Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 840

Chapter 840

2Chapter 840: 840     

The bloody mist floated through the air, its scent wafting into their noses . The Blood Python experts looked as though flames were about to explode out of their eyes .     

They hadn’t expected Long Chen to really dare to ignore their warnings and kill one of their members right in front of them .     

That was a provocation to all the ancient races . Their bloodlines were different, which was why they didn’t view humans as the same race . In fact, they even viewed them as an inferior race due to their arrogance .     

But Long Chen never liked to indulge people for being stupid . He had already warned them, and they had actually wanted to kill Little Snow in front of him . Since they wanted to die so urgently, Long Chen could only help them out .     

“Die!” The rank three Celestial roared and smashed his fist at Long Chen . Countless scales appeared over his fist, giving it immense power .     

Long Chen also let out a punch, and both of them were forced back by the other . Long Chen was startled . As expected, this person really wasn’t an ordinary rank three Celestial . He was also an innate rank three Celestial, someone on the level of Xue You and the others .     

The immense collision directly blew back the other Blood Python experts surrounding Long Chen .     

“You mongrel-” Before one of them could finish speaking, Flying Rainbow struck like a bolt of lightning, piercing his head .     

Long Chen activated Flying Rainbow’s runes, and its sharp aura completely erupted . Those Blood Python experts might have immediately raised their weapons to block, but they were still cut into mincemeat in front of Flying Rainbow’s sword-light .     

Their weapons were all Enchanted items, while Flying Rainbow was a Treasure item . Furthermore, it specialized in sharpness . As a result, countless bits of flesh flew through the air .     

This was a Treasure item’s power . All Enchanted items were garbage in front of it .     

Previously, when he had fought Xue You and Leng Yueyan, he hadn’t been able to see this superiority . But now that he was fighting enemies that used Enchanted items, Long Chen was delighted to see his advantage .     

“Bastard!” The rank three Celestial was completely infuriated upon seeing his comrades being slain . He suddenly took out a whip .     

The barbed whip sparkled with a golden light . If someone were struck by it, then even if their body could handle it, a large strip of their skin would be torn off .     

It didn’t seem like a weapon . Instead, it seemed more like a tool for torture . Looking at it would give a person chills .     

Long Chen swung his sword, slashing it onto the whip . The whip was knocked back, but it wasn’t damaged . It was obvious that this was also a Treasure item .     

That gave Long Chen a surprise . For a Treasure item to have been forged into this form, perhaps it had many unknown abilities . If he was struck, then even if he didn’t die, he would probably lose half of his life .     

The rank three Celestial attacked three times in a row before Long Chen used his immense power to knock him back a step .     

“Divine ring!”    

“Four Star Battle armor!”    

“Split the Heavens!”    

An immense sword-image soared through the clouds and slashed down on the rank three Celestial .     

The rank three Celestial was horrified . In the blink of an eye, Long Chen had suddenly pushed his power to its peak . It had to be known that a battle was a gradual process . Increasing your power too violently would damage your own meridians .     

But against Long Chen, he had no time to consider that right now . A sensation of death washed over him . Clenching his teeth, his runes suddenly transformed . He seemed like a Magical Beast now, and his aura was pushed to the peak . His whip smashed down .     


He vomited a mouthful of blood and shot back like a shooting star . He directly tore through a large mountain .     

He had only just come out of the mountain when Long Chen’s second attack arrived .     

The immense mountain was cleanly cut in two by Long Chen’s sword . His terrifying Sword Qi continued far into the distance .     

At this moment, a figure appeared from the destroyed ground . The rank three Celestial was covered in blood, and his lower body had been destroyed . He appeared incredibly wretched .     

“As expected, even amongst innate Celestials, there is an immense difference . ”    

This Blood Python expert’s aura was on the same level as Leng Yueyan and the others, but his actual battle power was a far cry from them . He was injured on just the second attack .     

“Bastard, do you know the price of your provocation today?!” he roared .     

Long Chen ignored him . He didn’t even know how many of these arrogant idiots he had killed . There was no need to reason with these people; that was just a waste of saliva . It was better to just directly hack them to death . His sword once more released a ray of Sword Qi . Long Chen wanted to kill him today .     

Little Snow was safe within his spiritual space, but his body was now riddled with injuries . That net had been too immoral . Those countless barbs were impossible to remove without sacrificing a great deal of flesh .     

At the same time as he was distressed, he was also furious . No matter what, this person had to be killed .     

“Ancestral spirit, materialize!” The Blood Python expert roared and his runes formed a large illusory image . It seemed to be a serpent .     

It was huge but very indistinct . Compared to the image Leng Yueyan had summoned, it was much more indistinct, and its aura was also much weaker .     

However, his own aura also rose a level . His whip once more whistled toward Long Chen .     

“I’ll make you pay a price for your arrogance!” he roared . His whip suddenly grew explosively, going from three meters to three hundred meters long . It was like a ribbon, attempting to wrap around Long Chen .     

“As expected, there’s something fishy . ” All these kinds of strange weapons had secret methods to use them . Although he had been suspicious, in a true battle, a sudden special technique could result in unexpected results .     

This golden whip had some kind of mechanism that allowed it to retract and extend . It had thousands of variations, and it had special runes on its barbs .     

Once those barbs struck flesh, the flesh would harden, almost like fossilization . Then when the barbs were slightly pulled, they would immediately pull out a large chunk of flesh .     

Although Long Chen didn’t know that, he could sense an immense threat from it . He didn’t want to test how it would feel to be struck by its barbs .     

The rank three Celestial’s techniques were extremely swift . By the time Long Chen reacted, he was already surrounded by the whip . It was too late to escape .     

This was one of his trump cards, and it was extremely powerful . Until now, it had proved to have a wondrous impact against countless experts .     

He had trained this move to the pinnacle and couldn’t be any better at using it . Whether it was his speed, timing, or angle, everything was controlled perfectly .     

Suddenly, Long Chen was surrounded by countless golden scales . They formed an armor around his body .     

The whip rapidly struck over and over . Sparks flew, but it was unable to damage these scales .     

These scales came from the Hidden Ground Gold Spider King, a king amongst seventh rank Magical Beasts . They were natural soul items and incomparably sharp . Although their power was only comparable to Enchanted items, up until now, the only thing capable of destroying them was Leng Yueyan’s sword . This whip clearly hadn’t reached that level yet .     

With the golden scales blocking for him, Long Chen escaped the whip’s entanglement . At the next moment, Long Chen’s sword came slashing toward the rank three Celestial .     

The Corrupt Celestial was startled . Now he was stuck in an awkward position . His whip was too long, so he needed to block with something else .     

He took out a huge shield . It was extremely thick and covered in runes . Its aura made it seem like a high grade Enchanted item .     

With a light sound, Long Chen’s sword cut the shield in two . Blood erupted from the rank three Celestial as he was also almost cut in two . If it hadn’t been for the shield, he would have died .     

He turned pale . Flying Rainbow was just too sharp . Having just taken a stroll past the gates of hell, he was finally afraid . He put away his whip, and runic wings appeared on his back . He fled .     

“You want to leave? Leave your life behind first! Today I want to see if your luck really can stop me from killing you!” Long Chen put away the scales . Lightning wings appeared on his back, and he shot after him .     


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