Heaven-defying Upgrade System

C363 Elder Wu's Determination

C363 Elder Wu's Determination

0"Master, did you have some kind of relationship with Master Sun of the Quick Hand Gang in the last incident?" Grandmaster Wu said in a low voice.    


Last time, he had cooperated with the Centaur Clan in attacking the White Wood Clan. Because Chi Feng was here, and Grandmaster Wu didn't know if Liu Fei really believed Chi Feng. Therefore, he didn't make it very clear. He only vaguely expressed his intention. In any case, Liu Fei could understand it.    


This time, Chi Feng was even more confused. What happened last time?    


Liu Fei smiled faintly and said, "Alright, Chi Feng is not an outsider. I believe he is loyal to me. From now on, he will be the core figure of Heavenly Whistle Gang. Chi Feng is very powerful. You are smart. You are a civil and military man in Heavenly Whistle Gang. Therefore, there will be nothing to hide from him in the future. "    


Grandmaster Wu felt a little awkward, but Chi Feng didn't seem to care about it at all. He could understand. After all, he had just transferred from the Tianhee Gang to the Heavenly Whistle Gang. It wasn't normal for others not to think too much about it, unless someone like Liu Fei had foresight.    


Grandmaster Wu said in detail, "It's like this, Chi Feng. Last time, the Centaur Clan attacked the White Wood Clan. The Sect Master used a big formation to help all the major gangs. At the critical moment... He had played a role in influencing the situation, and had protected the leaders of these major organizations. Because of this, Sect Master Sun had gotten to know our Sect Master. Furthermore, according to my analysis, this has a lot to do with the strength of our Sect Master. Sun Qian values our Sect Master's strength, so the two of them have some kind of relationship."    


Liu Fei nodded and said, "Grandmaster Wu is right. This is a world that values strength." When one became stronger, there would naturally be more people paying attention to him. This was the capital for a person to survive in this chaotic world.    


"That is to say! We will have a chance to destroy the Tianhee Gang! And those people from the Tianhee Gang don't even know about it! " Chi Feng finally realized what was going on and shouted.    


Grandmaster Wu quickly said angrily, "You rude man, why are you shouting so loudly? Aren't you afraid that the people from the Tianhee Gang outside will hear you? I now suspect that you are a spy sent by the Tianhee Gang!"    


Chi Feng immediately lowered his head in shame. He was already used to being shocked like this.    


Liu Fei waved his hand and said, "It's okay. Chi Feng is more straightforward, so his way of speaking is also more direct. He expressed his thoughts directly in his heart. Grandmaster Wu, you don't have to fuss about it. In the future, you two just need to interact more. Learn some good points from each other. Learn from the strong and make up for the weak. Furthermore, you are not allowed to say anything about Chi Feng being a spy in the future. He was definitely not. Oh right, how's the financial situation of our gang? Is it enough? I want to expand my strength."    


Upon hearing the expansion of the gang, Grandmaster Wu's face instantly turned red. He said, "Leader, you did leave a lot of crystals, but you also invested a lot in the construction of our gang. I also spent a lot of money to strengthen the defense formation. After all, it was our most important protection method. In addition to other expenses, it is possible to expand it. However, if the funds are cut off in the middle, I'm afraid that there will be some impact. "    


Chi Feng nodded and said," That's right. Why don't we finish this battle first? When we take down the Tianhee Gang, the wealth of their gang will belong to us. At that time, we will have to worry about not getting any money. "    


Liu Fei shook his head and said, "If you want a good job, you must first benefit from it. Do you understand? Now we are prepared in advance. After all, our strength is a direct hit to our gang. If the gang becomes stronger, some unnecessary conflicts will be reduced. We can also live a peaceful life. Money is not a problem. Grandmaster Wu, I will allocate 8,000 Green Source Polar Crystal to you. Use these crystals to recruit twenty thousand people for me. Furthermore, I want at least an Earth Core Stage Second Layer to Fifth Heavenly Layer expert among these people. I need at least a hundred people. It's best if you can prepare a batch of refining materials for me. I have my own uses. "    


Liu Fei's words stunned Grandmaster Wu. In this way, after recruiting these people, the Heavenly Whistle Gang would immediately become one of the top gangs. Although recruiting wasn't difficult, the difficulty lay in the division of positions. This was the problem. How could they stay here in peace? It would depend on whether Grandmaster Wu could balance this matter. If he did well... They were the best weapons. If he did not do well, they might become a hidden threat to the gang.    


However, Grandmaster Wu suddenly stared at Liu Fei and said, "Leader, what did you say to me just now? You want to give me 8,000 Green Source Polar Crystal? Could it be that you went out and robbed me successfully? "    


Liu Fei couldn't help but smile and said, "You're right, I succeeded. But it's not robbery. A gentleman loves money, and he takes it for his own good. You don't have to worry about it. You have to make good use of these 8000 Green Source Polar Crystals. After expanding my strength, I still want to expand the size of the gang. As long as we destroy the Tianhee Gang, we will be able to become the Quick Hand Gang. There's also a big gang like the Black Forest Organization. "    


Sun Qian's Quick Hand Gang and Miao Chong's Black Wood Gang were the famous big gangs in the White Wood Clan. Being able to stand together with them is definitely a symbol of strength. Furthermore, even Ku Rugu had never thought of such a thing. The most he thought of was to pledge allegiance to that gang.    


Grandmaster Wu said excitedly, "Since the Sect Master trusts me so much, I will definitely make you satisfied!"    


Liu Fei smiled and said, "Alright, don't worry. These 8000 Green Source Polar Crystals are just a small amount. If you have 80,000 Green Source Polar Crystal in the future, I will let you take charge of it. There was nothing to believe or not. We are all brothers. This is the best trust. "    


Although Liu Fei's words had some doubts about winning over the hearts of the people, Grandmaster Wu was still touched by him, and tears and mucus flowed down his face. He quickly said, "Alright! Good! Sect Master, don't worry. If I don't turn the Heavenly Whistle Gang into a first-rate big gang... I, Old Man Wu, hit my head and died on Nanshan Hill."    


"Sect Master, what should I do?" Chi Feng said anxiously. He had come to the Heavenly Whistle Gang and was still waiting to make a name for himself.    


Liu Fei smiled and said, "Don't worry. Just follow me to Sun Qian's place. I need a good helper."    


"Alright!" Chi Feng grinned and said. As long as he went out now, there would basically be a fight. Only then would he be able to put himself to good use.    


Liu Fei was afraid that Jian Feng would become suspicious, so he gave a simple command. After that, he took out a Storage Bag filled with crystals from his Black Dragon Ring, gave it to Grandmaster Wu, and hurriedly left.    


Chi Feng followed beside Liu Fei, full of energy and vigilance. He was afraid that someone would harm Liu Fei, and he also showed his role as a bodyguard.    


Looking at Liu Fei's back as he left, Grandmaster Wu said quietly, "Boss, don't worry. Old Wu will not let you down!"    


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