Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10570

Chapter 10570

210570 Chapter 10559-     

No matter what, as a woman, no matter how tough her will was, it was definitely not a small matter that she could bear with. It was very likely to leave a psychological shadow for the rest of her life.    

However, in order to get close to him and not make him suspicious, the other party didn’t hesitate to personally go into battle.    

Even though he knew that the man was a professional killer who would do anything to kill him, Lin Yi still felt a chill run down his spine at the amount of effort and professionalism he had to put in.    

“Using all means to get close to the target is just the basic skill of a professional killer. If you think we don’t even have this awareness, then you’re underestimating the word” professional killer.””    

Wuji didn’t mind and grinned.    

If she didn’t do that, Lin Yi would’ve exposed himself when he went back in time, and she wouldn’t have been able to gain Lin Yi’s trust after that. She wouldn’t have been led by Lin Yi all the way here, and she wouldn’t have found such a perfect opportunity to hit him when he was down.    

She was a killer, not a soldier.    

As long as she could kill her target, she would use any means that didn’t seem so honorable. One of the most important principles of a professional killer was that unless it was absolutely necessary, never think about fighting a powerful target head-on.    

Just like now, since she could use the power of the “Saint ancestor” to kill Lin Yi, she wouldn’t do it herself.    

If she’d gone all out just to fight Lin Yi face to face, then everything she’d done before would be a joke.    

“He’s so powerful.”    

Lin Yi scanned the crowd gathered around him.”You’re so sure that they can exhaust me? Paying such a huge price to get close to me just to put such a conspicuous shadow on my head, don’t you think it’s a bit of a pity?”    

The corner of Wuji’s bright red lips curled up into a charming smile, “”Even if they can’t exhaust you to death, there’s still that Saint ancestor, right? Besides, didn’t you help me exchange it for a level 10 Saint bone? it’s already worth the price. Speaking of which, I have to thank you for your generosity.”    

While speaking, Wuji pointed at the crowd that had already rushed to the front with her mouth,”I won’t bother you anymore, you go ahead.”    

After he finished speaking, he retreated to the back of the crowd. He even brought a reclining chair from somewhere, just like he was enjoying a good show.    

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes.    

For a moment, he couldn’t care about this woman. He could only take on the combined attacks of the human cultivators and the skeleton experts.    

Fortunately, he had a divine body, so ordinary people couldn’t break his defense easily. Otherwise, with the current situation, he might be exhausted to death.    

But even if they didn’t die in a short time, as more and more practitioners and skeletons gathered, the situation still took a sharp turn for Lin Yi.    

Of course, it wasn’t that Lin Yi didn’t have the confidence to continue, but that would be exactly what Tian Sheng wanted. It wasn’t worth it no matter how he thought about it.    

However, if he wanted to escape, there was a huge Shadow Light bulb following behind him like a shadow. No matter where he escaped to in hundredth Saint city, he was destined to be the center of attention. He could not keep a low profile even if he wanted to.    

The real problem was that Lin Yi couldn’t get rid of this shadow yet.    

Even if he used the world’s will, it would be of no use.    

In theory, the world will could shield all auras, but this shadow was so huge that even if it did not reveal any aura, it could be seen by half the city’s people. Unless it was eliminated from the root, it was useless.    

The only way to get rid of it was to target its rule power.    

And that was not something the world will could control.    

After a while with the human practitioners and skeleton Masters, Lin Yi suddenly flashed past the crowd and appeared in front of Wuji, who was watching the show.    

He raised his hand and performed a sword offering.    

One more thing-with the double boost from the reverse seal and the activation of his God body, even if he didn’t enter the full black armor state, Lin Yi could easily handle the huge burden of the sword sacrifice and use it like a normal attack.    

However, his normal attack would be a fatal blow to any other master at the same level, including a normal golden class full master.    

Wuji, who was watching the show, was shocked. She didn’t expect Lin Yi to be able to find an opening so easily in such a dense group attack.    

Lin Yi’s thought process was simple.    

Since he couldn’t get rid of the huge shadow behind it in a short time, he would get rid of the mastermind behind it.    

As long as Wuji died, the shadow would lose its source of power, and it would naturally return to normal.    

However, in the next second, the sword sacrifice only streaked through the air when it streaked across Wuji’s body. It did not have any physical body.    

It was actually a shadow!    

fortunately, I’ve always been cautious. Otherwise, I would’ve fallen for it. So scary, so scary.    

Wuji’s mocking voice came from the other side.    

As a top professional killer, he would never underestimate the threat of his target. This was the basic quality of a killer.    

From the start until now, she’d looked like she was just watching the show, but she’d been keeping her guard up against Lin Yi the entire time. After all, she knew that if Lin Yi wanted to get rid of the shadow, she was the only way.    

But on the other hand, the reason she chose to stay here was to use herself as bait to lure Lin Yi into making a mistake.    

As long as she was nearby, she would naturally be a huge disturbance to Lin Yi.    

And if Lin Yi made a mistake while trying to kill her, the possibility of pushing himself into a dead end would be even greater.    

Plus, there was another benefit to staying around here-she could finish Lin Yi off if he made a mistake.    

Although a top-tier assassin like her had long passed the stage where she needed to show off her strength by personally killing the target, she still preferred to personally cut off the target’s head if there was a chance.    

She couldn’t help but feel a great sense of satisfaction from the harvest.    

Of course, it was not the time yet.    

As Lin Yi’s attack missed, his body was exposed, and the rest of the human practitioners and skeleton Masters reacted and attacked again.    

If they were in their normal state, it would be hard for them to keep up with Lin Yi’s pace, but with the insane blessings of the Saints, they could at least slow him down by half a beat.    

However, when everyone’s attacks landed, they realized that it was the same as Lin Yi’s sword sacrifice-they only hit an illusory figure.    

However, this was completely different from Wuji’s shadow.    

The Wuji’s shadow was supported by rule power, and it was a confusing move. On the other hand, Lin Yi’s shadow was just an afterimage left behind by his speed.    








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