Urban Hardened All-area System

C51 St Lancey's

C51 St Lancey's

0The western restaurant Ann Xiaoying mentioned was in East Street, called St. Lancey's. It was said to be a top brand in France.    


As soon as they entered the restaurant, they felt a wave of luxury.    


The interior decoration was very luxurious. The floor was clean and tidy. The waiters all had elegant temperaments.    


The woman who served them was a blonde, blue-eyed, tall, and beautiful waitress.    


She handed the menu to the three of them and asked them to choose their dishes.    


Ye Xiao and the others could not help but feel awkward as they looked at the dazzling menu.    


They did not understand the difference between different types of steak, so they could only pass the menu to Ye Hong.    


Although it was Ye Hong's first time in the western restaurant, when he looked at the pictures on the menu, a system notification sounded in his mind.    


"Reading the dishes, Cooking Ability + 1..."    


"proficient-level Cooking Ability has been activated. Scan the dishes. Analysis of the dishes has been completed."    


Ye Hong was currently looking at a picture of a filet steak. The process of making the filet steak naturally appeared in his mind.    


From selecting ingredients, preprocessing ingredients, all the way to cooking methods. Everything was available.    


The meat was tender and tender, but it lacked the feeling of chewing. This was the characteristic of the filet steak that Ye Hong had concluded based on this process.    


So that was the case. He did not expect the proficient-level Cooking Ability to have this kind of magical effect.    


Since that was the case, could it be that if he finished reading all the pictures here, he would be able to learn how to cook all the steaks?    


Ye Hong's heart skipped a beat. He slowly flipped through the pages of the menu.    


The waiter at the side could still maintain a patient smile at first, but when she saw Ye Hong flipping through the menu slowly as if he was reading a book, the smile gradually disappeared.    


At this moment, a man and a woman came to a table not far away.    


They were all around forty years old. The man was very fat. There was a thick gold chain around his neck. One look and one could tell that he was a nouveau riche.    


The woman opposite him had thick makeup, and she was also wearing a full set of jewelry.    


When the blonde waitress saw them, she immediately said impatiently to Ye Hong, "sir, please make your decision quickly. I still have to serve the guests at the other tables."    


Ye Hong frowned. According to the knowledge in his mind, he ordered two sets of medium-well cooked filet steaks for the elders and a set of medium cooked sirloin steaks for himself.    


After waiting for a while, three steaks were served.    


Although they had learned the dining etiquette of Western cuisine before going out, Ye Xiao and the others had never used knives or forks before, so they immediately revealed their true colors.    


The two of them held knives and forks and poked randomly on the plates, especially Ann Xiaoying. She was so anxious that her face was covered in sweat. She almost forgot all the knowledge she had learned.    


In addition, there were a lot of etiquette in Western cuisine. Ann Xiaoying made a lot of jokes.    


For example, she used a dessert spoon to scoop soup. She often did something like this.    


Ye Hong was also rather unfamiliar at the beginning. However, as the system notification sounded, a large amount of corresponding knowledge appeared in his mind. As a result, he gradually became familiar with it.    


"Cutlery-use skill + 1, current progress: 1 / 10, current level: beginner-level."    


After he became familiar with it, Ye Hong taught the two old men how to use knives and forks.    


"So that's how it is!"    


Ann Xiaoying finally learned it. She was so excited that she could not control herself. She suddenly screamed like a child.    


Her voice was already loud to begin with. It was even more abrupt in the quiet western restaurant.    


"What an uncultured person!"    


A cold voice came from the side. Ye Hong turned his head to look. They were the man and woman he had just seen.    


When the fat man saw that Ye Hong had noticed him, he immediately snorted with disdain.    


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