Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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0"Well, she probably only needs to fuck when she wants to fuck, not the other way around. It probably does end when she wants it to."    


"Welcome to the life of a slave," I laughed. "Be ready any time and it ends when your Master says it does."    


"How was your evening last night?" Sandy asked.    


"William bought out the entire restaurant for a ridiculous sum of money. He made his slaves strip, then Master had us strip as well. Even Janet went nude. After the wine was ordered, all the men in our party were treated to a blow job. One of the waiters tried to video it, and Bill was so mad.    


"I finally realized how he became as successful as he is. He seems so gentle and kind, but he can be a positive terror. He smashed the guy's phone to bits after ensuring nothing made it to a cloud account. Had him fired on the spot and everyone else had to give up their phones until we left. He told him the guy might want to move and change his name as some people might be looking for him in a week. I don't know if he was serious, or just wanted the threat to show how serious he was.    


"He didn't hold it against the restaurant though. After Whore received a naked fifty swat spanking for cumming without permission, he offered Whore and Evelyn to be fucked by everyone there, seventeen men. Master had me join them so I could enjoy it too."    


"Sounds nice," Sandy said. "Wish I'd been there. How many of them fucked you?"    


I laughed. Only a sex slave could wish they'd been gang banged by a bunch of horny men.    


"Two of the employees didn't participate, according to Master, but Bill's driver, Robert joined in. He fucked me. I had five in total, one of them in my ass. Evelyn got five as well. Whore got fucked by the extra guy. I think they were attracted to her red ass."    


"Heaven knows every time I have a red ass, someone's fucking me right after."    


"I know, it's like a magnet, right," I laughed.    


Before we had our breakfast, Dan gave Whore her morning spanking. She ate standing up. Dan knew his way around a spanking, that's for sure. They kissed us all around when they had to leave and it was time to start on training again.    


We took Whore to the bedroom. She looked at us expectantly, wondering which one of us she would fuck or suck or lick. Everyone eventually, but not to start.    


"Please pay attention, Whore, for what I'm about to tell you and show you is very important," I said. "You may not be a sex slave for longer than a week. It may not be for you as much as it is for me. To me, it's my focus, the fabric, the texture, the soul, of my life now. More than a mother, or a wife, or a businesswoman; I'm a sex slave. I don't expect you to understand it or need it as I do. I chose this life; you lost a card game. You're expected to serve a week then you may walk away, but you can't even be a pale imitation of a sex slave for your Master without enjoying everything about sex."    


"I enjoy sex, Domina. I've always enjoyed sex," Whore protested.    


"Did you love last night?"    


"I orgasmed, if that's what you're asking, Domina?"    


"I'm not. Anyone can likely make anyone else orgasm with a little effort. It's a physical response to physical stimuli. I loved last night. I loved the hot, hard cocks filling my cunt. I loved them spurting their cum into me. I loved the sounds they made when they orgasmed, the sounds I made in response, the sensations of their hands on my hips, their movements, the smell of cum, mine and theirs. I loved every moment of it, which is why my Master let me experience it. I was not being punished by having those five men fuck me, I was being rewarded.    


"If you had seven orgasms, I likely had two or three that number because I loved it. I will not say you didn't enjoy an orgasm or two or even ten, but for you, I think, sex is political. It's a tool you use to control men, from Ed and Rob, to your ex-husband before them, and however many went before. Sex is a useful tool to be practiced for when it's needed to control someone. For me, sex is the goal. Sex is used to control me, not the other way around. Those of us who understand this quality of submission, this nature of sex, find your sexual talents lacking, shall we say."    


Whore was silent, considering my words. I didn't expect an answer.    


"For you, it's all about the climax. You'll make this person cum as fast as you can and be done with it. You can get on to something else. You were finally able to deep throat your Master, and mine, but it was all to get it over with sooner. You've accepted you'll need to lick cunt, but if you must give me two, you'll rush through it as fast as you can and get on with your life. As soon as they cum, you can get on to the next thing. For a sex slave, there is no next thing but another climax. That is the next thing. If it is, why rush through the first one when one can savor and enjoy the first before rushing to the second. So rushing is your first problem.    


"The second problem is you should always be focused on the gratification of the person you're pleasuring. Sandy said you were adequate in licking her, but not good, because when Dan was fucking you, you were distracted. That is your primary goal in life; to be pleasing to your Master. Let's also be clear that my Master is not just Scott Rivers. My Master is whoever he gives me to. Even you, should I be pleasuring you, are my Mistress at that moment, and should have all of my attention and focus aimed squarely on giving you pleasure and not being concerned for myself. If my Master receives my best efforts, he will see to it I'm rewarded. If I'm distracted because someone else is fucking me, or punishing me, it's because I'm not focused on the needs I'm serving, only my own. Do I need to cum, or does my ass hurt? If I don't care or worry about his pleasure, why should or would he, care about mine.    


