Help...My Wife is a Spy

Boginya's Memories

Boginya's Memories

0The next morning, Avaleigh and Emerson woke up nice and early and decided to have breakfast outside before they each headed to work. Thanks to Emerson, Avaleigh's career was saved (even though she was still unaware that he was the boss of AE Entertainment), so she had a busy schedule, but she never neglected her relationship with Emerson and never deliberately tried to hide it. Whenever the media asked her if she was in a relationship, she nodded her head with honesty, and whenever they asked her who her boyfriend was, she simply told them he wasn't in the entertainment industry and that she'd like them to respect her privacy. The media were persistent, but they were still human. Avaleigh had a good relationship with them and they saw how genuine she was, so naturally, they did not bother her. Besides, they had plenty of other gossip to chase, especially gossip involving celebrities that they didn't like.      

That day, just as they stepped out of their apartment, Halia and Jackson happened to step out at the same time.     

At first, Halia and Jackson did not see the couple.     

Jackson had one arm around his wife's waist while he supported her with his other hand dotingly and he had an extremely loving look in his eyes. Even though they were married, his love for his wife never stopped growing.     

Avaleigh looked at them with admiration. One day, she wanted to be just like them.     

After her chat with Emerson the previous night, she was no longer jealous of Halia, instead, she wanted to be a good girlfriend that got along with his family. After all, she also hoped that Halia's baby would be 'their' future nephew/niece. So, she saw this as an opportunity to get to know the couple better and stepped forward with a friendly smile, "Oh, what a coincidence!"      

She then glanced at Emerson lovingly and said, "Emerson and I are heading out to have some breakfast. Would you like to join us?"     

Emerson smiled at Avaleigh with satisfaction. This was the kind and understanding woman that he had fallen in love with.     

But, to their surprise, Jackson actually turned down their invite, "We have something important to do today. Perhaps, another time."     

He then glanced at Emerson with deep meaning, checked his watch, and said, "We've got to get going. See you around."     

Emerson immediately knew that his suspicions had been right. They were definitely back because of an important mission and they were probably heading to Interpol at that very moment. Otherwise, Jackson's words wouldn't be so mysterious and cryptic. But, Avaleigh stood there dumbfounded as Jackon hurried his wife into the elevator. Before she got the chance to respond, the elevator door closed and they disappeared from their sight.     

Avaleigh stretched out her hand when she realized what had happened, "Wait..."     

She then looked at Emerson with disappointment, "We could have caught the same elevator, at least..."     

Emerson patted his girlfriend on the head and laughed. He was used to the unconventional actions of this mysterious couple, but Avaleigh needed some time to adjust to it.     

"What could have been that important that they didn't even have time for breakfast?" Avaleigh pouted. "The baby needs to eat too..."     

Emerson laughed and kissed the cute woman on the lips. He wanted to tell her the truth about his brother and sister-in-law, but what could he say? He couldn't possibly tell her that Halia and Jackson were probably out saving the world. So, he simply said comfortingly, "They probably had breakfast already and are heading out for a check-up at the hospital. Don't forget that Halia is due in a couple of months. I'm sure they have a lot to prepare."     

Avaleigh's face relaxed and a smile finally returned to her face. "You're right. That must be it. Now that I think about it, we should get them some gifts for the baby. Let's do some shopping after breakfast," she suggested.     

Emerson nodded and pulled her forward just as another elevator arrived.     


Technically, the lie that Emerson told Avaleigh was actually right. Jackson and Halia were indeed heading to the hospital. They even went to the obstetrics ward and told the nurse at the reception desk that they were there for a 'check-up'. But...they weren't actually there because of the baby, they were there because of Halia's brain.     

The moment the nurse led them into the doctor's office, a familiar face smiled back at them.     

It was Dr. Ren. Now that Interpol was officially using the Brain Tap technology, he and Dr. Li had been officially transferred to Hong Kong with their families.     

"Dr. Li is waiting in the operating theater with Boginya," he said. They had drugged Boginya's food that morning and transferred her out of the maximum-security prison to the operating theater in the hospital without anyone noticing.     

He then helped Halia onto a bed, covered her with a blanket, and pushed her inconspicuously towards the theater while Jackson followed beside them.     

Thanks to the wire they had previously attached to Halia's head, the memory transfer was easy and painless for her. Moreover, Dr. Li was well prepared and already had Boginya ready for the transfer as soon as Halia entered. In less than an hour, Halia could already see the various new memories in her head and tried to focus on one. Since they were in Hong Kong, she tried to see if Boginya had contacted any moles in Hong Kong and China apart from the officer in the Beijing Police Department that was now captured.     

Immediately, a pair of hands holding some fake passports and train tickets came into view.     

"I knew I could trust you," Boginya's voice laughed as she opened one of the passports and nodded her head with satisfaction.     

As she flipped through the pages, Halia noticed the photo inside the passport and gasped. It was Dr. Li!     

These were the fake passports that Boginya used for the Trans Siberian Railway!     

"I've also contacted my guys in immigration and told them to help you through the borders without suspicion. Call me again if you need anything," a soft female voice replied. Boginya smirked and slowly lifted her head.     

In front of Halia's eyes, a woman came into view. Although she had a cap and surgical mask on, Halia noticed some scars on the woman's hands that looked like cuts from a knife. She immediately pulled herself out of the memory, grabbed Jackson's hand excitedly and said, "Let's get back to the control center! I need to contact Sasquatch!"     

Sasquatch was investigating local moles and he was in Beijing at that moment so she had to tell him about the lead that she got.     

After a 7 month break, she still had it in her!     

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