Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

0Chapter 139     

Chapter 139 Plentiful Harvest    

Long Chen’s voice was very gentle as if he were just greeting an old friend . His bright smile was extremely sincere .     

But in their eyes, that smile was even more terrifying than a vicious Magical Beast . Who could possibly ruthlessly beat people like this and then still speak so gently to them immediately after?    

“Long Chen… you… don’t go overboard!” fearfully cried out the cross-eyed man .     

“I never go overboard . I just want to have a conversation . I have my own secret problems . You can only blame yourselves for growing faces that were just asking for a beating . If I hadn’t beat you, I would have been afraid the heavens would strike me with lightning,” helplessly sighed Long Chen .     


“Well, let’s get to business . Continuing on from where I left off, I’m very happy you guys are here . On my own behalf, I warmly welcome you three with my heartfelt congratulations . ” Long Chen even clapped a couple times for them before continuing:    

“I was lacking manpower, but your arrival totally fixes that problem! I just happened to need some people to help me make some fish cages .     

“And two, Mr . Cross-eyed, I really must thank you for bringing me such a gift . I really must apologize for my previous crudeness . So I hope you won’t make me feel any more guilty about that beating . You understand, right?”    

Long Chen extended his hand, his meaning obvious . If he didn’t hand over his life ring, Long Chen would have to be make himself feel even more guilty .     

“Please, that’s my ancestor’s… ok, I’ll give it to you . ” The cross-eyed man had just been about to refuse when Long Chen began to shrug his shoulders and legs as a warm up . He immediately threw over his life ring .     

“Hehe, ah, brother Zhao’s sincerity is really too much; I really can’t accept . Ah, well I guess I’m just becoming soft-hearted . No need to thank me,” Long Chen sighed as he took the life ring .     

The cross-eyed man’s vision darkened as he became so dizzy with anger than he almost fainted . This person really was too shameless! Who would thank someone for robbing them?!    

“Long Chen, you’re also from a powerful family . How can you be such a scoundrel? This is the conduct of a small person,” indignantly said one of them .     

“No, I’m not from a powerful family . So being a small person is just in my nature . Being a scoundrel is my virtue, robbing is my profession, and beating up others would have to be my greatest hobby . ” Long Chen tried using his divine sense to enter the life ring .     

The three of them turned green from rage at this shameless display . This completely toppled their understanding as noble disciples . Long Chen didn’t care the slightest bit of his status . That both infuriated and terrified them .     

In just a couple breaths’ time, Long Chen broke through the life ring’s original spiritual imprint and managed to see what was inside .     

What surprised Long Chen was that a life ring really wasn’t the same as a spatial ring . Instead of being a neat and square area, it was the shape of a sphere .     

It had an area of around thirty meters . Inside were some small gardens . In the middle was also a small pond . Around it were a couple small shrubs and plants .     

“Interesting . ” Long Chen took out his Immortal Chrysanthemum and placed it into the life ring . Using his Spiritual Strength, he dug out a small hole and planted it within .     

Originally the Immortal Chrysanthemum, despite him leaving some of its original soil around its roots, would have died within three days in his spatial ring . That was because living things couldn’t be stored within a spatial ring . Even living plants could not be stored without them dying .     

But at this time the Immortal Chrysanthemum had yet to die . Although planting it here wouldn’t allow it to continue growing, at least it wouldn’t die .     

A living Immortal Chrysanthemum was much more useful than a dead one . That was because once a precious natural treasure died, a part of its essence would be lost just like that . That was something that could not be avoided .     

But now with the life ring, this Immortal Chrysanthemum could live for longer . It was just unfortunate that this life ring’s quality was too inferior . Otherwise the Immortal Chrysanthemum could have continued to grow within the life ring .     

“Due to this ring, I won’t steal your tiles . ” Long Chen nodded his head contentedly .     

They relaxed when they heard that . But only the cross-eyed man was filled with pain .     

Although he had no major use for that life ring, he had always acted as if it was some divine item . That was because such things were incredibly few in number and few people had ever possessed or even seen one .     

No matter who he was with, as long as he showed off his life ring, he would immediately become the center of attention . With his bragging skills, he would speak of his ancestor’s glory .     

Furthermore, because the life ring wasn’t that practical, it wouldn’t cause others to go rob him . And so it had never been snatched away .     

But now he had run into Long Chen . And it had just happened that Long Chen was in need of such a thing . That caused the cross-eyed man’s heart to bleed blood .     

“Mr . Cross-eyed-”    

“My surname is Zhao!” retorted the cross-eyed man .     

“Brother Zhao Cross-eyed-”    

“My name is Zhao Tianhao!”    


A ear-ringing slap landed on his face as Long Chen raged, “Now your name is Cross-eyes! If you dare interrupt again, I’ll throw you into the water to feed the fishes!”    

The cross-eyed man glared at Long Chen but he didn’t dare open his mouth again . By now he was completely terrified of this shameless scoundrel .     

With a wave of his hand, Long Chen suddenly covered the three of them with a white powder . The three of them were taken by surprise, but they didn’t sense anything immediately odd from the powder .     

But after a while, they sensed something was wrong . Their bodies were becomingly unbearably itchy, especially around their wounds . They weren’t able to bear it and began to scratch .     

