Help...My Wife is a Spy

Plans For The Future

Plans For The Future

0Avaleigh panicked and quickly answered on Emerson's behalf, "This is the boss of our PR agency, Danson Qian. We were officially introduced to each other this morning. It was purely a coincidence."     

The reporters all looked at each other with confusion. Even the ones that weren't sure who Emerson was, was sure that this man wasn't Danson Qian. Danson Qian was often caught in scandals and appeared in the newspapers almost every second week. This man was definitely not Danson Qian.     

Emerson smirked when he realized the young woman had misunderstood. "You must be all familiar with Magnolia PR," he said to the reporters.     

"Yes, they manage the PR for Macaron here in Hong Kong," one of the reporters quickly replied.     

"As most of you know, Magnolia PR was recently handed over to the son of the late Donald Qian, Danson Qian," Emerson started explaining.     

Avaleigh looked at Emerson in confusion. Why was he talking about himself in the third person?     

"Miss Song must have heard about this too," he smiled slowly.     

"But, I think there's been a misunderstanding...I'm not Danson Qian...Danson is a friend of mine. Danson had an urgent matter to deal with overseas and I am temporarily acting as the CEO of Magnolia while he isn't around. As everyone can see, Miss Song and I aren't very familiar with each other. If Miss Song knew who I was and that we were working together, she would have simply said that I went to escort her from the airport and accidentally tripped; she didn't have to try so hard to say that we didn't know each other," Emerson explained.     

He then turned to Avaleigh and stuck out his hand, "It's a pleasure to officially meet you, Miss Song. My name is Emerson Wu and I am the acting CEO of Magnolia PR. We ended up working together in the end."     

Emerson Wu? Avaleigh was a little surprised. Who was this man?      

Avaleigh shook Emerson's hand with confusion and everyone below the stage began to whisper:     

"It must have really been an accident, they don't look like they know each other at all."     

"Emerson Wu's never been involved with scandals. Plus, he's one of the most eligible bachelors in Hong Kong. He wouldn't have to stoop so low as to pay for a woman."     

Mimi watched as the situation began to change and frowned. Who was this Emerson Wu and why did everyone trust him so much?     


Meanwhile, in Guiyang City, two newlywed couples were having dinner at the Feng Family Home.     

"We are flying out for our honeymoon tomorrow morning, what about you? Did you manage to book flights for tomorrow?" Halia asked Natalie. While Natalie was in Beijing, the two women had agreed to meet up during their honeymoons for a few days.     

"Because it was so last minute, we couldn't get a flight for tomorrow, but we will be arriving one day after you," Natalie replied.     

"What about Pumpkin? Did you find someone to take care of him?" Halia asked as she patted the little boy on the head.     

"I will be staying with Grandpa Feng for 2 weeks," Little Pumpkin replied on his mother's behalf. "He said he will take me to the amusement park!"     

Father Feng laughed and nodded his head. "Pumpkin and I will have so much fun! But, when you get back, don't forget you have an important meeting to attend," Father Feng reminded Natalie.     

Father Feng was getting old and was practically in a half-retired state, so he barely went to the factory and the office. Most of the time, Natalie represented him whenever she could.     

At that moment, Jackson became a little interested in the relationship between Father Feng and Natalie, so he leaned over and asked his father-in-law, "Does Natalie handle most of the important matters at Fengtai these days?"     

Father Feng nodded his head, "She's a really quick learner. I've pretty much taught her everything about the company and she runs it for me. If not for her, I wouldn't be so relaxed."      

Jackson glanced at Natalie and smiled.     

"Are you planning to continue working at Fengtai after you give birth?" he asked.     

Natalie nodded her head, "If Uncle Feng is willing to take me back, I would like to work there until I retire."     

"Of course I'd take you back!" Father Feng quickly responded.     

Jackson smiled with satisfaction and looked at his wife. Sure, she didn't have any siblings to run the family business for her, but she had Natalie. Natalie was practically like a sister and she was running the place smoothly.     

Halia smiled. She understood what her husband was thinking.     

But, if Natalie was to stay with Fengtai in Guiyang City, what would happen to Sean?     

"What about you, Sean? If Natalie continues working for Fengtai, what will you do?" Halia asked.     

Sean wrapped an arm around his wife and replied, "It isn't confirmed yet, but I've already applied for a transfer to Guiyang City. I will no longer be with the SPU, but the police headquarters here is looking for a captain, and I am currently being considered for the position."     

Halia opened her mouth wide in surprise, "That's amazing news!"     

Sean nodded, "We should know the results when we come back from our honeymoon."     

Hearing this, Halia picked up a glass of wine and raised it in the air. "I wish the two of you all the best for the future," she said as she looked at the newlywed couple.     

Sean responded by raising a glass of wine as well and handing Natalie a glass of water. After all, she was pregnant.     

But, he was curious what Jackson had planned for his future, "What about you, Jackson? I heard you retired from Interpol. Now that you're married and you've moved to Beijing, what's your plan for the future?"     

Jackson wrapped an arm around his wife and replied proudly, "I am going to stay at home and watch the kids."     

"Kids?!" Natalie and Sean asked in unison as Father Feng glanced over with interest.     

Halia quickly blushed and nudged her husband, "Watch what you say. You make it sound like I'm pregnant!"     

Jackson laughed and replied confidently, "It's only a matter of time..."     

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