The Super Universe Leveling Game

C4077 New Azure Dragon City

C4077 New Azure Dragon City

1The structure of power was a pyramid, from top to bottom. There were only a few people on top, and under the power of control, there were a lot of people on the bottom, so there was almost no power. Dongfang Qingyu was now standing at the top of the pyramid.    


Every time he issued a mission, he received fifty percent of the experience, and the more people accepted it, the more benefits he received, like the bosses of companies who did the least but received the most.    


However, the other rewards had to be paid by him. Money, equipment, Skill Books, tools, and so on. These rewards were given by the person who issued the mission.    


There were gains and losses!    


After Dongfang Qingyu thought about it carefully, he also felt that Xiao Yiren's words made a lot of sense. He couldn't take all the benefits, eat all the meat, drink all the soup, and not even leave the bones for others. It was too overbearing. Even if they were friends, there would be a rift between them, let alone strangers and even enemies.    


"A large number of Scarlet Flame Green-Golden Soil Ants have been found in the Heart Seal Plains. There are estimated to be more than five hundred million of them, and there's one queen ant. There aren't many players going there right now."    


"A large number of Crimson Fire Green-Gold Soil Ants have been discovered in the Great Dragon Valley. The estimated number of ants is more than one billion. There are two queen ants. Independent Player is not recommended to go."    


"The Moon Valley has discovered a large number of Scarlet Flame Green-Gold Soil Ants. The number is immeasurable, and they have also discovered a large number of combat ants. I suggest that many forces join forces to encircle and annihilate them."    




On the official website of the Black Tortoise City Group, every day there was a new update on the situation of the Scarlet Flame Green-Golden Mud Ball Ants in the Yellow Emperor's territory, the number of Scarlet Flame Green-Golden Mud Ball Ants, whether players were going there, which force they were from, and how many... the information was very detailed so that the latecomers could make accurate judgments.    


"I have to say, Dongfang Qingyu has done a very good job, allowing many players to avoid unnecessary paths." The Seven Swords Descending the Heavenly Mountain said.    


"Walking on the wrong path is a small matter, but saving our lives is a big matter. If we didn't see the message and barged into the Moon Valley, I'm afraid the grass on the tomb would be three feet tall." The Lotus Harvester said.    


From the images taken by the beeyards, the number of Scarlet Flame Green-Gold Soil Ants in the Moon Valley was terrifying. Everywhere one looked, there were layers and layers of Scarlet Flame Green-Gold Soil Ants. Facing so many Scarlet Flame Green-Gold Soil Ants, even super forces wouldn't be able to do anything. Although the two of them were top experts, facing so many Scarlet Fire Green Gold Ball Ants was like throwing an egg at a rock.    


"Have you realized that Dongfang Qingyu's situation is getting out of hand?" The Seven Swords Descending the Heavenly Mountain said.    


"The higher you stand, the more far-sighted you will be. You don't care about some small benefits, but some people will probably be restless." Jiangnan Lotus Harvester said.    


"The difference between people can be seen here." The Seven Sword Descends Sky Mountain said.    


"The David's Deer sent me a message," the Jiangnan Lotus Harvester suddenly said.    


"He also sent it to me," Seven Swords Descends Sky Mountain said.    


"Are you going?" the Jiangnan Lotus Harvester asked.    


"Go? Why not?" Seven Sword Descends Sky Mountain asked.    


"I'm just worried..." Seven Swords Descends Sky Mountain said.    


"There's nothing to worry about. The David's Deer also wants to kill the Scarlet Flame Green Gold Ball Ants. Our goal is also to kill the Scarlet Flame Green Gold Ball Ants. Doesn't it matter who we work with? We have a clear conscience about what others think. Of course, if the David's Deer has other intentions, we can just leave." The Seventh Sword descended from the Heavenly Mountain.    


"You're the one who can see through it," Jiang Nan said.    


"You're thinking too much." The Seven Sword Descends Sky Mountain looked at the time, "There seems to be a new mission in another ten minutes."    


"Let's go!" the Jiangnan Lotus Harvester immediately said.    




In order to increase the enthusiasm of the players, Xuanwu City issued a mission every morning at 8: 00 AM and 16: 00 PM. There were different types of missions, but they were all related to the Crimson Fire Green-Gold Mire Ant. Most of them were group missions, and many players could participate in them. For example, if you weren't a professional, who would write a report on the activities of a Crimson Firegreen Mud Ball Ant for thirty days? Who would catch a Crimson Firegreen Mud Ball Ant and stare at it every day and record its characteristics?    


'Squantity of the Scarlet Fire Green-Golden Mire Ant ',' Explosive Speed of the Scarlet Fire Green-Golden Mire Ant ',' Limited Strength of the Scarlet Fire Green-Golden Mire Ant '... these missions just happened to coincide and could be completed, but most players couldn't do it. It seemed simple, but it couldn't be done in reality.    


The Three World Group had taken over the rebuilding of Azure Dragon City, and although they had researched it for three days and voted that it should be moved, it hadn't changed. Azure Dragon City had been rebuilt in the same place.    


The new version of Azure Dragon City had been added with modern elements, and the design took into account the situation of the players, so Azure Dragon City was more adjusted than before. When the new city appeared before everyone's eyes, 10 million players made 96. A high score of 82.    


