One Wild Night

Where Is She?

Where Is She?

2Harry stood by the door of his father's bedroom and watched as Aaron thrashed on the bed restlessly in his sleep for some seconds like he was having a bad dream, before staying still.     

Thanks to the sleeping pills the doctor had prescribed along with medication for his heart, Aaron had dozed off some hours ago, but he didn't seem to be having a very peaceful sleep.     

Harry's eyes moved to his father's broken phone, which he had picked up and had tried to put together after his father fell asleep, and he couldn't help but wonder who the lady was that had been calling him earlier and why his father had reacted so violently. Was the lady blackmailing him? Harry mused.     

The only thing that stopped him from picking up his father's phone and finding the woman's phone number to do a background search on her and find out who she was and what she wanted was that fact that he didn't want to offend his father in anyway by interfering in his private business.      

He believed that his father knew that he could be open with him about his problems and trust him to have his back. If his father needed his help, he was sure his father would ask for it. Until then, he was going to do his best to respect his father's privacy no matter how difficult it was.     

Harry's eyes moved to the bedside clock, and he let out a sigh when he saw that it was past six in the evening, and it occured to him that he was yet to eat anything all day.      

He had been too busy with work to think about food. Even though he didn't go to the office he had been on the phone making and receiving important business calls, and also sending and receiving emails with some of their business partners, while also keeping an eye on his father.      

Harry walked away from there and silently shut the door behind him when he heard his phone ringing in the living room. He picked it up from the dining table where he had been working, and he sighed when he saw that his caller was Aurora.     

"Hello, Harry!" Aurora greeted in her usual cheerful tone.     

"Hey! How are you doing?" Harry asked in a friendly tone. That he had no interest in dating the lady didn't mean he had to be rude to her when she had such a pleasant personality.     

"I'm alright. Are you okay? You don't sound like you're fine," Aurora observed with concern, and Harry smiled.      

"I had a rough day, but I'm okay," Harry assured her.     

"Oh, darling! I'm sorry about that. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked politely.     

"No. You don't have to worry. I'm cool now."     

"Alright then. I was calling to inform you that I will be in Ludus next week. Will you be available for our date? I know you're a busy man, hence, I called to be sure my schedule works for you," Aurora said, and Harry didn't waste any time in thinking about it since it was in line with his plan for Jade.      

"It works for me. Perhaps if you're not too busy you can accompany me to I-Global's anniversary dinner party as my partner?" Harry suggested, and Aurora shrieked excitedly making him smile.      

"Really? I would absolutely love that. When is the dinner?" She asked excitedly.     

"Next Saturday. Will you be around until then?" Harry asked.     

"Yes, I will. I will accompany you to the anniversary as long as you don't plan on that being our date. Let's do lunch or dinner at your convenience within the week, and then I will accompany you to the anniversary party during the weekend, what do you think?" Aurora asked, and Harry's eyes gleamed with mischief as he tried to picture Jade's reaction when she hears of his coming dates with Aurora.     

Jealous? Had Jade said she was jealous simply because of her dream? Well, he couldn't wait to see how she would react when she hears of this.     

"That's very fine by me. By the way, have you seen or heard from Jade lately?" Harry asked, setting another part of his plan in motion.     

"Yeah. She called earlier to book an appointment for a friend. I think they will be arriving any moment from now," Aurora said, and Harry smiled.      


"Alright. Give my regards to her when she gets there. Also, since you're coming over next week, can you help me bring something along with you when coming? I left my favorite shirt in my suite. Kindly ask Jade to get it for you," Harry said with an evil smirk.     

She thought she was good at playing silly games? Well, he would wait to hear from her after Aurora delivers his message to her. Would she call him to express her displeasure not? He would patiently wait to find out.      

"Your favorite shirt?" Aurora asked in amusement.     

"Yeah. I sleep more comfortably in it," Harry said, and Aurora smiled.     

"I will be sure to pass your message to her, and bring the shirt along with me when I come," Aurora promised.      

"Thanks. Do well to let me know when you arrive," Harry smiled to himself in satisfaction as he hung up the call.     