"Every one of us three slaves, ignores her own satisfaction for the person we're with. Not that we don't receive satisfaction ourselves; we do, both the direct satisfaction of pleasure received, but the indirect satisfaction of pleasure given. I receive a great deal of joy from making my lovers cum. It's a reflection of my abilities and talents as a slave to help someone enjoy great pleasure. Just as I enjoy making a nice piece of furniture in my business, I take pride in my ability to give pleasure, and not just to provide an orgasm, but a sensual experience.    


"For today's lesson, I'm going to demonstrate on you, what it is to focus my entire being on giving you pleasure. I'm going to seduce you; make you feel as if I've never loved anything as much as I love your pussy. While I'm doing so, Master will fuck me, and spank me. It shouldn't make any difference to you, what he's doing to me. I will be focused on you.    


"Then you will do the same for Lisa as I just did for you. You will love her cunt as if you've always loved cunt; have never wanted anything other than her cunt; that her cunt is the most important thing in your life. You will continue loving her despite Master fucking you in your cunt, and in your ass. If Lisa detects any lack of focus on your part, you will receive a quick punishment to remind you; a swat on the ass or perhaps pinching your nipples, some pain to remind you.    


"Then you'll do the same for Rhonda. Her cunt will become the only cunt you've ever loved, the one thing you've desired the most. I will be swatting your ass, with my hand or The Enforcer. It will hurt, but it doesn't matter. Only Rhonda's cunt will matter to you.    


"When you're done with Rhonda, you'll do the same with my Master's cock. There is no cock you'll have ever wanted as important to you as his. No matter what we do to you, all you'll care about is his cock and how you can pleasure it. No cum will ever taste as sweet as his cum when he fills your mouth. You'll not only wish not to lose a single drop of his precious sperm, but you'll savor it, swish it around in your mouth, enjoy every hot spurt as if it were the nectar of the gods. When your Master gets here this afternoon, you will show him how much you love his other slave's pussy, and how much you desire his prick. You will demonstrate you're becoming the sex slave he deserves to own for the week. If you don't learn quickly, it will be a very painful morning for you. If you do learn, your joy will be as great.    


"At the Last Supper, Jesus lowered himself, illustrating to his disciples that serving others was more important than seeking power or position over others. You must be that servant, abasing yourself in service to the pleasure of others, and you will find pleasure yourself. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"    


"I think so, Domina."    


"I'm going to be busy with you, so I won't explain what I'm doing or why. Rhonda will explain for me. Pay attention to not only what you're feeling, but how to make it happen for others. What you want to do for them when it's time for you to practice."    


"Yes, Domina."    


I've described the process of a seduction before, the teasing, the touches and caresses to lift someone up to the very precipice of arousal and lust, then fling them over the edge. Rhonda described the process, why some things worked and others didn't. That erogenous zones existed everywhere and they should all be known and used. I brought Whore to the edge, left her clinging with her fingers, lowered her gently, climbed to a higher peak, let her down; pushed her to the next level, then hurled her crashing to the ground to leave her moaning and limp. Master pounded my cunt, making me climax, and it made no difference. Whore danced on my lips, my tongue, my fingers, crying out my name.    


Master invaded my ass, claiming it for his own, and Whore couldn't tell the difference. She cried out, begging to cum again, ignorant of the fact he was fucking me.    


He swatted my ass. I went into subspace, where pain barely existed, a buzzing, a gnat, negligible. Whore didn't know or care. All she knew was a cascade of orgasms, washing through her body in waves, bouncing from one to the other like a pinball. Her cunt was my cunt. I owned it.    


When I stopped, she looked at my cum covered face in awe, panting, sweating, quivering, knowing I'd poured all I had into her.    


"That is how you give someone pleasure, Whore; with your whole heart and soul and every particle of your being. If you can't do the same, you're not doing it right. I'm giving you fifteen minutes to gather yourself, then you do the same for Lisa."    


When it was Lisa's turn, Rhonda coached her; telling her how and where and when to touch, with how much pressure and in what order. She did well, having gone through the same herself. Master plunged into her pussy, and she lost it and I squeezed a nipple between thumb and forefinger and whispered to her to ignore her cunt and the sensations in it.    


"The only thing that matters is Lisa's pussy. It belongs to you and you will treat it like the most precious thing you own. What's happening to your own cunt is insignificant. You can cum, it doesn't matter. If you cum ten times, it doesn't matter. Only this cunt matters and what you're making it feel. This pussy feels pleasure because you're making it feel pleasure, no matter what's happening to you." She recovered and even though she climaxed two more times, she kept going.    


Master smeared her bottom with lube and she knew what was coming.    


"Being fucked in the ass doesn't mean one tenth as much as this cunt. You can ignore the prick in your ass. You can't ignore this delicious cunt waiting for you to send it to heaven. Own this pussy. Master owns your ass right now, but you own this pussy."    


Only once did I have to pinch her nipples to remind her of her duties, during the first orgasm from her anal fucking. The second and third she ignored completely. Lisa was a very happy slave when Whore was done. Master had cum in Whore's ass. Rhonda washed him clean after, since we hadn't cleansed her beforehand.    


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