Help...My Wife is a Spy

It's Not Like We Haven't Kissed Before

It's Not Like We Haven't Kissed Before

0Danson took a puff of his cigarette and glanced at Halia. Haili Feng: a name he had heard before, but a face that he was seeing for the first time; she was definitely nothing like what he expected. Judging by the fact that this woman never attended events and people barely saw her, he always imagined her as an introvert that didn't like to be social. But, the woman in front of him was beautiful, sexy and confident. Even a strong character like Marissa was immediately overshadowed by her presence. Where had she been hiding all this time and what was she doing here?     

Danson looked at Marissa and noticed the frustration on her face. Obviously, she had met this woman before, but why did she look so displeased to see her? Most importantly, what was she doing with Emerson?     

Emerson was one of the most eligible bachelors. A man that many women swooned over but no one ever managed to date. Had someone finally succeeded at taking him off the market?     

For a while, he had suspected that Marissa was having an affair with Emerson behind his father's back. But, judging by the scene in front of him today, that did not seem to be the case.     

"I don't believe we've met before," Danson said as he stretched out a hand towards Halia.     

Halia smiled and shook the man's hand, "Haili Feng."     

Actually, they had already met a couple of times before. In fact, Danson was just threatening Halia on the balcony earlier that day and he was the reason why Mars Wu had to go home. If not for him, Haili Feng wouldn't have had to make an appearance instead. But, of course, Danson had no idea and Halia had no intention of revealing it to him either.     

Danson smirked and scanned his eyes across the two, "Are you...good friends? Why are you here together?"     

He then glanced at Marissa. He knew this was a question that his stepmother also wanted to ask. After all, he knew better than anyone that her world revolved around Emerson Wu. And, he was right. As soon as he asked this question, Marissa focused her eyes on the two and waited with anticipation for Emerson's response.     

Emerson remembered seeing the showdown between Danson and Halia on the balcony earlier and also seeing Marissa walk into the charity event with her, so he had to keep his answer short. If these two stared at her in detail any longer, there was a chance they would expose her; he had to get Halia away from them as quickly as possible. After all, he had vowed to protect her.     

Thus, to Marissa and Danson's surprise, Emerson directly wrapped an arm around Halia's shoulder and said, "We're more than good friends." His response was short and ambiguous, but it suggested things that Marissa did not want to hear and he hoped it was enough to keep her away. He then nudged Halia forward, prompting for her to start walking, and they quickly headed into the building together.     

He wasn't lying. They were indeed more than good friends. Halia was Emerson's future sister-in-law; they were practically family already.     

Marissa's face turned red in anger as she watched the two walk away. She was supposed to enter the party with Emerson. After 15 years of persistence, she thought she was finally at a level to match him. Why did Haili Feng appear out of nowhere?     

15 years ago, when Marissa and Emerson first met in high school, Marissa was very different to the Marissa Qian today. Before she married millionaire Donald Qian, she was once a poor, quiet, innocent schoolgirl that often went unnoticed. Back then, the popular kids at school used to bully her and put her life through hell. She was poor, she needed glasses, she had a lot of acne, and she wore braces - everything that kids liked to tease - so she was the perfect target.     

But, even though school was tough, there was one person that motivated her to go to school every single day and just the thought of seeing his handsome face made everything worth it.      

This person was Emerson Wu. The most handsome boy at school; everyone's Prince Charming.     

"They must be dating," Danson commented, interrupting Marissa's thoughts, as the two disappeared into an elevator.      

Marissa frowned and clenched her fists. This couldn't be happening.      

Danson glanced at Marissa's clenched fists and smirked. He was glad that he had decided to come to this party, otherwise, he could have missed out on a good show.      

Marissa stared at the elevator in anger. Was Danson right? Were they really dating? Did Emerson actually make Haili Feng into his girlfriend like he said he would?     

Just as she narrowed her eyes deep in thought, the man next to her interrupted again by stepping into her line of sight. Marissa snapped out of her daze and subconsciously took a few steps back. But, every time she stepped back, the man would take a step forward. Eventually, she backed into something and couldn't step back any further.     

However, Danson continued to move forward, closing the gap between their bodies.     

Marissa took a deep breath and glared at the man as he began to lean forward.     

"What are you doing?" Marissa asked as the man got closer and closer.     

Danson glanced down at the woman and smirked. Without responding, he lifted one arm and stretched forward, brushing his strong biceps across her ear. Danson wasn't as good looking as Emerson, but he was still very popular among the girls because of his masculinity. If Emerson was the number one bachelor, Danson easily came in second.      

Marissa bit her lip and looked at the man. Was he planning to kiss her? Out here in the open?     

She was his stepmother!      

If anyone saw, they would be condemned forever.     

"Not here," Marissa said as she covered her mouth.     

Danson's smirk grew bigger as he leaned in a little bit more. He then pressed the cigarette in his hand into the standing ashtray behind Marissa and said, "But, you're standing in front of the only ashtray. If not here, where else can I go?"     

Marissa quickly turned her head around to check what she was leaning against. But, she was so flustered, her lips accidentally brushed against Danson's lips as she turned.     

Marissa immediately stepped aside and looked around to see if anyone saw.      

Fortunately, there was no one else around.     

But, Danson gently touched his lips and smiled, "Why are you so flustered? It's not like we haven't kissed before..."     

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