The Super Universe Leveling Game

C3847 Domineering Moves

C3847 Domineering Moves

3"He's -" The foreman hesitated.    


"Liu Chuangfeng is my cousin." Lu Yancheng squinted his eyes and looked at me, the only handsome man among the ten thousand people. He said disdainfully, "What? Look at your expression. You want to kill me? To put it bluntly, you don't even dare to make a move when I'm standing in front of you."    


His junior clenched his fists tightly and understood everything in an instant. The head waiter's dilemma, Lu Yancheng's arrogance, everything was because of Liu Chuanfeng.    


The cousin of the Dream City Lord, Liu Chuanfeng, had this identity and no one dared to mess with him in the Dream City. With this identity, the Lu Yan City Lord could do whatever he wanted in the Yue Lai Inn.    


"Liu Chuanfeng... if the City Lord knows about your actions, he probably won't agree." The junior realised that things weren't going to be easy today.    


No matter what choice she made, it was still very awkward. If she admitted defeat, not only would she be the only one to be handsome in the middle of the ten thousand people, the entire school would be embarrassed as well. If she was tough, she would definitely offend Liu Chuanfeng. If she offended Liu Chuanfeng in the game, it would be hard for her to do anything in the future. Not to mention in the future, she didn't even know if she would be able to walk out of Dream City today.    


"My cousin is here. Are you here to help me or to help you?" Lu Yancheng was confident, and his followers started to laugh at him.    


"What do you say? If you can't deal with him, then let Peanut Beans Milk Candy come over." The junior stared at the headwaiter. "I'm just an ordinary student at Peking University, but I can't stand having my room broken into at dinner. I don't know how Pleasures used to handle this sort of thing, but I'm telling you, if it doesn't satisfy me, I'll take care of it in my own way."    


"Please don't get excited, guest. Our Pleasant Arrival Inn will be responsible for it to the end." The head waiter quickly promised.    


"10 seconds. If these people are still fighting among themselves in the private room, don't blame me for being heartless." Only I am the most handsome man in the middle of the ten thousand people. The junior brothers and junior sisters were shocked. Only the two of them knew that I am the only handsome man in the middle of the ten thousand people. The two of them were excited and uneasy at the same time.    


What they were excited about was the domineering attitude of being the only handsome man among the ten thousand people. Liu Chuanfeng's cousin was not afraid at all. What he was worried about was if he really killed Liu Chuanfeng's cousin, there would be no way to save the situation. In the middle of the ten thousand people, I am the only handsome man who cares about his face. Liu Chuanfeng obviously cares about his face too.    


His cousin had been killed in his own place. No one would be able to stand it.    


The equipment of Lu Yan City was good, and they needed to test their strength. However, judging from his performance, it was obvious that he was not that good. The men behind him were all strong cultivators. If they were caught off guard, the two of them would be able to deal a heavy blow to Lu Yan City. If the two of them could do it, they would definitely be able to do it.    


In other words, as long as the only commander in the middle of the ten thousand men attacked, Lu Yancheng would definitely die. It was ridiculous that Lu Yancheng didn't realize it. His face was gloomy. "You call me a dog?!!"    


This time, the followers reacted and stopped laughing. They glared at the only commander in the middle of the ten thousand people with killing intent.    


"NO! NO! NO!" The only handsome man in the crowd waved his index finger and laughed. "I'm not calling you a dog. I mean all of you are dogs!"    


"Don't..." The supervisor felt extremely uneasy in his heart. Before he could finish his words, a gun appeared in his vision. A black gun, as black as ink.    


The space was breaking like a broken mirror. As the black gun moved, it broke inch by inch. The head waiter realized that he couldn't move anymore. He opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't make a sound. His eyes couldn't help but be attracted by the long gun, and a horrifying scene happened.    


The beautiful woman beside Lu Yan City instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist, followed by the subordinate behind her. His face was ferocious, and his veins were bulging out. Fear and despair shot out from his eyes. The Warrior's armor was changing shape as if it had been squeezed by a compressor. The Mage wanted to counterattack, but he could not even move an inch. He could only watch as his flesh was crushed and his blood spurted out. Only the bow and arrows of one of the archers lit up and resisted the pressure. However, that was all he could do - he could not counterattack.    


"How dare you attack me! Not even the gods can save you!" Lu Yancheng was furious. He was not the strongest, but his equipment was the strongest. He could not block the aura of the Commander-in-Chief in the middle of ten thousand people, and he could even open his mouth to threaten people.    


"Idiot!" The Unique Commander in the middle of the ten thousand people spat out two words. With a twist of his wrist, the black spear suddenly started spinning. From calm to high-speed spinning, it only took an instant, and there was no need for any buffer or accumulation of strength.    


The belt, jade pendant, ring and a pair of bracers on L Yan Cheng's body all lit up at the same time. The belt was yellow and the jade pendant was green. The ring was golden and the bracers were red. The four colors protected the safety of L Yan Cheng. They complemented each other and formed a barrier similar to a barrier. However, the moment the black spear was chosen, the light shook violently.    


"Help - - "Lu Yan Cheng was not stupid, and immediately realized the danger. Before he finished speaking, the barrier shattered, and the black spear pierced through. Lu Yan Cheng's body exploded into a cloud of blood mist.    


"Help -"    


"Stop ~ ~ ~"    


Two figures shot over as fast as shooting stars, but they were still a step too late. When the two arrived at the private room, everything was already over. In the middle of the ten thousand people, only I am the most handsome man. He put away the spear and stood there calmly. The ground was pink and the air was filled with the smell of blood.    


One of the two men was the one who was in charge of Pleasant Arrival Inn in Dream City. He was the one who made the scallion pancakes with durian and the confidant of Peanut Beans and Milk Candy. The other one was the leader of security in Dream City, the core elder of Dream City, the one who drank the water, the Forgetting River.    


Looking at the blood mist on the ground, Lu Yan Cheng didn't even have any bones left. His heart, which was made from durian, was cold to the extreme. The River of Forgetfulness sunk into the water. He stared at the person who was the most handsome among the ten thousand people. His tone was gloomy, "I told you to stop, didn't you hear me?"    


"Yes, I did." The only handsome man in the middle of the ten thousand people said.    


"If I heard it, why didn't you stop?" The Forgotten Creek of Water was furious.    


"Who the hell are you?" The one and only handsome man in the middle of the ten thousand people asked.    


"He is the River of Forgetfulness. He is in charge of all the security issues in 'Dream City'." After making the durian into a scallion pancake, the situation calmed down quickly. Now that things had already happened, the only thing left to do was to deal with the aftermath. As a business man, and in the service industry, of course he knew that he was the only handsome man in the center of the ten thousand, and because he knew that he was the only handsome man in the center of the ten thousand, he did not reproach him. He knew very well that at that moment he must be impartial, and that he must not have any protection, or it would be a crisis in the Pleasant Arrival Inn.    


"What a high official!" The only handsome man in the center of the ten thousand men crowd mocked him with a smile.    


Chapter 3 - The General Manager of the Pleasant Arrival Inn    


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