Help...My Wife is a Spy

Can Your Son Marry My Daughter?

Can Your Son Marry My Daughter?

0At this time, over at a temple, Father Wu and Mother Wu were accompanying Father Feng as he prepared for his daughter's funeral. Since she passed away in Macau, he decided to hold two funerals. One in Macau and one in their hometown. After all, he was rich, he could hold as many funerals as he wanted for his daughter, right?     

At the temple, a strange old lady sat in the corner surrounded by joss sticks, candles, and strange talismans. This woman was a traditional Chinese fortune teller and she offered a special service for those that believed in it. This included picking auspicious times and dates for the funeral as well as searching for lost souls and even speaking to the dead. Father Feng glanced at the old woman and snuck a wink. He had actually made a visit early that morning and given this woman a hefty 'donation'. In return, the woman agreed to help him put on a little act.     

They were about to have some fun...     

"Oh ma'am, my daughter died in an accident and I want to make sure her soul returns to China with me. Can you check if she is here with us and if there is anything she needs in the afterlife?" Father Feng asked the old woman as he sat down opposite her.     

Mother Wu listened with amusement. She didn't believe in fortune-tellers nor ghosts. If this woman could really speak to the dead, wouldn't the police be working with her to crack all their cases. And, if that was the case, how did anyone ever get away with murder? Most importantly, how did she get away with murder? So, she was curious what this woman planned to say.     

"Can I get your daughter's name and birth date?" the old woman said as she stretched out a wrinkly hand.     

Father Feng quickly wrote down his daughter's name and birth date on a piece of paper and handed it to the woman.     

The old woman glanced at the details and started tapping on the table with her palms. "Calling forward, Haili Feng. Haili Feng, reveal yourself to me!!" she screamed as her body trembled.      

Mother Wu glanced at Father Feng and saw the hopeful look in his eyes.     

It seemed, this man actually believed the woman. She then looked at her husband and realized he also believed her too. Her husband had always been slightly superstitious with feng shui and fortune-telling, but she simply thought of it as a hobby that kept her husband busy. It was better than him spending his time on escorts and brothels...     

However, this time, they were talking about souls and ghosts. What a joke!     

"Reveal yourself!" the old woman screamed louder as she rolled her eyes to the back of her head. Her voice sent chills down a person's spine.      

Mother Wu watched with discomfort as the candles beside the old woman distinguished all at once. She had to admit, this woman was quite creepy and convincing, but she still refused to believe in ghosts, if there was such a thing as ghosts, then why hadn't she ever been haunted by one?     

Just as Mother Wu smirked in ridicule, the old woman slammed her hands on the table and stopped. Slowly, her eyes returned to normal and she looked at Father Feng with regret, "Your daughter's soul seems to be lost..."     

"Lost?!" Father Feng exclaimed. "What do you mean?"     

"Was your daughter ever married?" the old woman asked.     

Father Feng shook his head.     

The old woman sighed, "That's the problem."     

After a short pause, she continued, "Your daughter was already of marriageable age when she left this world, but she never got married. An unmarried woman cannot be worshipped or placed on the altar of her natal family and technically has no family to return to. That may explain why your daughter's soul is lost. She doesn't know where to go. If we don't find her, she may be left to wander this earth forever..."     

"No! My dear daughter," Father Feng cried.     

At that moment, Father Wu stepped forward. He had been completely convinced by Father Feng and the woman's act. "Is there anything we can do to find her?" he asked with concern.     

"In situations like this, I can only suggest one thing," the old woman said.     

Father Feng looked at the woman with hope, "I can do anything! I don't want my daughter's soul to be lost and roaming this earth forever!"     

"We need to hold a ghost wedding!" the old woman announced. "We need to give her a sense of belonging. Was she in a relationship or did she have a really close male friend before she died?"     

Father Feng wiped away a tear and glanced at Mother Wu.      

"I can think of one person..." he said.     

Mother Wu glanced at her husband with discomfort. Was this man thinking what she thought she was thinking?     

"Jack, we have been friends for many years. Even though we couldn't become family when my daughter was alive, I would still like to be family after her death," Father Feng said.     

Mother Wu glared at the man. He better not be suggesting what she thought he was suggesting!     

"Since Emerson loved my daughter so much when she was alive, can he marry my daughter?" Father Feng asked with tears streaming down his face.     

Father Wu looked at his old friend. How could he refuse? Besides, it was just a simple ritual, it didn't mean his son could never marry again.     

"We will go speak to Emerson right now. I have no objections, but we need to get his permission since he is the one involved," Father Wu replied.     

Mother Wu quickly tugged on her husband's arm. How could he let their son marry a dead person? How embarrassing would that be if the other socialite families heard about it? And how would their son ever find a girlfriend if they knew he married a ghost?     

That was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard!     

Father Wu quickly patted his wife on the hand to comfort her. "Remember how much you told me you liked Haili? Now, she can be a part of our family forever..." he said.     

Mother Wu frowned.     

She quickly grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down to ease the fire that was building inside her.     

She couldn't let this wedding go ahead! How could she let her precious son marry a dead person?!     

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