Ghost of the Uchiha




Shigeo gave the signal and both Hyūga immediately activated their Byakugan, getting into the gentle-fist stance.     

"Nozomi… It has been too long. How've you been?"     

Remaining still, Hizashi initiated a conversation. Gulping down some saliva, Nozomi also didn't move as they both observed each other.     

"I… I'm alright…"     

As she responded, flashbacks of what happened replayed in her head. Noticing her diverging attention, Hizashi made use of the opportunity and sped towards her.     

Noticing this, Nozomi reluctantly focused, easily parrying his attack.     


Hizashi took a step back… He was sure that hit would land. Did she somehow see it coming?     

On the other hand, Nozomi was surprised. Hizashi's speed was nowhere near Jun's or Minato's and she could anticipate his moves quite easily. The difference between him and her teammates was like heaven and earth.     

Dismissing it as a fluke, Hizashi got back on the offensive, aiming precise palm-hits at Nozomi's vital organs. To his surprise, none of them landed, as Nozomi easily dodged and parried, deflecting his chakra with her own.     

Seeing an opening, dodged an attack aimed at her head as she spun and delivered a strong hit, right on Hizashi's abdomen.     

Coughing up blood, Hizashi staggered backward, in complete disbelief.     

"She's good…"     

Hiruzen watched the young girl attentively… Not only could she easily read her opponent, but her attacks were precise, landing in the smallest of openings. They were not on the same level.     

Up in the stands, Jiraiya grinned. Not too far away, Dan sent him a disbelieving glance… Turning his head towards Hizashi, his student, he couldn't tell if the girl was weaker than him or not.     

'Jiraiya… What sort of training did you put her through…? To rival the main house's strength… Unbelievable.'     

Hizashi was also surprised. He had never expected his younger cousin to be so strong, especially since she was from the branch family... His competitive spirit was now ignited as he watched his brother get beaten.     

'What the hell! How is she so strong!?'     

Clenching his stomach, Hizashi cleaned the trail of blood leaking out of his mouth… That last hit had closed off some of his tenketsu, not to mention the damage to his insides.     

'How is he so weak…?'     

Nozomi had come into this fight with a loser's mentality… Now that she had the advantage, she couldn't believe it. As she was taking everything in, Jun's words sounded in her head.     

'Things from the past will only drag you down if you keep hold of them for too long… I'm a great example of that.'     

He was right… She didn't need to be nice anymore. She would show the world who the stronger Hyūga was, and regain her cousin's respect.     

"Ho… She's changed."     

Hiruzen grinned as he watched her get into the eight trigrams stance. Not too far away, Hizashi had his eyes wide open.     

'How does she know that technique…!'     

The eight trigrams was a technique only passed down to those of the main house… How the hell did she learn it?     

Recognizing her stance, Hizashi rook another step back… She couldn't be serious… Even he didn't know how to use that jutsu.     

"Big bro… I'm sorry, but I can't lose."     

"Eight trigrams… Two palms!"     


Hizashi tried to dodge, but Nozomi was too fast. Appearing in front of him, she hit him with incredible speed.     

"Four palms!"     

"Eight palms!"     

"Sixteen palms!"     

Everyone was in shock. Hizashi was being pushed back as his chakra nodes were disabled one by one… He was completely incapable of doing anything.     

"Thirty-two palms!"     

With the last hit, she sent him flying. Landing on the cold, hard ground, Hizashi fainted, with a thick trail of blood coming out of his mouth.     

Seeing this, Shigeo ran up to him and checked his condition before raising his hand.     

"Hyūga Hizashi is unable to continue… Hyūga Nozomi is the winner!"     


Hey guys, thanks for reading. My friend is starting a fanfic, and I would appreciate if you'd spare some time to review his first three chapters. The book is called 'Spider-man reincarnation'.     

The author's name is: Bad_Ken.     

Thanks in advance for checking it out! It would mean the world to him!     


There are currently 15 more chapters on P.a.t.r.e.o.n!     

If you want to continue reading, head on over to P     

There are many benefits, like concept art, illustrations, discord roles and more!     

Thank you for your support! I appreciate every single one of you!     

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