Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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About two hours later, a nude Wendy stepped out onto the patio with a cheery hello, followed by a young black male who looked like an athlete, and a slim but busty white woman, both of them appearing to be Wendy's age. They both still had clothes on, unsure if this was something they were ready to do yet. Since she contacted us, we'd had to feed Lucas and he was sitting in his shaded playpen. After swimming laps some more, we'd all gotten in the hot tub again, so we weren't exactly visible ourselves.    


"Hey, there. Everyone, I'd like you to meet Anthony, a boy I've known for awhile but never had the nerve to ask on a date, and the girl is Shannon. I work with her. Tony and Shannon, this is Rhonda, my beloved older sister, Mister Scott Rivers and his wife, Julia, and Lisa. I don't know, should I just call Lisa your lover, or is there a better word for it?"    


"Lisa is our life partner," I said, "equal to us in our relationship in every way."    


"Great, Lisa, the life partner. Rhonda is Julia's voluntary sex slave and both Lisa and Julia are Scott's."    


Shannon and Anthony looked at one another, wondering if there wasn't a lot of crazy going on and if they needed to run for their lives. I laughed which seemed to remove a bit of their tension.    


"I see you decided not to make a choice between a man or woman," Rhonda said.    


"Nope. I wanted both. Shannon here likes to lick black cunt and suck black cock. I think she does it to piss off her parents, but I'm no shrink, so I'm just guessing. Anthony likes to watch Shannon and I make out and then join in when I'm ready. I like to fuck cocks and cunts, so it works out for me too. Anthony shows a lot of promise as a lover. I think he can be as good as you, Mr. Rivers, with a little practice." I noticed Anthony staring at Master, wondering what exactly Wendy meant by that. It could mean a lot of things in a lot of different ways. "He's still too wrapped up in the destination instead of the journey, if you know what I mean. Pump as hard as he can until he cums. He needs some lessons."    


"What, from him?" Tony said, pointing to Master, getting defensive, being compared.    


"No, not from him; from Shannon and I. If you paid attention, you'd notice we don't just rush to cum. We take our time and explore a little, extend our pleasure out a little. No wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. We both want to cum too, but we enjoy the time getting there."    


Tony relaxed a little.    


"Did you plan to have your date here?" Master asked.    


"No, we're going out to eat, then a movie. I just wanted to introduce them."    


"I don't know how your friends feel about it, but I'd be willing to feed you all pizza and buy a movie on the big screen if you'd like to save a little money," Master said.    


"Let me chat them up a bit in private and see what they want to do," Wendy said.    


They went a dozen feet away and conducted a whispered negotiation. It went back and forth a little and eventually they came back and Wendy said, "We'd appreciate the pizza and movie. It was pretty much going to tap us out for the rest of the week. Thanks."    


"I remember how tight money was when I was dating," Master said, smiling, "and if I could find a cheap date, I was always eager to take advantage. Movies are ridiculously expensive. Dinner and movie for three has to be around a hundred bucks with tips."    


"Thanks," Tony said. "We appreciate it."    


"I'm guessing Wendy told you were mostly naked here and she's comfortable getting naked as well. If you'd like us to dress, we'd be happy to put on clothes. We don't want you to be uncomfortable."    


"I'm actually hoping they'll get naked too," Wendy laughed. "Neither of them has a reason to be ashamed of their bodies, but I'll defer to their wishes. We can all dress up or all dress down. What do you want to do?"    


Tony and Shannon had another whispered conversation, this time without Wendy, who's wishes were already known. Eventually Shannon said, "Can we leave it like it is for the time being, see how we feel about it later. Maybe we'll become more comfortable getting naked after we get used to it more?"    


"You do whatever you wish to do," Master said. "It's your decision. You're our guests."    




"Pull up a chair so we can chat," Rhonda said. "I'd like to know more about you. I feel protective of my little sister."    


Wendy got in the hot tub, being naked. Shannon and Anthony pulled chairs a little closer to the hot tub.    


Rhonda asked, "How did you all meet and how did you decide to date one another?"    


"Wendy and I were in high school together, so we knew each other, but not well," Tony started.    


"I work at the same place as Wendy, and I knew Anthony through another friend," Shannon added.    


"I knew Shannon is at least somewhat interested in girls and I finally get up the nerve to ask her about it and if she'd be interested in going on a date. We went out for coffee and I told her I believe I'm bisexual and would be interested in dating her and a guy, and asked if she was okay with the idea," Wendy added. "She's already sucking Tony's dick and wouldn't mind adding me to her dating schedule and asked if I'd be interested in Tony. She showed me his picture and I remembered him from school and said I'd love to meet him. The next night we got together and I said I was interested in fucking as well as sucking and wanted to eat girls pussies too. Could he get into it? He'd have to use a condom until I got on birth control, but if he wanted to fuck my ass he wouldn't need rubbers."    


"We all kind of agreed we'd like to do this thing as a group," Shannon said.    


"And here we are," Tony ended.    


"I figure Tony could be the way to fool the parents into thinking I wasn't into girls," Wendy said. "I could cozy up to him when he came over and they'd kind of ignore the white chick who was always hanging around with us."    


Rhonda laughed. "That might work. They might never realize you're already into threesomes."    


"Wendy didn't really tell us much about you before we came over," Tony said, "except you'd be cool with us being a threesome and there was a lot of nudity. What does she mean when she's talking about sex slavery?"    