As soon as they scratched, even their insides became itchy and they couldn’t help crying out .     

“Hehe, I saw that you guys don’t like to be cooperative so I gave you guys some itching powder . Now we can discuss business . ”    

Long Chen extended his hand, giving them three medicinal pills . “This is a temporary cure . It can stop the itching for two hours . As long as you all work properly, two hours later, I will give you the full cure . But if you are stubborn, you can choose not to eat it . But I’ll tell you right now that my itching powder is not ordinary . Without scratching off your own skin, there’s no way you’ll stop it . ”    

The three of them angrily decided to obediently eat his cure . Immediately after consuming it, the itching completely disappeared . It was as if that itching before had just been a dream .     

“Ok, now I’ll give you your jobs . Go cut down some branches to weave into cages for me . Make them according to the standards of the cage I have here . If you can’t each make one in two hours, no antidote . ”    

After he finished saying that, the three of them continued to just foolishly look at him . He sinisterly laughed, “You can continue just standing there, but I guarantee that two hours later, you’ll be in so much pain you won’t want to live . ”    

The three of them blanched and immediately flew into action . They began chopping down branches and weaving them according to Long Chen’s cage .     

But Long Chen had really overestimated these spoiled disciples . The things they weaved caused Long Chen to curse . There were so many huge gaps between their branches that even a tortoise would be able to swim through; how could it possibly be used for catching fish?    

“Hey, work properly! You, Cross-eyes, didn’t you say you can see through things accurately? Are you making cages or a boat? Does that look like the right shape?!”    

Long Chen finally had no choice but to teach them how to work one step at a time .     

Only at this time did Long Chen have a chance to check his second fish cage . Pulling it out, splashing came from within .     

“There’s actually seven in this one!” After all, Long Chen had left this cage in the water for about twice as long . That was why there were so many more fish in .     

He checked the medicinal pill he had wrapped in grass and placed within the cage . Despite having soaked in water for so long, it hadn’t dissolved much at all .     

Long Chen thought about and decided to take a dagger and cut the medicinal pill into smaller pieces . That way the flavor released would be even denser .     

He then threw it back into the water . Returning to his original location, he saw the three of them had finished weaving .     

Although there were still many small gaps, they had used some more thinner branches to cover up those spots . Although it was ugly, it could at least be used to catch more fish . Once they swam into it, they wouldn’t be able to escape .     

At this time, the three of their expressions were somewhat ugly . Their bodies were incessantly trembling . Obviously the itching powder had already begun to affect them again . But with their experience from last time, they didn’t dare go itch again and could only bitterly endure it .     

Seeing Long Chen arrive, the three of them looked at him expectantly . By now they had already realized how terrifying Long Chen was and didn’t dare do anything to provoke him .     

Long Chen handed them new medicinal pills that could let them stop the itching for six hours . He knew with their previous experience, they wouldn’t dare run .     

The three of them stayed by the waterside, weaving fish cages for him . It went without saying that under this pressure, their weaving skill quickly skyrocketed . If there came a day they were no longer able to cultivate, they could still rely on their weaving to survive .     

After a whole day, they had weaved over thirty fish cages . Long Chen threw them into the water, placing them at least several hundred meters apart to attract more fish .     

Each loop around the pool would take him close to four hours . He could continuously circle around, raising the cages and collecting the fish inside .     

Because the medicinal pill had its own limits, Long Chen didn’t require any more cages . He set the three of them to bringing up the cages for him as he just sat there, waiting for them to bring him buckets of Wonder Carps .     

Two days later, Long Chen’s life ring contained hundreds of Wonder Carps . Long Chen finally decided to stop fishing .     

One reason was that the medicinal pill had finally dissolved away, and the other reason was that he temporarily had enough fish for his uses . In any case, he would be staying within the Xuantian Monastery in the future . There would still be chances for him to get more, so there was no need for him to take all the fish away .     

A small fire was burning away next to the pool . Dozens of Wonder Carps were being cooked, the smell causing people to drool with desire . Even Long Chen had to constantly swallow his saliva .     

“Ok, you’ve all worked hard . These fish can be your reward . After eating you can head off . ”    

Long Chen took the lead to take a fish and began eating it . As soon as he bit into, the flavor immediately exploded throughout his mouth, making him want to eat even more .     

After eating just that one, he handed over the antidote to the itching powder to them and walked off alone .     

The three of them watched him leave and then looked at each other . They began to wildly devour the food . In just a short moment, they completely finished over all of them .     

“This Long Chen isn’t that bad,” sighed one of them, licking his lips .     

“You absolutely can’t let boss Lei hear that . Remember which faction we’re on,” said the cross-eyed man .     

Thee three of their hearts shook and they hastily nodded .     

“Ok, just let this matter pass like this . No one say anything . Otherwise if boss Lei hears about it, he might feel we’re too useless and kick us out,” he solemnly continued .     

After that, the three of them also walked away from this place .     

Of course, Long Chen didn’t care what those three thought of him . In any case, he had already obtained something good . After treating them to such a feast, they were even .     

Walking over a small mountain, a voice suddenly attracted his attention .     


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