Help...My Wife is a Spy

Future Girlfriend

Future Girlfriend

0Emerson looked at his brother and Halia and noticed they were acting strange, so he leaned forward and asked, "What's wrong?"     

Jackson cleared his throat and let go of Halia's wrist. "I was warning Haili about the Macadamia nuts in this dish. I almost choked on one," he explained.     

Halia stared at the man with suspicion. Was that really the reason?     

Halia rolled the Macadamia nut between her fingers with a sly expression and thought of a way to test the man.     

"Oh, really?" she asked with a smirk.      

Jackson sensed something strange about Halia's voice, so he turned to look at her curiously. But, to his surprise, Halia popped the Macadamia straight into her mouth and swallowed it.     

"Thanks for the warning," she said.     

Jackson's eyes opened wide in shock. Wasn't she allergic? How could she eat it just like that?     

Halia looked at the man's reaction and smirked again. If this man thought he could lie to her, he was dreaming...     

His reaction had already betrayed him...     

With a shake of her head, she returned to her meal in a calm manner, as though nothing had happened. Sure, she had reacted to nuts last time. But that was just a panic attack due to Sara's memories; she wasn't actually allergic. In fact, she could eat nuts by the spoonful if she wanted to.      

Meanwhile, Amelie watched the entire scene with curiosity. Although she didn't understand what they were saying, she could roughly decipher what was going on based on their body language. She was certain that Jackson knew this woman. Otherwise, he would completely ignore her.     

But, he never mentioned anything about her. What was going on? Who was she?     

At that moment, Amelie spotted a heart pendant hanging from Halia's wrist. It was an interesting bracelet that appeared to be handmade. But, the craftsmanship wasn't the only thing that caught her eye. The seemingly random dots and dashes on the back were what attracted her interest the most.     

Was it a coincidence that it resembled Morse code? And was it a coincidence that it read 'J&H'?     

Soon, everyone on the table finished their main meals and the waiters brought out dessert. While everyone ate in silence, Amelie couldn't help but look at Halia and Jackson. Women had good intuition, so she knew something had to be going on between the two. But, why didn't Halia say anything? Was she just being paranoid?     

While she was deep in thought, a sharp female voice suddenly squealed beside her ear, "Emerson, what a coincidence!"     

Amelie turned around and saw a tall, skinny woman with an overly pointy chin and round breasts. Where did this plastic Barbie doll come from?     

Suddenly, the woman glanced at Halia and frowned. "Emerson, what is she doing here?" she asked.     

Halia furrowed her brows. Not this again! She had already spent the whole of yesterday trying to avoid this woman.     

Emerson sighed and looked at the woman, "Hi Marissa. Halia's joining my family for dinner because I invited her."     

Marissa frowned, "You need to be careful around this woman. I don't know what her intentions are, but she was looking around for you yesterday and she seemed quite suspicious."     

Emerson glanced at Halia and smiled, "Were you looking for me?"     

Halia nodded her head. She was looking for him because she was on her mission and she was trying to avoid him while she investigated his casino.     

But obviously, the man took it the wrong way.     

"Did you come all the way to Macau to look for me?" he asked happily.     

Halia wanted to say no, but Emerson suddenly said to Marissa, "I don't see why I should be careful around my future girlfriend."     

"Future girlfriend?" Marissa screamed in surprise, drawing the attention of the rest of the table.     

Halia looked at Emerson in shock as the rest of the table glanced over with curiosity.     

"Yes, I'm declaring it right here. I am pursuing Haili and no one will get in my way."     

Marissa stomped her feet in frustration. She had been pursuing Emerson for a long time but he never accepted her advances, yet this woman suddenly appeared out of nowhere and he was immediately obsessed with her. Marissa glared at Halia and stormed off angrily.     

"I know she's annoying, but you didn't have to lie like that," Halia said after the woman left.     

"I wasn't lying," Emerson smiled.     

"Don't you remember what I said to you in Hong Kong? I told you to look for me if you changed your mind. Isn't that why you're here?" Emerson said as he leaned forward.     

At that moment, Jackson finished his dessert and dropped his spoon loudly on the table.      

"Hey bro, didn't you say that you had something to show me after dinner?" he interrupted.     

Emerson glanced over at his brother with slight frustration. Why was his timing so bad?     

But, he quickly stood up, walked around to Halia and grabbed her hand. "Come with us Halia, I want to show this to you too," he smiled as he dragged her towards the door.     

"Thanks for dinner, everyone. Please excuse us," Jackson said politely as he gestured for Amelie to leave with him. They then followed quickly behind Halia and Emerson.     

Amelie looked at Jackson with curiosity and noticed his eyes twitch a little as he glared at the couple in front. What was this? Was she imagining things? Did she sense jealousy?     

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