She had set him up with Aurora after all, and as long as she was yet to make it clear to him that she had feelings for him and didn't want him going out with Aurora anymore, there was no reason not to play her silly games with her. She deserved whatever heartache she would get from her games.      

He was beginning to think that playing games to get the people they loved was a favorite pastime activity for the Hank siblings, and he would be damned if he let all three of them gang up together against him like they had done with Lucy.      

Aurora was a nice lady so he wasn't going to mess with her just because he was trying to teach Jade not to play games with him. He would do well to hook her up with one of the nice eligible guys he knew at the anniversary dinner party, that way everyone would be happy.      

Now that he was done taking care of everything he had planned to do for the day, Harry decided that it was time to fix dinner for both himself and his father who would be hungry when he wakes up.     

Once Harry walked into the kitchen, the thought of preparing food didn't seem appealing to him so he walked out of the kitchen and picked up his phone instead to order dinner online, but before he could do that, his doorbell rang.      

He walked over to check the monitor to see who was outside the door and when he saw that it was Tom, he returned to the living room and relaxed on the couch.     

"Maybe they aren't at home?" Lucy suggested to Tom when Harry didn't answer the door despite the number of times Tom rang the bell.     

Tom grinned, "He's inside. He is deliberately ignoring me," Tom informed Lucy.     

"Why would he do that? Did you guys fight?" She asked uncertainly since Tom was smiling.     

"No. We are cool. He wants me to unlock the door myself," Tom said, and Lucy eyed him irritably.     

"If you know the passcode why not do it yourself instead of keeping us here and disturbing Harry and his father with the sound of the doorbell? Didn't you say you were exhausted earlier?" Lucy hissed in disbelief, and Tom chuckled.     

"Not too exhausted to annoy him. It's better he is angry and irritated at me, than upset and worried," Tom said as he took out his phone from his pocket and dialed Harry's line, while Lucy rolled her eyes.      

Bastard! Harry thought with a grin when he saw Tom's call, and he received it, "If you're not getting in, get lost," Harry said the moment he received the call.     

"C'mon, man! My Jewel, is a first time guest at your home. Courtesy demands that you welcome her at the door," Tom said, and Harry shook his head.      

"Tell Lucy I love her, but I'm not coming to open the door. I will stand by the door to welcome her after you open the damn door yourself. I'm not your doorman," Harry hissed, and Tom chuckled as he hung up and typed in the passcode.     

Lucy shook her head as Tom opened the door, and she walked past him into the house to embrace Harry, who was now standing some feet away from the door with open arms to welcome her.      

"You're welcome to my humble abode," Harry said as he embraced her.      

"Forgive my boyfriend for constituting nuisance," Lucy said as they broke the hug and she took off her shoes.     

"I still wonder what you saw in a mannerless bastard like that," Harry said with a shake of his head, and Tom who was taking off his shoes chuckled.     

"You will never know," Tom said with a smirk.     

"How is Aaron?" Lucy asked with concern and Harry smiled at her as he took her hand and led her to the living room.     

"He's fine. He has been sleeping for a while now. What can I offer you? I was just going to order dinner. What would you like to eat?" Harry asked as he and Lucy sat on the twin sofa in the living room, and Lucy shook her head.     

"We can't stay for dinner. A glass of wine or water would do. We have to eat with Jamal," Lucy said, and Harry raised a brow.     

"Jamal? Who is that?" Harry asked as he rose to get them something to drink.      

"The little boy whose mother is involved in Jade's case," Tom explained as he followed Harry to his mini bar away from the dining.     

"Oh, you're talking about Candace's son!" Harry said when he remembered that Jade had mentioned it that they were leaving the little boy behind with Tom.      

"You know her too?" Tom asked, and Harry shook his head.     

"I can't exactly say so. I've never met or spoken with her, but after assisting Jade on the case a bit, I feel like I know her," Harry said as he reached for a bottle of wine, and Tom fetched the glasses.      

"What are they like? Especially the kid?" Harry asked Lucy as they joined her.     

