Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10516

Chapter 10516

210516 chapter 10515-     

The so-called divine meant that if a Saint were to take a step further, they would become a real ancient God. In terms of power, they would be on the same level as the God of creation!    

a saint’s bone was the bone armor left behind by a saint. it would not decay or melt even after tens of millions of years!    

And this group of skeletons that called themselves the Holy race, although they were not the descendants of the Saints, for them to appear in this place in such a form, it was clear that they had some connection with the Saints of the ancient times.    

perhaps, they were like the undead creatures he had encountered before, their core formed from sacred bones.    

The difference between the Holy race and undead creatures was nothing more than the difference in their intelligence. They actually came from the same source, just like humans and other species in the secular world.    

Of course, all of this was just Lin Yi’s guess.    

however, even if these conjectures were true, what did they have to do with the hundred schools of thought?    

it wasn’t inappropriate for the saints of the hundred schools of thought in the pre-qin period to be called saints, but that was the secular world after all. it was a completely different world from this one, and the timing didn’t match.    

the saints of the hundred schools of thought in the secular world and the saints from 2000 years ago were two completely different concepts compared to the ancient times here, which had been tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.    

no matter how he thought about it, it was difficult for the two to have any substantial connection.    

With that thought, Lin Yi asked directly,”School of vertical and horizontal? Could it be that the hundred schools of philosophy are also here?”    

“Eh? i didn’t expect you, a new slave, to have some knowledge.”    

the white skeleton in the lead laughed smugly. ” ” that’s right. our hundred saint city was built by our bai clan. there are 36 great saints, 36 left, and 72 little saints, 72 clans, and our school of vertical and horizontal is one of the 36 clans! ”    

lin yi couldn’t help but feel weird.    

a group of skeletons actually claimed to be the descendants of the saints of the hundred schools of thought. this scene was really absurd.    

however, from their tone, they were truly proud of it. if the saints from the hundred schools of thought were still alive, he wondered what their expressions would be like.    

The White skeleton looked at Lin Yi once more, satisfied. It then waved its bone claw.”take him away.”    

The rest of the skeletons immediately took out a bone chain each, tied it to the light prison, and dragged it in the direction of the city.    

lin yi, naturally, wouldn’t just sit there and wait.    

however, when he tried to attack the light prison, he found that once his attack touched the light pillars from all directions, it was immediately like a clay ox entering the sea. there was no sound or even a splash.    

the leading white skeleton laughed. ” as your new master, i’ll be merciful and remind you not to waste your energy. your power is meaningless in front of the saints. ”    

“is that so?”    

Lin Yi didn’t comment, but from the response he got, it didn’t seem like the guy was just blowing his own trumpet.    

The moment the rule bending power that he had just released touched the light pillar, it did not cause any substantial impact on it. Instead, it integrated into the other party.    

At the very least, the rule bending power that Supreme realm experts were most proud of would not have any effect on it.    

lin yi wondered if these pillars of light were the power left behind by the saints, the legendary holy light.    

the appearance of the saints was to educate the world. fundamentally speaking, they were naturally existences that were above all rule powers.    

no matter how powerful the rule force was, it would only be tamed by them.    

If his guess was right, these pillars of light were indeed holy light. Using the rule bending power of a Supreme realm to attack them would be futile.    

in other words, these skeletons that claimed to be from the holy race had the ability to stand tall against a human venerable realm expert. no wonder they were so fearless and dared to capture a venerable realm expert as a slave!    

lin yi didn’t believe it. he tried a few more times, and the results were the same.    

The White skeleton shook its head in disdain. “Another idiot who doesn’t know what’s good for him! You so-called human cultivators, why are you all so uncultured? I’ve already taught you the truth, but instead of accepting it gratefully, you still continue to do such stupid things. It seems that this is the root of your human nature.”    


Lin Yi never would’ve thought that he’d be discriminated against by a skeleton one day!    

As expected, the world was big and full of wonders.    

but then again, humans were indeed not a race that would change after knowing their mistakes. they were more used to being stubborn in many things and making mistakes again and again. otherwise, there wouldn’t be such a thing as the cycle of history.    

at least on this point, the other party was not completely wrong.    

Of course, Lin Yi wasn’t going to give up just because of one sentence.    

Although judging from his words, the other party was not ready to kill him for the time being, since he was confident of making him a slave, it meant that he must have more powerful means of suppression in the future.    

Lin Yi’s intuition told him that it would be hard for him to escape if he was sent to hundred Saint City.    

A gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall. If he wanted to escape, this was his best chance.    

The moment the demonic sword was unsheathed, Lin Yi was covered in a layer of black armor. Even if he didn’t move, just standing in the light prison gave people a sense of pressure.    

the white skeleton stopped in its tracks.    

there was no expression on the skeleton’s face, but lin yi and the other skeletons all felt it.    

it was a little panicked.    

So far, no human cultivator had been able to destroy the light prison from the inside. In the knowledge of the skeleton and almost all the other skeletons of the same race, the light prison was the perfect cage to imprison human cultivators.    

but now, it felt threatened by lin yi.    

” lowly human, as your master, i may have the virtue of being tolerant of my servants, but if you continue to disobey my teachings, don’t blame me for not showing you any mercy. ”    

The White skeleton threatened with a cold snort.    

the rest of the skeletons were also restless.    

If they were in hundred sacred city, even if these human cultivators were released directly, they would not have the ability to hurt them, because hundred sacred city naturally suppressed the use of all rule power.    

but they were outside the city, and once lin yi broke free from the light prison, the situation would be reversed.    

Although they called themselves the Holy race and were the undisputed rulers of the Boneyard world, in terms of individual strength, they were far inferior to ghouls and other undead beasts, let alone high-level Dragon beasts like the zombie T-Rex.    

Since Lin Yi could take care of the T-Rex so easily, it would be easy for him to deal with them once he got out of the trap.    

“i’m sorry, but i’m a person who can be persuaded by reason but not cowed by force.”    

Lin Yi looked at the White skeleton indifferently.    








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