Heaven-defying Upgrade System

C685 The High and Mighty Emissary

C685 The High and Mighty Emissary

0Liu Fei's eyes moved slightly. Finally, he felt relieved. The next thing he needed to do was to focus on his cultivation. He began to release his energy. That cultivation method had shocked him for a long time. In the end, she could only compromise. She could only blame it on Liu Fei's special physique. What kind of high level bloodline could make him reach such a level? Lu Feng received the elder's report and was originally very calm. But when she heard that it was actually Chen Yuan, she instantly jumped up. "Follow me!" The elder was slightly stunned and thought about what happened to the City Lord. Could it be that Chen Yuan really had some problems?    


That shouldn't be the case. Yuqing's cultivation base was even higher than Chen Yuan's. Chen Yuan also looked like an ordinary person. Why did Lu Feng attach more importance to Chen Yuan? The two of them came to Liu Fei's room and Lu Feng almost went up to fight with her. This wretched girl, didn't she say that she went to Yu City? Why did she come back? She was still outside Brother Liu Fei's door. Wasn't she trying to snatch Brother Liu Fei away from me? When Lu Feng landed on the ground, her strength was majestic. Yuqing frowned slightly in his heart. He didn't expect Lu Feng to still be here. Furthermore, it seemed like Lu Feng had already received the news. Otherwise, she wouldn't appear to be so angry that she would obey. With a swoosh, Lu Feng appeared in front of Yuqing and Chen Yuan.    


Lu Feng was just about to get angry when Chen Yuan suddenly jumped up and shouted, "Is it really you, Lu Feng? Actually I wanted Yuqing to inform you but I was afraid that you would be too busy these few days so I did not dare to disturb you." As she spoke, Chen Yuan directly opened her arms and hugged Lu Feng. Lu Feng was hugged by her. The resentment on her face also disappeared. Chen Yuan did not have any relatives in Lu Family Castle and she had always regarded Lu Feng as her sister. Lu Feng pouted her small mouth and said unhappily, "Why did you come back? Didn't you go to Yu City to find your mother-in-law?"    


Chen Yuan said, "Of course I went to find Granny and found her. But I was still a little worried about Liu Fei. I heard Yuqing say in his heart that Liu Fei was injured. So I rushed over in a hurry and didn't inform you in advance. I'm really sorry!" After hearing Chen Yuan's words, Lu Feng slowly nodded her head. But she kept feeling that something was not right. Other than the elders who followed in, the elders of the other big families also followed in. They were also in the distance. Each and every one of them felt depressed. Why did this Lu Feng still know Chen Yuan?    


Moreover, it seemed like the relationship between the two of them was not ordinary. An elder immediately said, "Quickly go and investigate this Chen Yuan's background." These large families had control over information. Almost all of them had their own network of connections. After a while, they heard someone say, "Found her. Chen Yuan is..." Those elders' eyes moved and they heard that person say, "She is a citizen of Lu Family Castle!" "What?" Everyone was stunned. He was just a civilian of Lu Family Castle? Who would believe that? How could Lu Feng know an ordinary person? And how could Yuqing protect her here? The few elders' minds were in a mess, but they were helpless and could not continue to investigate anything. Furthermore, Lu Feng did not let them attack, so they naturally did not dare to attack.    


These elders looked at each other, and in the end, they still decided to wait for an opportunity to make a move. "Chen Yuan, what is Brother Liu Fei doing inside?" Lu Feng asked. "He is still cultivating, but he can recover so quickly. City Lord Lu, I think you should tell me about this." The one who spoke was Yuqing's heart. As the emissary of Yu City, whether it was power or status, although the Lu Family Castle was under the jurisdiction of the Yu City, he couldn't be compared to the city lord of the Lu Family Castle. After all, he was the city lord. An emissary couldn't do anything about it. However, these messengers were all from big cities after all. It wouldn't be good to offend them. Therefore, they had always been supreme existences. Lu Feng directly said, "Why should I tell you!"    


Yuqing's expression changed. He looked at Lu Feng in disbelief. He said, "City Lord Lu, you better know what you are talking about!" Lu Feng said, "Of course I know. Can't I not tell you? Who are you? Why did you come to Lu Family Castle? Could it be that the Yu City's City Lord still has some orders? If he has, then just say it. If not, then forget it! " Lu Feng's stomach full of anger was now vented on Yuqing's heart. The latter was also shocked. "You..." It seemed like Yuqing's heart was quite angry. No one in a small city had ever dared to be so disrespectful to an emissary like her. However, Lu Feng obviously didn't care about Yuqing's feelings, so she didn't intend to give her face.    


"City Lord Lu, I think you better understand this. Although you are now in charge of Lu Family Castle, as the City Lord, you need the support of the Yu City. Without the support of the Yu City, you are nothing. " Yuqing said with a threatening tone in his heart. Chen Yuan was about to stop him, but Yuqing gave her a look in his heart. He signaled her to ignore him. Chen Yuan understood that Yuqing's heart represented the Yu City. Although her status was not comparable to the foster daughter of the City Lord, however, she was the emissary of the Lu Family Castle after all. Her status was not the same as her heart. If she really compromised with Lu Feng, it wasn't just a matter of face, it was also a matter of face for the entire Yu City. That was why Yuqing had such a strong heart.    


"Alright! Since your Yu City's City Lord Ou Hua doesn't support me, I'll ask Yuqing to send an emissary back to inform City Lord Ou Hua. Whoever she supports, just say it out loud. If she gets the approval of the Ling Tian Sacred Clan... I've also obtained the support of the people of the Lu Family Castle, and my position as the City Lord. I have no interest in giving it up anyway. It's just to fulfill my promise to Brother Liu Fei! " Lu Feng said faintly. Yuqing really could not understand what she was saying. Was it because Lu Feng was not scheming at all, or was it because she was so smart that she was stupid? "Forget it, Qing Xin. After all, we were wrong in the first place. Since we have come to Lu Family Castle, we must at least inform Lu Feng." Chen Yuan said from the side.    


Of course, Yuqing wouldn't give in so easily. Her cultivation base was close to the Heavenly Completion Stage. She definitely had an advantage over Lu Feng, who was a Profound Dissolving Stage. In terms of momentum, Yuqing's heart had already overwhelmed Lu Feng. She was ready to probe further. If she was really dissatisfied with the Yu City, Yuqing would be the emissary of the Yu City. Naturally, he would report everything to City Lord Ou Hua. However, Chen Yuan said somewhat angrily, "Alright, Yuqing! I won't allow you to pursue this matter anymore, even if it is my order!" She absolutely did not want to bring Lu Feng trouble instead of coming to Lu Family Castle because of her. Yuqing frowned slightly in his heart, but he still had to listen to her orders in the end.    


Lu Feng snorted coldly from the side and said, "I have long heard that the messengers who are in charge of your car are proud and arrogant people. Today, I saw it as I expected. I have long disliked all of you. You are merely the emissary of Yu City. If you have something to discuss in Lu Family Castle, why do you have to put on such a high and mighty face? Don't tell me you want others to fear you? "    


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