"Jamal is adorable," Lucy said with a small smile when she remembered how the first thing she had done when she woke up was to check on the kid. She had found him sleeping peacefully and had left him to prepare for work, but just as they were ready to leave, he ran down the stairs to see them off, asking if they were leaving again, and when they would be back to play with him as they promised. He had stood outside with Samantha, waving at the car until they disappeared from view.      

"Because he said he likes you more with your glasses, and your hair up?" Tom asked in amusement as he dropped the glasses on the table and took the couch opposite Harry and Lucy.     

"No. Because he's cute and you know it. Can you believe your friend is jealous of a seven years old kid?" Lucy asked, and Harry raised a brow.     

"He is seven? Then how old is Candace? I always thought she was very young and maybe her kid was three or four, not such a grown up kid," Harry asked curiously as he poured some wine into the glasses and handed the first glass to Lucy.     

"She is young. I think she should be in her late twenties or so, right?" Lucy asked Tom, and he gave her a nod as he picked up one of the glasses from the table.      

"Yeah. By the way, do you know anything about her sister?" Tom asked Harry curiously.     

"Not exactly. Just like Candace, I've never seen nor spoken with her either, but I think they're pretty tight," Harry said before sipping from his wine glass, and Tom exchanged a look with Lucy who was listening to them as she sipped from her wineglass silently.     

"Do you know where she might be?" Tom asked, and Harry shook his head.      

"No. She was kidnapped on the same night Jade and I arrived in Ludus. I told you all about that on Monday, remember?" Harry asked, and Tom sighed when he remembered.     

He hadn't really concerned himself with the details of the case in the past because all he cared about was Jade's safety, not Candace's personal business. But now he was worried about Candace because of Jamal who he would have to automatically adopt if anything happened to his mother.     

"The case is almost over, right? You're sure that nothing is going to happen to either Jade or Candace?" Tom asked curiously.     

"Why are you asking that? Did something happen?" Harry asked, and Tom told him about the letters Candace had left.     

"It was irresponsible of her to do something like that, but I also think it's understandable too," Harry said thoughtfully.     

"I don't think you will be so understanding if it was your name on the letter," Tom said dryly.     

"My father would have been over the moon then. And maybe then he wouldn't bother me so much about getting into a relationship anymore. You can bring the child to me if you don't want him," Harry said with a grin.     

"Don't say that. You should be saying everything will be fine," Lucy corrected with a concerned frown.      

"I'm sure they will both be fine. Don't let it bother you. Besides, Tom is still too irresponsible to father any child. I wonder why she thought you were the best man for the job in the first place," Harry joked, and they all laughed.      

"So how did things go at the office today?" Harry asked, and Tom groaned when he remembered the details of his hectic day.     

"I missed you so much," Tom confessed passionately, making both Lucy and Harry laugh.     

"I'm sure you did. I received the minute of the meeting with the hotel and resort managers from my secretary, but I'm yet to go through it. How did the meeting go?"     

"I think it's best you go through the minute since I also need to go through it to be able to give you a detailed answer. However I can give you a summary of what was said," Tom said, and went on to brief him on it.     

"Let's just talk about it tomorrow. I'm too exhausted to think about work right now," Harry said to Tom's relief.      

"Do you think you can come in to work tomorrow? Is Aaron feeling alright now?" Tom asked, and Harry glanced in the direction of his father's bedroom with a concerned frown.     

Reasoning that Harry needed to talk with Tom alone, Lucy stood up, "Why don't I check in on Aaron and watch him for some time, while you both discuss about your boring meetings?" Lucy suggested, and Harry smiled at her as he pointed her in the direction of Aaron's bedroom.     

Once Lucy pushed the door open quietly, and walked into the bedroom, she sat on the edge of the bed as she watched Aaron sleep.      

From the look on his face she could tell her wasn't having a pleasant dream, and just when she reached out a hand to pat his arm and calm him, she paused halfway when he suddenly started talking in his sleep.     

"Where is she, Sara? Where is our daughter?"      

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