"Stand up, Julia," Master said, and I stood up, exposing myself fully for the first time since they'd arrived. Displaying myself before new people, people we'd just met, Wendy's dates, feeling myself liquefy as Master displayed me before them.    


"I'm what is considered to be a Dominant. Julia, Lisa and Rhonda are what are known as submissives. They've agreed to submit to me, or in Rhonda's case, Julia, as submissive sex slaves. They are available to me for sex whenever I want it. They must do what I say within the bounds of their agreement with me. As you can see, Julia wears a collar and cuffs on both her wrists and ankles, identifying me as her Master. She's agreed to piercings as I directed. She has them in her outer labia and her clitoral hood. She'll get some in her nipples when she's stopped breast feeding our son. In addition to the piercings, she has this badge or emblem hanging from her piercing identifying her as my sex slave. It includes a bell which rings or jingles as she walks. Her hood piercing has these little balls dangling from them. They're weighted so they put pressure on her clit keeping her constantly aroused and ready for sex as well as clicking and bouncing around as she moves."    


"You knew about this, Wendy? You know your sister is a sex slave?" Shannon asked.    


"Yes. I attended their bonding ceremony."    


"Doesn't it creep you out?" She asked.    


"No. I found the ceremony to be very moving and the love they share to be beautiful. I even thought for a short time I might want to be a submissive myself, but they convinced me I'm too young to make that decision now. They suggested at least three years of sexual experience before deciding it was something I really wanted to do."    


I continued, "Lisa wears the same items, including the nipple piercings. Rhonda can't wear all of them due to her job, but she has similar piercings and badges some of which need to be removed before she goes to work. This is entirely voluntary on their part as they find themselves enjoying my control provided by their submission. It would be illegal if it were involuntary. You may sit down now, Julia." I sat down.    


"You really like this?" Shannon asked me.    


"With all my heart and soul," I said. "I've fantasized about strong men taking control of me, putting me in chains and controlling me for many years. I was fortunate to find my husband was willing to allow me this fantasy. Not only do I get the husband I love, but the Master I crave."    


"So if you're a submissive," Anthony asked, "how come you have a sex slave yourself?"    


"I'm submissive to dominant men and women and dominant to submissive women."    


"Lisa is a submissive woman. Are you dominant to her?"    


"No. She's submissive to Master, like me, not a female. We're like sister slaves to the same person."    


"That is some really weird shit," Tony said.    


"It's not for everyone," Lisa said, "but it works well for us."    


"Are you guys hungry yet?" Master asked. "We ate a late breakfast and can eat whenever you want."    


"Sure. I'm ready now," Wendy said. "I'm starving." The other two agreed with her.    


Master took everyone's order. Shannon liked only pepperoni and olives, preferably green, Wendy said she'd eat anything but anchovies or mushrooms. Tony said he didn't like pineapple on his pizza, but anything else was okay. We ate pretty much anything, so Master ordered five large pizzas which met the various criteria to be delivered. I wondered if I'd be tipping the driver or if Master would avoid doing something so gauche in front of the three young people. We got up after about fifteen minutes, dried off and went into the house, Rhonda carrying Lucas and me carrying the rest of his stuff.    


Since they'd said they'd like to see how things went, we remained how we were, naked and adorned. Master handed the remote to the three daters and asked them to pick out whatever they wanted to watch. They found the first run movies and went through the list, debating the various choices. Anthony voted for an action flick like the new Wonder Woman movie or James Bond, but got outvoted by the girls who wanted a romance. They voted for 'Endings, Beginnings'.    


"Come on, man," He pleaded with Master. "Surely you get a vote in this too. You don't want some sissy chick flick, do you?"    


"If I get a vote, I'd have to let my slaves vote too. I'm not sure we wouldn't get the same movie, plus it's your date. If you'd gone to the theater, you'd be facing the same choice, except without us. If it were up to me, I might be voting for an old classic like 'Casablanca'. I might make a suggestion though that's not a recent movie which you might not have seen called 'Love and Other Drugs' with Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal. It's both a romantic comedy and features some great sex scenes and nudity by Anne. Perhaps something for everyone, but I leave it to you."    


"I haven't seen it," Wendy said. "I'm willing to consider it."    


"I haven't either," Shannon said. "I'll go for either that one or Endings. Take your pick of those two, Tony."    


"Fine, Love and Other Drugs," Tony said, "but I'm curious, you see naked females every day, why would you care whether any nudity was in a movie?"    


"Because all women are beautiful in their own way and unique. Not to mention variety is enjoyable. The women see each other every day but can still have their head turned by another beautiful woman. Seeing a different one is arousing. One can imagine themselves making love to that woman."    


"Do you imagine having sex with other naked women?" Anthony asked us, the women of the group.    


"I always imagine myself with women," Rhonda said. "I never imagine myself with men, and yes, I love to look at different women, although women generally, are not as visually oriented as men. We enjoy porn less and erotic literature more, allowing our imaginations do the heavy lifting."    


"I had sex with two of the most beautiful women I've ever met," I said. "They were as beautiful as any Hollywood Actress you've ever seen. I arranged for Master to have sex with them also and it was even pleasurable to imagine them having sex with Master, to see their bodies react to the pleasure he provided, imagine their faces as they climaxed as they had sex. I would have enjoyed watching, but my imagination is good."    


"You arranged for your husband to have sex with other women?" Tony asked.    


"Yes. As his sex slave, I feel compelled to provide for his pleasure however I can. He was gone for a week without us so I arranged for him to have company while he was gone."    


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