Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10555

Chapter 10555

010555 Chapter 10544-     

With everyone’s current strength, even if they could use the reverse seal to mobilize part of the rule power, the chances of success were still extremely low when facing the skeleton experts who far outnumbered them.    

Even if they were lucky enough to succeed, there would inevitably be a large number of casualties along the way.    

Who would be willing to become cannon fodder and sacrifice themselves to attract the firepower of the enemy?    

If they wanted to get out of here, they needed to rely on the rule power of space. Other than Lin Yi, who was a dabbler, Xiang Yusheng was the only master who was proficient in the rule power of space.    

In other words, Xiang Yusheng was the only ticket for these people to escape.    

Yuan kun broke the awkward silence, ” brother Lin has misunderstood. None of us have the intention to offend senior Xiang. I also hope that everyone can sit down and talk things out. I think brother Huang has the same intention. It’s just that we’re all in a hurry, so our tone is a little harsh.    

On the other side, Huang laosi was clearly not convinced.    

However, under Yuan kun’s instructions, his tone softened, I don’t have anything else to say, but the matter between me and qiushi is a private matter between the two of us. I don’t want outsiders to interfere.    

“How do you prove it?” Xiang Yusheng looked at him coldly.    

“Prove my ass!”    

Huang laosi immediately became flustered and exasperated, “”I’ve hugged her for so long, but did you see her resist at all? If we weren’t a couple, would she let me hug her like this?”    

This was the truth.    

From just now until now, qiushi did not resist, but looking at her expression, she did not seem to be in a normal state.    

Xiang Yusheng was in a dilemma.    

If it was really as the other party said, he would only be an evil person if he forcibly interfered. However, if qiushi really encountered some difficulties, and he just sat back and did nothing, not to mention that it was unreasonable, just his own psychological barrier would not be easy to get over.    

The problem was that there was no evidence.    

At this time, Lin Yi quietly walked behind Huang fourth, a hand on qiushi’s shoulder.    

In the next second, the scene before everyone’s eyes began to reverse. Time began to reverse.    

“Turning back time?”    

Everyone’s hearts jumped.    

The laws of time were the same as the laws of space. They were both top-tier nomological powers. While they were extremely powerful, they were also extremely difficult to cultivate. Even in the entire divine Kingdom on the continent, there were only a few experts who were proficient in this.    

Not only did they meet Xiang Yusheng, who was proficient in space rule power, but they also met Lin Yi, who was proficient in time rule power. What kind of luck was this!    

However, Yuan kun quickly recovered from his shock. it’s not time going back. It’s just a time going back on the visual level. I can only see the images that have happened before.    

If Lin Yi really was a master of time rule power, then he’d have to adjust his strategy for Lin Yi in the future.    

To a certain extent, time rule ability users were far more terrifying than space rule ability users. They were more difficult to guard against and deal with!    

Fortunately, from his current performance, Lin Yi did know a little bit of time rule power, but it was still the most basic level. It was far from enough to change the overall situation.    

Strictly speaking, Lin Yi couldn’t even be considered a time rule ability user right now. At most, he was a time rule lover.    

He only knew a little trick related to the rules of time, that was all.    

However, as the images of the past reappeared, Xiang Yusheng’s face gradually turned as black as the bottom of a pot.    

Even Lin Yi’s expression was extremely ugly.    

“What else do you have to say?”    

Xiang Yusheng once again became murderous.    

The things reappeared in time reversal were all related to autumn fruits. There was not much information that could be seen, but at least one thing was clear.    

After Xiang Yusheng left, Qiu Shi had suffered inhuman torture!    

Female cultivators who had reached the Supreme realm were not considered to be in a disadvantageous position. However, in this special situation where rule bending power was sealed, female cultivators were far more vulnerable than other male cultivators of the same level.    

This was especially so for female cultivators like Qiu Shi, who had a gentle temperament like a sheep and was extremely bad at physical combat.    

She was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.    

Fate did not favor her. Instead, Huang laosi found her and let her experience the cruelty of fate and the malice of the world!    

No woman would have the courage to continue living after experiencing such inhumane torture.    

Huang laosi obviously didn’t expect the situation to suddenly develop to this point. In the face of real video evidence, even if he wanted to quibble, he had no way to argue.    

Facing Xiang Yusheng, who was slowly walking towards him and no longer hiding his killing intent, Huang laosi subconsciously retreated.    

“Aren’t you just playing with a woman? Which one of you dares to say that you’ve never played with a woman before? Was there a need to be so serious over such a small matter? Besides, she’s my woman, so what’s wrong with me playing with my woman?”    

Unfortunately, in the face of his sophistry, Xiang Yusheng’s killing intent did not weaken, but instead became more and more monstrous!    

Alliance master Yuan, you promised to help me! Huang laosi quickly turned to Yuan kun for help. I’ve done so many things for you! You can’t just leave me in the lurch!    

“I do want to help you, but I didn’t ask you to do such a beastly thing!”    

Having encountered such a pig-like teammate, Yuan kun also had the heart to kill.    

However, with so many people watching, if he really hit someone while they were down, then no matter how strong his means of controlling people’s hearts were, he would inevitably suffer a backlash from everyone.    

Yuan kun could only smile bitterly at Xiang Yusheng,”Senior Xiang, I also want to kill this bastard, but the overall situation is more important. We can’t have internal strife at this time, or it will only make our friends suffer and our enemies happy!”    

“Who are the family and who are the enemies?”    

Xiang Yusheng looked at him coldly,”What if I have to kill him?”    

Yuan kun’s face was helpless, but the tone of his voice had turned tough,”We’re all in the same boat. If senior Xiang really wants to act on his own, I don’t think the others will ignore him. Senior Xiang, please think twice.”    

As he spoke, everyone present had already revealed their hostility towards Xiang Yusheng.    

It was as if they would attack at any moment!    

If it was a one-on-one battle, Xiang Yusheng would not be afraid of any of them, but he still felt great pressure when he suddenly became the target of all the people present.    

“Is this how you treat your benefactors?” Xiang Yusheng sneered.    

However, everyone’s expression did not change at all. They still stared at Xiang Yusheng coldly, ready to attack at any time.    








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