Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10546

Chapter 10546

110546 Chapter 10535-     

His entire appearance gave off a ferocious and brutal aura.    

Not to mention the human cultivators, even the skeletons of the same race could not help but feel a chill and their hair stand on end.    

The White skeleton quickly explained in a low voice, ” it is the ultimate weapon Grandmaster of the militarists ‘collection. Its combat strength is the highest among the 36 of us. In the entire city of one hundred Saints, it is unrivaled.    

As it spoke, it broke out in a cold sweat.    

The scene of Lin Yi swallowing thirty-six houses in one gulp was indeed beautiful, but no matter how much confidence it had in Lin Yi, it shouldn’t be so blind.    

Lin Yi’s strength was no small matter, and killing the head of the ru family in one move was already far beyond its imagination.    

However, the strength of the ultimate weapon Grandmaster of the militarists was far above that of the head of the ru family!    

Lin Yi nodded, ” you do look fierce. With your image, you’ll make a lot of money in a movie. You don’t even need special effects.     

“What did you just say?”    

It was obvious that ultimate weapon Grandmaster did not understand what he meant. He turned around and glanced at the higher-ups of the skeleton army from the other 36 clans. He said in disdain, ” a weak human can scare you to this extent. It seems that the thirty-six families have really fallen. They deserve to be looked down upon.    

The upper echelons of the thirty-six families were all furious, but they didn’t dare to say anything.    

The militarists ‘combat strength was second to none among the 36 great families, especially this ultimate weapon Grandmaster. He had unparalleled and terrifying strength, and even the top-tier family heads, including the confucians, did not dare to slack off in the slightest in front of him.    

The ultimate weapon Grandmaster was not only the representative of the militarists ‘combat strength, but also the face of the entire 36 families’ combat strength!    

Human slave, you were able to kill that old scholar in a single move. It seems that you do have some strength. I hope you can let me fight to my heart’s content.    

As he spoke, the ultimate weapon Grandmaster’s huge body suddenly disappeared.    

Lin Yi’s face was filled with shock as he was pierced through by a thick bone tail!    

The entire process didn’t even last a thousandth of a second, and the battle was already over.    

The beginning was unexpected, and the end was even more unexpected. The upper echelons of the 36 skeleton families did not even have the chance to react.    

When they finally reacted, they were overjoyed.    

Putting everything else aside, the pressure that Lin Yi gave them alone was enough to make them unable to raise their heads. Many of them were even prepared to run away.    

He didn’t expect the situation to reverse so quickly.    

On the other hand, skeleton, who was still fantasizing about the thirty-six houses, was now in a difficult position. Without Lin Yi, they couldn’t fight all thirty-six houses on their own.    

Not to mention, there was an extremely vicious ultimate weapon Grandmaster standing in front of him.    

The skeletal experts from the school of vertical and horizontal all looked at the White skeleton. Even though they hadn’t started an internal fight yet, the blame was already obvious.    

The White skeleton was suddenly in a difficult position.    

Just as it was desperately trying to think of a way to save itself, Lin Yi’s voice came from above,”According to the division of strength here, can you tell me what rank you are roughly equivalent to?”    

All the skeletons turned their heads in unison and were shocked to find that this guy had somehow sat on the head of a ultimate weapon Grandmaster!    

Everyone was shocked.    

If these skeletons had eyes, their eyeballs would have rolled on the ground by now.    

What was going on?    

It was one thing that the ultimate weapon Grandmaster’s attack did not kill him, but this fellow was actually able to sit on the head of a ultimate weapon Grandmaster. How could a mere human be so unreasonably powerful?    

Before the skeletons could say anything, the shadow of an ultimate weapon Grandmaster’s long tail streaked across the air, and Lin Yi crumbled again.    

Immediately after, they realized that Lin Yi had reappeared at his previous position, as if he had never moved at all. It was like everything was just an illusion.    

The ultimate weapon Grandmaster stared at Lin Yi, his voice filled with indescribable excitement, “”Tenth level! In the entire Holy skeleton clan, I’m the only tenth level! Since the day I was born, no one in the entire city could be my opponent. I didn’t expect that a human slave like you could ignite my fighting spirit. This is really interesting!”    

“Tenth-ranked, more or less.”    

Lin Yi recalled his previous battles with all kinds of zombie beasts. The strongest T-Rex he’d encountered was only a type 7, far from this one, but he could roughly guess.    

This level of strength was already comparable to a half-step Mystic venerable, and it was the top kind. It was very terrifying.    

After all, the other party was essentially just a cell in the body of hundred Saints city.    

If one of his cells was a half-step Mystic venerable, how terrifying would his actual body be?    

He didn’t dare to imagine.    

Lin Yi couldn’t help but praise himself when he thought about how he’d set his eyes on someone like that. This was what it meant to be a Sadako on maternity leave if she was brave enough!    

However, it was still better than what he had expected.    

When the other party had attacked, he had thought that it was another clone of hundredth sacred city. If that was the case, it meant that hundredth sacred city had its eyes on him. If that was the case, he would not be far from death if he continued to act recklessly.    

Fortunately, they could basically confirm that the other party was not a clone of the city, and the situation had not reached a point of no return.    

“Your image is quite unique,” Lin Yi suddenly asked,”I’m lacking a dog, do you want to consider it?”    


Everyone was stunned.    

Even the White skeleton, who had been going back and forth on the roller coaster, didn’t know how to evaluate this guy.    

The opponent was an ultimate weapon Grandmaster, the only tenth-tier being in the entire city. Instead of thinking about how to defeat the opponent, he was actually thinking of making the opponent his dog?    

Was this a cold joke?    

The ultimate weapon Grandmaster was clearly stunned as well.    

It had seen powerful human cultivators before. Sometimes, in order to have fun, it even deliberately picked a group of the strongest human slaves and brought them to a place far away from the hundred sacred cities so that they could get rid of the seal of rule power and have a good fight with it.    

However, the result was without exception that none of the human cultivators could make it find joy in fighting.    

No matter how strong Lin Yi was before, he was just a big toy in its eyes. The biggest value of his existence was to give it more fun.    

In the end, in the other party’s eyes, it was only worthy of being a dog?    

“I hope your strength is as good as your ability to tell jokes. Otherwise, I’ll be too disappointed.”    

The ultimate weapon Grandmaster didn’t have the habit of wasting his breath on people. Since Lin Yi had challenged him, he was more than happy to accept it.    

What happened next was that the ultimate weapon Grandmaster showed Lin Yi and all the higher-ups of skeleton the true strength of hundred sacred city!    








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