Help...My Wife is a Spy

What Are You Doing Here?

What Are You Doing Here?

0Avaleigh looked at everyone awkwardly. She didn't know what to say. If she wanted to deny their accusations, she needed evidence or they wouldn't believe her. But, what evidence did she have?     

At that moment, the fans outside the door began to complain:     

"How shameless! I can't believe I idolized her for so long."     

"She should be kicked out of the group!"     

"I refuse to watch the concert if she's appearing on stage!"     

Mimi held back a laugh and looked helplessly at Sue, "What do we do? Should Avaleigh go on temporary leave until she is proven innocent? We don't have time, the concert is tomorrow."     

Sue raised her hands, gesturing for everyone to hush, "I can guarantee that my artist is innocent. As you know, it is tough for one manager to look after 7 people. That's why Avaleigh manages her own jobs overseas. She doesn't have any secret lovers nor has she been accepting money for other services, she has honestly been traveling back and forth for work. Please don't speak recklessly or we can sue you for defamation."     

At that moment, the reporter laughed, "I knew you would deny this."     

He then pulled out a stack of photos, "But look what I have here."     

The reporter quickly handed the photos around and everyone started discussing what they saw.     

"How do you explain that Avaleigh and this man boarded the same plane in Beijing, got off in Hong Kong together, boarded the same train together, and got off at the same stop? There are even photos of them talking in the station and in the train. It obviously looks like they know each other," the reporter said.     

"I was in Beijing for a charity event before I came to Hong Kong. It was just a coincidence that this man was on the same plane. Also, the train that we caught only had one stop, so we had no choice but to get off together. That was the first time I ever met that man. I honestly didn't know him," Avaleigh finally tried to explain.     

"Are you sure?" the reporter asked.     

He then pulled out his last weapon: a photo of Avaleigh at a charity event in Beijing, and standing right next to her - was Emerson!     

Of course, Halia was dressed up as Mars next to him and Marissa was next to Halia, but this only looked like they were on a double date, rather than one man standing amongst three women. Worst of all, Emerson's suit and Avaleigh's dress was actually matching!     

Avaleigh couldn't believe what she saw. She didn't even speak to Emerson that night, they just so happened to stand next to each other at that moment. They didn't even know of each other's existence at that point.     

Avaleigh was speechless.     

Meanwhile, some of the other reporters started whispering. "Doesn't that man look familiar?"     

"Isn't that..."     

Avaleigh covered her face from all the camera flashes that were trying to capture her reaction. She had never been in a situation like this. Was God playing a game on her? Some people even sounded like they recognized the man. Had they discovered that the man was the infamous playboy, Danson Qian; the newly appointed CEO of Macaron's PR agency in Hong Kong? Could things get any worse?     

But, while she had her face covered vulnerably, she suddenly heard everyone fall silent and felt an arm on her shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm here now," a reassuring voice said beside her ear.     

Avaleigh looked up in surprise and saw a handsome man staring down at her.     

It was Emerson. But, of course, she still thought he was Danson, so she panicked. What was he doing here?     

Emerson looked at everyone sternly, "I am honestly disappointed in the Hong Kong media..."     

A few reporters looked at Emerson and quickly gasped. "That's Emerson Wu. What is he doing here?" they whispered.     

"If you managed to find all these photos, why didn't you just speak to me and ask me for the truth?" Emerson asked as he stared at the reporter with the photos.     

The reporter with the photos looked at Emerson with confusion. He was an entertainment reporter that only cared about gossip and never paid attention to finance and business news so he didn't recognize Emerson immediately, but as he listened to the whispers around him, he finally realized who he was. He quickly looked at the photos again and realized he was also the man in the photos.     

Emerson had a good reputation in Hong Kong. He was young, talented, honest, and was never involved with scandals, so these claims were completely out of character for him.     

"Let me explain everything in detail for you all..." Emerson offered as he removed his arm from Avaleigh's shoulder.     

"It's true that I was at the same charity event as Miss Song in Beijing, but I didn't know her at that time. In fact, no one even introduced us to each other. As you can see, there are two other people in that photo. I was talking to them at that time and I just so happened to be standing next to Miss Song. I'm sure, if you zoomed out of that photo, you would realize that Miss Song was there with other people too."     

"As for the flight we took. If you did a little bit of research, you would know that I was originally booked for a different flight. I only changed my flight at the last minute because my brother got married. We did not catch the same flight deliberately."     

"Lastly, the train we caught from the airport only had one stop, so we had no choice but to get off together. Miss Song was kind enough to speak to me because I looked lost. I had actually caught the wrong train and she directed me to the right train after I got off. If you check the CCTV footage at the station, you would see that we didn't leave the station together. Instead, I jumped straight back onto a train headed for the opposite direction."     

The reporter trembled a little in fear. Emerson was serious, authoritative, and he had an extremely cold vibe. "Th-Then why did you ask her how much she charged?" he asked with a slight stutter.     

"As most of you know, I am completely clueless when it comes to the entertainment circle. Apart from work, I don't do much. Some of your peers have tried to follow me in the past and they were so bored they never followed me again. So, I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I had no idea who Miss Song was. I was simply impressed by her fluent English and friendly vibe so I wanted to hire her. I must say, I'm a little embarrassed now that I know who she is," Emerson laughed.     

Some of the reporters laughed along when they heard this, especially the women. They were completely charmed by this man. After all, he was one of the most eligible bachelors in Hong Kong.     

However, the reporter with the photos was still unconvinced, "Since you don't pay attention to the entertainment circle and your meeting with Ava was just an accident, what are you doing here?"     

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