Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

They Are My Grandkids

They Are My Grandkids

0Yang Lina's bed was wheeled inside the VIP room and the children were allowed to be with the parents for sometime before the nurses took them to the hospital nursery. Vladimir and the mayor just wanted to keep looking at them, so they watched them from the glass windows of the nursery. Every time the kids would even stretch their limbs, the granddads would become excited. They would chuckle and giggle like girls. They couldn't believe that they had become grandfathers of three kids at once. They were dying to hold them and cuddle them. They had even thought of their names. Both of them had thought different names and they were not willing to share it with each other.     

The three of them looked so beautiful. They had white porcelain skin like their mother's. The boys inherited their father's brown eyes, while the daughter had mother's black eyes. Other than that, there was nothing that resembled their parents – at least this is what the granddads thought.     

Yang Lina was discharged from the hospital two days later. The news of the babies was announced to the media and the whole country became curious to see the faces of the triplets. It was such exciting news because it had been a long time since they had heard about anyone having triplets.     

In the Sapphire Bungalow, all the attention was overnight taken by the kids. Yang Xinyu and Yang Lina were left wondering as to what had happened. All the servants, granddads and security men were suddenly only focused on the kids. They all wanted to see them. Each of them was supposed to sleep in their own nursery, but it so happened that one or the other was always hungry. Since Yang Lina had to feed them, she was hardly finding any time alone with Yang Xinyu. Either one of them was crying or wanting to be fed or just wanted to be with mom.     

A month passed in commotion. Earlier Vladimir used to come during the day and leave in the evening, but after a week, he insisted that he moves in the Sapphire Bungalow. As for the mayor, he asked Bo Xilai to send all the age-appropriate gifts that he had bought for them. Soon there was a room full of gifts that were specifically targeted for them. Yang Min-Change wondered how would rest of the gifts be accommodated.     

The granddads hardly talked to their children these days. Their entire attention was focused on the tiny dots.     

Yang Xinyu was feeling left out in all this. The brats always surrounded Yang Lina. He wanted alone time with his wife. He missed her so much. He felt like abducting her and taking her away from all the mess. He had never thought that having babies was only fun until they were in their mother's womb. Once they were out, his world had become upside down. Once while sitting with his father and Vladimir he lamented, "Can you please take away these brats from here? I need time with my wife. I am beginning to have regrets."     

They looked at him and then the mayor said, "What wife?"     

Yang Xinyu lowered his head in disgust. He was beginning to get impatient.     

Yang Lina was actually really exhausted most of the time because she was feeding the three of them. She needed a lot of nourishment and a lot of patience.     

It took a month before all of them could fall in a rhythm. They started recognizing the diurnal cycle and would sleep peacefully at night only getting up when they needed food.     

Although all of them recognized Yang Lina and would immediately become quiet when she took them in her lap, they even recognized their father. Their daughter would always become quiet when Yang Xinyu spoke to her and the two brats only wanted their mother's attention. As soon as she would take them in her lap, they would become quiet instantly.     

Yang Xinyu finally came to the conclusion – only his daughter was on his side, his sons were mama's boys.     

Things started settling more after three months. Rosa would often come with Ivan and introduce them to the kids. She was specially attached to the youngest. Few days later she announced that she and Yan Xiaojun were expecting their second baby.     

At four months, Yang Xinyu along with Yang Lina made his first official visit outside to a mall along with his three kids in a pram and the granddads following them – all within a huge circle of security.     

The media caught the whiff of it and the reporters flocked the mall only to catch first photographs of the family. After a few photographs were captured, the granddads became active. They removed Yang Xinyu and Yang Lina from there and got themselves photographed proudly with the babies.     

The mayor was heard telling, "They are my grandkids!"     

One day when the kids were sleeping and the grandfathers were in their offices, the couple had taken some time off. They stayed in the bedroom. Yang Xinyu pulled Yang Lina on him and said, "Lina, do you think you can have another baby?"     

Yang Lina curled upon him and snuggled her face in his chest. She said, "I wouldn't mind."     

Both of them giggled. "Remember how we started?" he asked her stroking her hair.     

"Hmm… I can't forget it even once. Why did you carry me to your bed?" she asked seductively.     

"Because you were the most beautiful and sensible girl I had ever seen. I had fallen in love with you hopelessly. You are a part of me Lina…"     

Yang Lina lifted her face and rested it on his chest while looking at him. She traced his nose and lips and said, "I know…"     

Yang Xinyu blew hot air and pulled her up to his lips. He kissed her passionately and said, "Lina, I am happy with these three and I don't want anymore. Now I just want you," saying that he slowly lifted her nursing gown and slid his hands inside.     

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