Ghost of the Uchiha



0Inside Danzo's residence.     

"My lord... Masaki caught us, and Gozu sacrificed himself so that I could escape." Mezu didn't dare look at his master's face, getting oh his knees and prostrating himself instead. As he spoke, his voice came out trembling.     

"That despicable old man... I didn't expect him to be so vigilant. Well, not everything is terrible. Now, he'll surely suspect the village. After all, Hiruzen is the only one who knows about root."     

Enjoying his garden, Danzo's lips curled into a smile. 'Now, the Uchiha will believe that Hiruzen is spying on them... It's even better than I hoped for.'     

Danzo didn't care about something so insignificant as his subordinate's lives. As long as they did their job, he didn't mind losing a few. It was all in the village's interests.     

It wasn't a problem if Masaki kept Gozu's corpse, either. With his seal, even a Yamanaka would have trouble collecting any information.     

"Keep an eye on that Jun, but don't make any moves until I say so. Let's wait for the situation to escalate a little further." Stroking his chin, Danzo smiled once again.     

"Hai!" With a nod, Mezu disappeared from the residence, leaving Danzo alone, observing his bamboo fountain.     


"Aniki, why are we packing our stuff?" Aito asked. He didn't know why his brother had suddenly taken all of their stuff to 'leave'.     

"You'll find out soon enough... be patient." With a warm smile, Jun patted Aito's head, placing his clothes in a bag.     

"Hmph..." Pouting, Aito helped him out.     

After a while, the two of them carried a few bags and walked to the heart of the Uchiha compound. Once they reached Masaki's residence, the guards from last time bowed and opened the gates.     

"Where are we? This house is even bigger than Big sis Akane's!" looking around curiously, Aito couldn't help but be amazed at the sheer size of the property. Although it wasn't anything crazy, to him, it was still something.     

Watching his brother get all worked up, Jun smiled. Once they entered, the maid offered to carry their stuff, but they declined.     

Seeing Jun, she couldn't help but feel a little scared. After all, the last time she saw him, he was carrying two bodies. [1]     

"Jun-sama, Aito-sama. Please follow me; I'll guide you to your living quarters." She bowed and spoke respectfully.     

Hearing her words, Aito's face lit up.     

"What!? We're gonna be living in here!?" Unable to restrain his excitement, Aito started hopping along the way. It was too big of an upgrade for him not to be excited.     

After a while, they reached a big room. The house was very typical, with tatami mats covering the floor and paper doors everywhere. Once there, the maid showed them where the futons and everything were located.     

"If you need anything, call me. My name is Mio, happy to make your acquaintance." Bowing once again, she made a small smile.     

"Thank you, Mio-san. We'll be sure to reach out if anything happens." nodding his head, Jun signaled for her to leave.     

Picking up on his queue, she excused herself and slid the doors shut.     

"Aniki, what's going on?" Pulling on Jun's sleeve, Aito struggled to contain his excitement. The room itself was already bigger than their cabin, and they even had direct access to the garden outside.     

There was a small pond with frogs and lilypads. Although it wasn't comparable to the massive lake, it was still plenty to fit a few people.     


[1] Some of you may be wondering, why does Masaki have a maid? Well, he's from the old times. Although it isn't common practice in Konoha, old habits die hard, I guess.     

Also, she's not an Uchiha. She's a common and obviously not a ninja. That's why she got scared after seeing Jun carry two bodies on him.     


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!     

Don't forget to drop some stones!     


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