Because of the previous battle between Dongfang Qingyu and the Emperor, all the Crimson Fire Green Gold Ball Ants in the underground had gone extinct. Within a radius of 50 kilometers, not a single Crimson Fire Green Gold Ball Ant could be seen. Therefore, Azure Dragon City had won the title of the safest city. In order to increase the popularity of Azure Dragon City, the Empress released 100 missions in one breath, all of which were large missions. In just three days, the number of players in Azure Dragon City had exceeded 10 million.    


Amongst them, the Black Tortoise Bank had taken a huge risk, and the players were worried that Azure Dragon City would be destroyed once again. If that happened, all of the players' investments would go down the drain. The empress had made many promises, but they were all useless. The players were realistic, and with the defensive power of Azure Dragon City, they had been criticized by everyone. The empress had just ascended to the throne and lacked credibility, so her promises weren't effective.    


At this time, the Black Tortoise Bank appeared, providing players with a 90-day interest-free loan. If Azure Dragon City was destroyed within three months, the loan would not need to be paid by the players, and the Black Tortoise Bank would bear it on its own. If Azure Dragon City could last long, then the players would only need to pay interest starting from the fourth month.    


The Black Tortoise Bank was taking a great risk in doing so, and the consequences would be unthinkable if a player had a bad opinion and sabotaged it in secret.    


But in order to restore the confidence of the players, Dongfang Qingyu still decided to do this thing. The risk and profit were proportional. Once it succeeded, Black Tortoise Bank would surpass Heavenly Bank in one go and become the biggest bank in the game. It would also be able to gain the trust of the Empress and become a Dynasty Bank.    


Of course, Dongfang Qingyu was not without conditions. The Empress had contributed a 'Super Forbidden Spell' of the dynasty - Azure Dragon Legless. The reason why the old emperor did not learn such a powerful skill was simple. The old emperor did not think that he needed it. Compared to the others, his succession to the throne was a victory.    


Last but not least, he looked down on Azure Dragon's Limbs. He had the Son of Heaven's Sword, which was stronger than Azure Dragon's Limbs.    


Otherwise, he wouldn't have let Dongfang Qingyu take advantage of him.    


Black Tortoise Bank.    


There was a sea of people, a hundred outer windows, and every window was lined up in a long line. Although the players were anxious, they lined up obediently and did not cut in line.    


"How do you do, sir? What can I do for you?"    


"Loan, buy a house." The customer was an assassin, so he spoke very firmly.    


"Which house? Is it from Green Dragon City?" The staff member asked.    


"Yes." The assassin paused, "What documents or materials do you need?"    


"Do you plan to take a loan for equipment or level?" The staff asked.    


"How does an equipment loan work? What's the difference between it and a level loan?" the Assassin asked.    


"The Equipment Loan means that you can mortgage your valuable items in the bank. The loan quota is higher, from 10 to 3 million RMB, and the interest rate is even lower. The average annual interest rate is 4.5%. If it's a level loan, you need to provide a level running water certificate. The characteristic is that you don't need to mortgage anything. The quota is slightly lower, from 10 to 800,000 RMB, the interest rate is slightly higher, and the average annual interest rate is around 6.2%." The clerk explained.    


"Equipment loan!" The assassin thought for a moment and made a choice.    


"Sir, please move to the side hall. There are professionals appraising the value of the items to determine the amount of money you can take out," the staff said.    


The assassin got up and went to the side hall.    


"Hello, Miss. What business do you need?" The staff indicated for the next customer to sit down.    


"Loan to buy a house, level loan. This is the client's level and other detailed information." The client was a lady, but she was not a client herself. She was an agent.    


Some experts were busy killing the Scarlet Flame Green Golden Soil Ant and didn't have time to wait in line, so they asked someone to do it for them. After a few days, they became an agent. Chargé d'affaires would get a commission of about 10 silver coins. If there were no shortage of customers, Chargé d'affaires could do 100 a day. Ten thousand yuan a day was very attractive.    


"Miss, please go to the hall on the right." The Black Tortoise Bank did not refuse the chargé d'affaires. The chargé d'affaires were familiar with the process and were well prepared, which could save them a lot of time and manpower. The only drawback was that it would take up the time of other clients. Generally speaking, the chargé d'affaires had more than three or five clients, maybe twenty or thirty, maybe one or two hundred.    


"Next, sir, what is your business?" The staff laughed too many times. His muscles were a little stiff, but there was no other way. There were too many customers.    


Azure Dragon City was a new city. In order to attract customers, the prices of houses were extremely low. It could be said that there was no pressure at all for them to buy from the middle class. Currently, the price of houses in Black Tortoise City was the highest, with an average of 250 silver per square meter. Azure Dragon City was only a mere 100 silver coins per square meter. One must know that Azure Dragon City was the capital, the center of power, politics, military, and culture. As long as the dynasty did not fall, its value would definitely rise in the future.    


At first, the players were worried about money, but when the Black Tortoise Bank appeared, the players didn't even need to worry about money anymore. If there was a problem, they could just leave and leave it with the Black Tortoise Bank, so they all rushed to the Black Tortoise Bank.    


Chapter 3 - Black Tortoise Bank    


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