will be fine." As soon as the doctor said that, they heard Yang Lina shouting in pain.     

Yang Xinyu wanted to cry. He clenched his fists. Both the fathers were comfortably sitting outside while he and his wife were enduring the labor pain. He was so angry at them. He went to Yang Lina and held her hand, "Baby don't worry, things will become fine soon."     

Yang Lina looked at him as her pain came again. She shouted and said, "You wretched human being. I am in this pain because of you! She took his hand and bit him. You are responsible for all this. You wanted babies. See what they are doing to me! You b*stard!"     

Mrs. Jiao could only look at Yang Xinyu with sympathy.     

"I am sorry darling," replied Yang Xinyu feeling the pain on his wrist.     

"I don't want to see your face. Get out Yang Xinyu!" she shouted in pain again.     

This time the doctor shifted her to the labor room. She allowed Yang Xinyu to come in and see the delivery. The pain lasted for a good eight hours when the doctor saw the first baby coming out. She asked Yang Xinyu to watch it.     

The first one came out after Yang Lina pushed with a force on doctor's insistence. It was a boy. Yang Xinyu's mind was numb. He couldn't move an inch. He felt like puking. He started crying as he saw his first one.     

The nurse was handed the baby.     

Two minutes later Yang Lina pushed again and another baby boy was delivered. Yang Xinyu couldn't believe his luck! He wanted to coddle them immediately.     

And a minute later their third baby was born, a very pretty milky white baby girl.     

Yang Xinyu fainted while Yang Lina passed out, too exhausted from the pain.     

In the hall outside Vladimir and Yang Min-Chang were dancing when they heard that the babies were delivered. They looked crazy.     

Half an hour later, Yang Lina was carried out on the bed with a baby on her side and Yang Xinyu holding two of them. He walked proud like a peacock, smiling at all of them – his family was complete. He couldn't ask for more. He looked at Yang Lina and said, "Thank you."     

Yang Lina smiled.     

They had become parents of three babies - their three tiny dots. It was Yang Xinyu's miracle.     

Vladimir and the mayor came to them and congratulated them and kept peeping at the babies. They were so ecstatic that both of them started figuring out that they looked like their grandfathers.     

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