The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C352 A Face Is a Good Thing Can You Take It

C352 A Face Is a Good Thing Can You Take It

3Li Beibei finished filming and looked down at the camera. She could not help but praise. "God, we took photos of tourists. The two of them took the photos easily. It felt like they were taking wedding photos."    


On the side, Yin Dacheng's girlfriend came over to take a look. She also sighed, "Sure enough, taking photos depends on your looks. But Teacher Li, your photography skills are really good."    


Li Beibei smiled brightly at her. "When I was in college, I was addicted to single-lens cameras and studied for a while. I will take a few photos of you and Teacher Yin later."    


The other party nodded repeatedly. Of course it was good.    


Not far away, Luo Chengshu and Huang Ya sat on the picnic mat for a while. Then, they asked her, "Isn't it boring to sit with me? Why don't you go for a walk as well? I'll help Teacher Yin barbecue."    


"Let's go together." Huang Ya pointed at Wen Qing who was not far away. "Teacher Wen wants us to be together. If we move separately, she will probably be anxious."    


Luo Chengshu shook his head and smiled. He got up and gave Huang Ya a bottle of water. He helped her open the cap of the bottle and handed it to her.    


He sat down again and asked, "Your school has been very busy recently, right?"    




Luo Chengshu looked at her and said, "I just saw that you haven't contacted me recently and guessed randomly."    


"Oh, no." She shook her head. "I was pretty busy when school first started. " Nothing much happened recently. "    


After she finished speaking, she thought for a while and said, "I didn't contact you because I was afraid that if I kept looking for you, it would affect your work."    


Luo Chengshu looked at the lake. "I'm not that busy."    


Huang Ya looked at him. Did he mean to let her continue to contact him?    


She was excited and said, "Every time I look for you, you only reply one or two words to me. It makes me feel like you don't want me to look for you."    


Luo Chengshu looked at her unconsciously. "Is there?"    


Huang Ya nodded. "Yes, I do. Just look at our chat history and you will know. I have sent a lot of things and you will reply. It is good. It is okay. Yes."    


Luo Chengshu smiled. "I didn't realize that."    


Huang Ya shrugged. "You are the terminator of this topic. I have to rack my brains to think about the next topic."    


"Sorry. Maybe it is because I am not used to using WeChat that I did not take these into consideration. I will try my best to correct it in the future."    


"You really don't use WeChat."    


Luo Chengshu nodded. "When I came back from overseas, most of my friends are overseas. They don't use WeChat much, so I rarely use WeChat."    


"Then you have to do as you please."    


"You're right."    


Huang Ya could not help but shake her head and smile. He was really the terminator of the topic.    


The two of them fell into silence once again.    


Luo Chengshu asked, "Do you want to go there for a walk?"    


Huang Ya looked at him. Before she could say anything, Luo Chengshu said again, "I will accompany you so Qing does not need to worry about us."    




From far away, Wen Qing was a little excited to see this scene.    


She held Huo Tingshen's arm. "Look, Brother Chengshu and Teacher Huang went over there."    


"You are more excited than them."    


Wen Qing giggled. "Of course. You did a great job. I did not expect that we would ask Brother Chengshu to come with us."    


"Do you still think that I'm unnecessary?"    


"I didn't say that you were unnecessary. I was afraid that everyone would feel awkward after you came. After all, you are a great god in their eyes. They will really be restrained in front of you."    


"Since that's the case, you should bring me out more often."    


Wen Qing was puzzled. "Why?"    


"I helped you put on a front. Do you think you can meet God anywhere?"    


Wen Qing rolled her eyes. "Third Young Master Huo, your face is a good thing. Can you have any shame?"    


Huo Tingshen smiled evilly. "You are thin-skinned. You are not full."    


After he finished, he kissed her on the cheek.    


Wen Qing covered her face in embarrassment and looked around. "Hey, someone saw us."    


"We are legal. What are you afraid of?"    


The two of them walked far away. Teacher Li shouted from behind them. "Teacher Wen, Third Young Master, come back to eat."    


Huo Tingshen reminded again, "Later you will say that smelling the barbecue will make you sick. You are not allowed to eat, do you hear?"    


Wen Qing pouted. She muttered, "I don't want it."    


Huo Tingshen pulled her back. "If you don't listen to me, my face will be dirty."    


"Look, I told you not to come, but you insisted on coming. " If you come, you will ruin the atmosphere again. "    


Huo Tingshen snorted. "It's too late to know now."    


Wen Qing was upset.    


When they returned to the tent, Yin Dacheng said to everyone, "You guys eat first. The cauldron in my hand is about to be cooked."    


Everyone sat down. Yin Dacheng's girlfriend came to Yin Dacheng's side. He fed the busy Yin Dacheng something.    


Huang Ya passed the meat skewers to Wen Qing.    


Wen Qing took the skewers and gave them to Huo Tingshen. She held the skewers in her hand.    


She saw Huo Tingshen staring at the skewers in her hand. Wen Qing curled her lips and handed the skewers to him.    


Just as Teacher Huang was about to give it to her again, she waved her hand at Teacher Huang and said, "Teacher Huang, eat it. I don't know what's going on today. I smell the smell of roasted meat and feel a little nauseous."    


Teacher Li said in surprise, "Haven't you never vomited before?"    


"Yes," she said, patting her chest. "I don't know what's going on these two days."    


No one had been a mother here anyway. The pregnancy was something she could casually say.    


Luo Chengshu said worriedly, "Don't you need to go to the hospital?"    


"It's okay," she said.    


Teacher Li looked around and asked, "Teacher Wen, what are you eating? This place is full of snacks. It's not good for pregnant women to eat."    


Wen Qing was about to say something when Huo Tingshen said, "I asked the driver to get you some nutritious food. He will be back soon."    


She was depressed. It was not easy for her to go out for a vacation, but she could not eat and drink as she pleased. This was not an excursion. She had clearly come out to eat with the plates at home.    


Not long after, Old Qin came.    


She sat around everyone and ate lunch boxes.    


She watched others eat barbecue and drink beer, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.    


In Huo Tingshen's eyes, these things were not even worth mentioning.    


So from beginning to end, he only drank a can of beer and ate two meat skewers.    


Li Beibei drank happily and took the initiative to stand up and suggest, "Let's play a game. If we don't play games, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"    


Everyone nodded in agreement.    


Wen Qing asked, "Play what."    


Li Beibei laughed, "I was prepared."    


She got up and ran to a simple table at the side. She picked up her bag and took out a box.    


There were a lot of bookmarks inside.    


There were words on the bookmark. Li Beibei said, "We take turns. Each of us will smoke one. Then we will follow the instructions on the bookmark. If we cannot do it, we will have to drink a can of beer."    


Huo Tingshen hooked his lips. Was this popular among young people nowadays?    


Everyone agreed.    


Huo Tingshen naturally followed everyone. When he saw the content of the stick he drew, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile. ...    


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