Help...My Wife is a Spy

Jackson's Back

Jackson's Back

0Danson took a step forward.     

The night from 10 years ago lingered in his mind as though it had just happened the day before and the vibe in the room felt exactly as it did back then.      

10 years ago, Marissa was standing at the refrigerator in the same way.      

She was much more drunk back then and she could barely even open the fridge, but she had turned around in the same way and almost run into his chest in the same way.     

Danson looked down at Marissa. She had double eyelids, her nose had been thinned, her lips had been filled, her teeth were straight, and her skin was smooth, but underneath it all, he could still see the Marissa he first met. The Marissa that was bullied for being ugly, the Marissa that was sweet and innocent, the Marissa that he could chat with comfortably...     

...the Marissa that he loved...     

Marissa struggled for the last 10 years to piece back memories from the night she slept with Danson. It was the first time she ever slept with a man, but she couldn't remember any of it. It was like the memories had been buried at the bottom of an ocean, impossible to recover without the right equipment. Equipment that she thought she'd never have.     

But, as she stood there, looking at the man, breathing his scent, and feeling the warmth of his breaths on her, a sense of Deja Vu hit and a memory suddenly came to mind.     

10 years ago, they were standing in a similar position. She was completely drunk, but Danson was sober.      

Although his face was blurry, she remembered the helplessness in his eyes and the pain in his voice. That night, as they stood in the same position as they were in now, he had revealed to her something that she had completely forgotten.     

"Marissa, I love you..." the man's charming voice echoed in her ear. A voice that was drenched in pain as it tugged at her heart.     

Even though she was drunk that night, she was moved by his words. No one had ever told her that they loved her, not even her parents. She didn't think anyone would ever love her. The man's words sent a surge of emotions through her body like a wave and swept her off her feet. Before she knew it, she had leaned forward and kissed Danson on the lips.     

She remembered him trying to push her away, but she gripped onto him and wouldn't let go. There was no Emerson in her mind at that moment. All she wanted to do was kiss Danson.     

That was right, she was the one that made the first move that night...     

Marissa gasped when she remembered the scene from 10 years ago. It was the first time she remembered anything from that night.     

All these years, she thought she had been raped, but now she began to wonder...was it because she seduced Danson and he couldn't resist? Even so, he shouldn't have taken advantage of a drunk person, right?     

She looked up at Danson and stumbled backwards a little. The man quickly stretched out his arm and caught her. "You're not drunk, right?" he asked     

Marissa gently shook her head. If she was drunk, would he take advantage of her again?     

Before she married Donald Qian, Marissa had spent a fair amount of time on the party scene flaunting her looks, seducing men, and even having one-night stands. She enjoyed the attention and confidence that it brought her.     

But, for some reason, in front of Danson, she was actually flustered and nervous. Was it trauma from 10 years ago?     

"Drink some water and go to bed," Danson instructed as he furrowed his brows. "You should know by now that you're a light drinker. I wouldn't want you to embarrass my dead father..."     

After saying this, Danson let go and stepped away. He then turned and walked into the bathroom.     

Marissa took a deep breath and held her hand to her chest. Her heart was racing so fast, she could barely concentrate. Did this man terrify her so much?     

Inside the bathroom, Danson stood under the shower and blasted the cold water. He almost lost control around Marissa again. "She's not the same Marissa," he reminded himself. He couldn't be fooled by his feelings from the past. He had to remember that she was a sly, conniving woman that only wanted Emerson and he only stuck around to watch her get her heart torn out; the same way that she had torn his heart out all those years ago.     


The next morning, Halia got out of bed nice and early to prepare for work.      

By the time Jackson woke up, his beautiful wife had disappeared, and in her place was Mars Wu. This was the first time he had seen Halia in her disguise and it was surprisingly cute.     

As she looked at him she ran her fingers awkwardly across the mustache on top of her lip. "Will this scar you for life?" Halia asked.     

Jackson chuckled and walked over to his fiancee. He gently ran his hand through her short hair and placed a kiss on her lips. "I think you look really cute like this. I can't believe none of your colleagues have noticed that you're a girl."     

Halia blushed a little. "Cute? Hey, you better not go around liking guys now!"     

Jackson shook his head, "I won't go around liking any guys...or girls. My heart is only for you."     

Halia held back a smile and grabbed her briefcase. "Be a good house husband, I'll be back soon," she teased as she left.     

Jackson lifted his hand and waved goodbye. But, as soon as Halia left, he turned around and got changed.     

After he changed into a casual-looking suit, he went downstairs where a car was waiting for him. "Jackson, you're finally back," an excited voice called from the back seat.     

Jackson looked at the three men in the car and got into the front passenger seat. By now, he had already revealed his real identity to Max and Max had already shared the information with his other two friends. They were shocked but it did not change the way they felt about Jackson. They were good friends and it would always remain that way. So, they were super excited to hear that he had returned to Beijing.     

"Morton and Partners Law Firm, right?" Rowan confirmed as he punched in the address on his GPS.     

Jackson strapped on his seatbelt and nodded his head, "Yes."     

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