Help...My Wife is a Spy

Almost Raped

Almost Raped

0The sun shone in through the hotel room window as Trisha slowly opened her eyes. As her eyes adjusted to the light, a handsome British man with curly brown hair came into view.      

It was Oliver.     

There was a big gap between their two single beds; they did not sleep together. But, there was still an ambiguous vibe in the air.      

Trisha placed a finger to her mouth, brushed it across her lips gently, and blushed. That was right, they had kissed last night. Most importantly, it wasn't a simple touching of lips or an innocent peck, it was a steamy passionate kiss. A kiss that made her body feel hot just by thinking about it.     

Trisha fanned her cheeks and sat up. Oliver kissed her yesterday. He told her he kissed her because he liked her. But, she was so flustered that she ended up pushing him away and scurrying back to the hotel.     

All the way home, Oliver followed cheekily behind her. "You were jealous, weren't you?" he asked.     

Trisha shook her head in embarrassment.     

"You like me, don't you?"     

Trisha shook her head again and sped up her footsteps.     

"Oh, really? Then I guess I'll go back and kiss Mila instead," Oliver tested.     

His test worked.     

"How can you be so fickle?" Trisha blurted as she watched Oliver turn around. "I thought you said you liked me a moment ago."     

Oliver's lips curved upwards slightly. He then turned around and faced the woman with a frown, "Yes, I like you. That's why I can't return to the hotel and watch you pack and leave."     

Trisha furrowed her brows and sighed.     

"I'm not packing tonight," she revealed.     

"Aren't you flying tomorrow morning?" Oliver asked.     

"Tickets were sold out. I'm not leaving anymore," Trisha lied as she continued walking again. In reality, she hadn't even logged online to check tickets yet.     

Oliver smiled and quickly followed after the woman. He then grabbed onto her hand. Even though the woman wouldn't admit to it, he knew how she felt.     

"Since you're not leaving, let me take you on a date tomorrow," he said.     

Trisha glanced down at their hands and blushed. She then looked away and held back her smile, "What do you want to do?"     

"You'll see tomorrow," the man chuckled as they walked hand-in-hand back to the hotel.     

As Trisha thought back on the night before, her heart began to race. All this time, she thought they were just friends, but in just one night, everything changed. What was happening between them? Were they still friends? Or were they something more? She jumped out of bed in nervousness and rushed towards the bathroom; she needed to splash some water on her face to wake herself up.     

But, before she reached the bathroom door, a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around her waist from behind. "Where are you going?" a familiar voice said beside her ear.     

A million butterflies fluttered inside Trisha's stomach.      

"To the bathroom," Trisha replied. As she turned her head slightly to answer the man, her cheek rubbed against his cheek and it lit up sparks in her heart.     

"You're not sneaking off back to Hong Kong, right? You promised me a date today," the man said.     

"I already told you, tickets are sold out. I'm not going anywhere," Trisha replied as she freed herself from the man's arms.     

She then continued towards the bathroom.     

But, the man suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her back to face him. He then leaned forward with a desirous gaze.     

Trisha held her breath. Did he want to kiss her?     

She couldn't kiss him at that moment. Trisha quickly covered her mouth with her hand and Oliver looked at the woman with confusion.     

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet," Trisha said shyly.     

Oliver chuckled. "I just wanted to tell you that we are heading out in an hour. What did you think I wanted to do?" he said as he tapped her on the nose.     

Trisha moved her hand away with embarrassment. Had she misunderstood?     

But, as soon as she let her guard down, the man quickly leaned forward and stole a kiss from her lips.     

Trisha looked at the man in surprise.     

"Hmmm, you're right. I think you do need to brush your teeth," he teased as he let her go.     


Meanwhile, over at Interpol, Mia had Jaclyn pinned firmly against the wall.     

Mia was younger than Jaclyn, but she was taller and stronger, so it was impossible for Jaclyn to escape.     

"Tell me, why are you so upset?" Mia asked the crying young woman.     

Jaclyn looked into Mia's eyes and felt herself calm down. She then said, "In Cologne..."     

"...I was almost raped..."     

Mia's eyes filled with pain. As a woman, she could relate to how frightening that experience must have been. She couldn't even begin to imagine how Jaclyn was feeling.     

At that moment, the officer in the room stepped out and said to Jackson, "I'm sorry for upsetting your sister, Captain Wu. There were certain questions that I had to ask."      

Jackson nodded, gesturing that he understood.     

He then walked over to his sister and patted her on the shoulder. He had never been close to his stepsister, but in the last week, he had developed the urge to protect her like an older brother. So, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her.      

"Everything will be OK," he whispered. "The best thing you can do now is tell us exactly what happened and identify the people that did it to you so they can never do it again to anyone else."      

Jaclyn took a deep breath and nodded her head. She could feel the love and support around her and it took away her fears.     

She then grabbed onto Mia's arm and said, "Can Mia sit next to me for the rest of the interview? I want her to know what happened."     

Mia looked at Jaclyn in surprise. What did this have to do with her?     

The officer nodded his head and gestured for the two women to enter the room.     

Jaclyn looked at Mia and dragged her in with her.     

After everyone was seated at the table again, Jaclyn took a deep breath and continued her story.      

"The men in Cologne took advantage of me. They waved a syringe on top of my head and made me dance while they watched with their sleazy smiles. At first, it was just normal dancing, but then their demands became crude and disgusting. They told me to lift up my skirt...and touch myself..." Jaclyn recalled uncomfortably.     

Mia patted Jaclyn on the shoulder comfortingly and Jaclyn continued, "I did as told."     

"But, it wasn't enough. They wanted more..."     

"They began to touch me and kiss me and tug at my clothes...and I tried to retaliate but I wasn't strong enough. It was 3 men against 1 woman, so I stood no chance. In the end, I ran out of energy to fight back and I gave up..."     

"I thought it was all over. I thought I was going to be raped by the 3 men. But, as I lay there lifelessly, a voice suddenly roared across the abandoned warehouse in German and the men stopped. Before I knew it, the 3 men were pulled away from my body and thrown to the side..."     

Jaclyn then paused, looked at Mia, and said thankfully, "Mia, it was your brother. Your brother saved me..."     

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