Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10509

Chapter 10509

010509 Chapter 10508-     

“I’ve only completed the general framework of my formation,” Lin Yi said,”there’s still a lot of details to be done. If you’re interested, I can share the entire design with you.”    

The eyes of Lu qiyou and the other two lit up again.    

an array design was where the essence of an array lay. if it was given to an ordinary array master, they might not be able to see anything if their array knowledge was insufficient. however, with the standards of the three of them, as long as they had the original array design, even a grandmaster level array would be able to digest a lot of it.    

At the very least, he could truly broaden his horizons.    

the two sides immediately hit it off.    

Lu qiyou personally led the team. Lu xixue and the branch’s elite array Masters headed to Hero Academy together. Even Wang Luo, who was an outsider, clamored to follow.    

this was the attraction of a grandmaster-grade formation.    

Lin Yi was happy to see that. Although the number of formation Masters was less than he expected, this had an advantage-the origin of the people was limited to a small range, preventing too many people from looking at them.    

He didn’t mind his formation’s philosophy being leaked.    

since he had chosen the three courtyards formation, he had absolute confidence that it would be difficult for anyone to break it in a short period of time.    

Even if the formation design was made public, there would be very few experts like little bird Shen who could see through it. As for finding a way to break it, the idea wasn’t difficult, but to actually execute it was as difficult as ascending to the heavens. Even little bird Shen, a formation Grandmaster, couldn’t do it.    

Unless there was another Lin Yi on the other side, or the opponent’s strength was so terrifying that it exceeded the limit of the formation.    

however, if he really encountered such an opponent, the three courtyards formation itself would not be important anymore.    

After settling down Lu qiyou and the others, Lin Yi called for an internal meeting with Xu Anshan and the others to decide on the direction of their development and the division of labor.    

After that, Lin Yi decided to be a hands-off manager again.    

It wasn’t that he wasn’t being responsible, but rather that he was too ambitious in the current situation. If he continued to stay in the Academy, he would only become a target for all, which would be detrimental to the progress of the next step of the plan.    

On the other hand, if he disappeared from the territory of the three defeated Academies, not only would he attract the attention of the strongest faction, but he would also be able to fight for more room for himself.    

After all, it wasn’t easy for him to take over the three big schools-he’d be at a disadvantage if he were to fight on school grounds, even with the home ground advantage.    

As for whether or not the houses of the three Academies would get stolen when he wasn’t around, Lin Yi wasn’t too worried about that.    

With Xu Anshan, Dongfang Yan, the Queen, Madam Qing, and the support of Xia wubing’s divine eyes, their overall strength and fault tolerance were guaranteed.    

Unless the Alliance of God-ranked Academies openly made a move against Jianghai Academy, even the so-called top schools would have to think twice before facing such a lineup.    

Plus, with a weapon like Lin Yi out there, even if they had the guts to steal their home, they didn’t know if they could handle Lin Yi’s revenge.    

No matter how one looked at it, Lin Yi’s temporary departure was a good thing.    

After all, you can’t always put all your eggs in the same basket.    

with little bird’s advice, lin yi quickly decided on his next step.    

One of the four great forbidden grounds, the burial ground.    

On one hand, the Boneyard was independent of the divine Kingdom on land. Even if the Alliance controlled this resource in name, the degree of control was still far from comparable to the divine Kingdom on land.    

in essence, it was still a wild land that was out of the control of the alliance.    

even the supreme board of directors ‘most powerful means of control was to use a super-array to seal off all aspects of it, and at the same time, they held the key to enter. that was all.    

Once Lin Yi entered, even the strongest faction led by Kong shenglin wouldn’t be able to do anything.    

On the other hand, the burial ground was a rare cultivation opportunity for all cultivators.    

In the past, every practitioner who went in and returned successfully would have their strength increase by leaps and bounds. Even a half-step Mystic venerable was no exception.    

Although it was impossible to become a Mystic venerable with this, at this level, any little increase in strength was extremely precious, not to mention the huge increase in strength!    

Since he’d gotten the key to the burial ground from the school’s storage, he wouldn’t waste it.    

Even if there was no external pressure, the trip to the burial ground was still necessary.    

after all, when cultivators did things that defied the heavens, the higher their level, the more they had to fight!    

Just as Lin Yi was bidding farewell to Xu Anshan and the others, Yuan kun, the founder of the new style Alliance, was interrogating an important person in an extremely secretive location within the eastern Tang Academy.    

xi rulai’s son, xi chenyuan.    

If this scene were to spread, it would definitely shock the entire divine Kingdom on land.    

One had to know that whether it was in the eyes of the mainstream public opinion, the eyes of all the intelligence agencies, or even in the eyes of Xi Rulai himself, Lin Yi was the culprit behind Xi Chenyuan’s disappearance.    

there was no other possibility other than lin yi who had xi chen yuan.    

No one would have thought that he would actually be locked up in Eastern Tang Academy and become Yuan kun’s prisoner!    

However, although he was a prisoner, Xi Chenyuan’s personal freedom was limited. Facing Yuan kun, the culprit, he did not have the slightest bit of good expression, nor did he show the slightest fear.    

Hmph! Xi Chenyuan straightened his neck and snorted coldly. if you’re smart enough to let me go, you might still be able to barely keep your dog life. Otherwise, when my father comes to find you personally, I’ll definitely make you wish you were dead!    

yuan kun sat opposite him and poured him a cup of tea,”I’m actually very curious, where did young master Xi get such confidence from?”    

“Since I have the guts to tie you up, I naturally have further awareness. No matter how powerful your father is, if I want to hide, I’m afraid it won’t be easy for him to find me.”    

Xi Chenyuan sneered back,’you ignorant fool! My father has left a spiritual mark on my body. If anything happens to me, my father will immediately sense it. You have no chance of escaping!”    

He was not a fool. Since he was so fearless, he naturally had the corresponding capital and confidence.    

“no wonder your father isn’t worried at all,” yuan kun said with a look of realization.    

he had originally predicted that xi chenyuan’s disappearance would quickly ignite xi rulai’s anger, and all the spearheads would be pointed at lin yi.    

but now, although lin yi had been pushed to the teeth of the storm, whether it was the strongest faction or xi rulai himself, they were all just big talk.    








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