Ghost of the Uchiha



3Feeling Orochimaru's killing intent, Jiraiya raised his hand, halting him.     

"They have both Jun and the captain as hostages. Don't be rash."     

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Orochimaru furrowed his brows but listened. Seeing this, the burly man laughed even louder. "At least you're smart! Now hand over the documents!"     

'Who are they... did another village send them? But how did the information get out so fast...?' Jiraiya felt that it was weird. This mission was only known by them and a select few people near the Hokage. By right, it would've been impossible for it to leak.     

"Jiraiya-sensei, what should we do...?" Whispering, Minato slowly took out a kunai, watching the burly man with narrowed eyes. Next to him, Jiraiya frowned some more.     

Placing a hand behind his back, he started performing hand-seals in quick succession and used his nail to cut through one of his fingers. Suddenly, a frog appeared in a small puff of smoke.     

Tsunade, who was behind him, watched as the frog stuck to his back, suddenly becoming invisible.     

Seeing this, she felt a little relieved. 'Now we just have to play time...'     

The situation had reached a deadlock. All of the sailors were reluctant to move, as they watched the Shinobi settle things. The tension on the ship was so thick that one could cut through it with a knife.     

"Whoo sent you...?" Frowning, Tsunade spoke in a prudent tone. At her words, the man smiled. "As if I'd tell you. All you need to know is that we don't have that much time."     

"Either you hand over the scroll in the next ten seconds, are both the boy and captain are dead. We're not playing."     

"If you kill them, I won't mind feeding you to my snakes..." Licking his lips, Orochimaru intimidatingly let his aura permeate the boat. Although the other three ninja felt some fear, they didn't budge.     

"We don't care. The mission comes first, not our lives." Narrowing his eyes, the man put on a resolved expression. "Don't test us. Ten. Nine..."     


As the man counted down the seconds, Jiraiya clicked his tongue. The toad would take a little longer to reach the captain, and they didn't have enough time.     

'What's taking him so long...!?' Anxiously glaring at Jiraiya, Tsunade fretted a little. Had the toad become a snail or what?     

'Jun...!' Nozomi was extremely worried as she watched the woman press the blade closer to his neck as the countdown progressed.     


"What?" Turning towards Jun, the burly man frowned at his sudden words. "Who are you calling pests? Don't you see what situation you're in?"     

"I said that you're pests." Annoyed, Jun let his killing intent flow, easily overtaking Orochimaru's and causing everyone on the boat to tremble, including the three Jonin.     

'What's this intent...!?' Not only Jiraiya... Tsunade and Orochimaru were also stunned. They felt choked from his presence alone.     

"Wh-who are you...!?" Feeling threatened, the man took a step back as his legs shook. Behind Jun, the woman's grip on the blade lessened as it felt o the ground, producing a clanking sound.     

"Me? You don't deserve to know." Activating his Sharingan, Jun stared into the man's eyes. His three tomoe spun as they were reflected on the ninja's eyes, making him fall on his knees, completely unconscious.     

"Now...!" Shouting, Jiraiya made a hand seal as the toad he sent out earlier reappeared near the large man holding the captain. Jumping up to him, it opened its mouth and ingested the captain in the blink of an eye.     

The large man was unable to retaliate, his body refusing to move under Jun's intent.     

With a deathly expression, Jun turned to face the woman behind him. Seeing him, she couldn't hold it anymore as she crumbled and fell to her knees as well.     

"I'm not in a good mood today, so consider yourself unlucky." Raising his hand, Jun gathered electricity, producing an ear-piercing chirping sound.     



Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!     

Don't forget to drop some stones!     


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