Peerless War God Returns

C338 Return of the War God

C338 Return of the War God

3Chu Xihee stayed up all night, guarding the wilderness. He watched as the darkness slowly turned bright and the sky turned white. A red day was slowly rising from the east, another day was coming.    


After this night, Chu Xihee felt as if a century had passed. His thoughts constantly lingered in a space formed by memories, and his world was also reborn after several cycles of death.    


That night, Chu Xihee couldn't help but think about what had caused the worst outcome of the day.    


Countless times, he recalled the scene that had stunned him. The entire area was dyed red with fresh blood, making it seem like he was in hell.    


When the warm sunlight shined on Chu Xihee's expressionless face, it shined on Zhuang Jiyue's serene face.    


Although Chu Xihee knew that she wouldn't wake up again, he felt like she would wake up at any time.    


Zhuang Jiyue's vivid impression was just like this sunlight. There were always many memorable fragments stored in her mind, sparkling with a beautiful radiance.    


The pain was full of regret, as the saying goes.    


There was once a sincere feeling placed in front of him, but after it was lost, he felt incomparably cherished and regretful at the same time.    


Chu Xihee's heart was unable to calm down.    


Not long after, a pile of dried wood gathered on top of the barren mountain. Zhuang Jiyue, who wore a beautiful wedding dress, was in the middle of the pile. A big fire quickly engulfed her.    


Chu Xihee stayed by the fire until there was nothing left but a handful of ashes.    


After setting up a simple grave and burying Zhuang Jiyue's ashes, Chu Xihee stood in front of the grave and pondered for a long time.    


Not long later, a figure appeared behind Chu Xihee.    


That person was kneeling on one knee with a respectful expression. Chu Xihee didn't need to look to know that the person who came was Long Xiang.    


When Long Xiang saw that Chu Xihee had already buried Lady Zhuang, he consoled him, "Marshal Chu, please grieve."    


"What happened to your Chu Family last night?" Chu Xihee asked directly.    


When Long Xiang suddenly heard Chu Xihee's question, he noticed that Chu Xihee had changed.    


"Marshal Chu, you …"    


"I will not let her die in vain. I will make those people pay the price."    


Chu Xihee's eyes were filled with determination. After a night of pondering, he already understood that if those people knew his strength and saw him as someone with absolute power, they wouldn't be so reckless in surrounding him and Jiyue.    


When people speak lightly, honest people will be bullied. The more silent you are, the less people will care about your feelings, even to the point of personal benefits.    


If the him at that time was not an embarrassed direct descendant of Chu Family, but a genuine person who was famous for talking about Chu Family in the capital, there would not be anyone who would dare to criticize him, right?    


In the higher echelons of society, successful people didn't even need to fart.    


Thus, after some investigation, he decided to return to his mistake of being too low-key.    


If he didn't pursue the Yellow Springs and instead went back to tidy up the Chu Family banner, then there wouldn't have been that day.    


Thinking about this, Chu Xihee felt extremely guilty.    


Although Chu Xihee was confident enough that he could save Zhuang Jiyue, such a small probability of an accident still happened.    


Overly confident was also a source of guilt that led to this irreversible tragedy.    


"It's time to rebuild the Chu Family flag. I want to let the entire capital know that I, Chu Xihee, am not someone to be trifled with!"    


"Revenge comes from hatred, vengeance comes from injustice, debt comes from debt, and life comes from debt. None of them can escape!"    


With the return of the war god and the return of the world to their hearts, the ghost soldiers were all terrified!    


The capital would eventually be shaken by Chu Xihee's anger.    


All the ghosts, snakes, and gods would bow down to Chu Xihee's majesty and regret their contempt for the returning war god.    


Chu Xihee squatted down and gently placed his hand on Jiyue's grave, as if comforting her restless soul.    


"I will spread your righteousness. I will make everyone obey. I will not let the darkness cover the sky without restraint."    


When Long Xiang saw Marshal Chu's renewed fighting spirit, he was extremely excited. In his heart, the invincible and invincible War God Marshal Chu had returned.    


"This is the Marshal Chu that I know. There's finally hope for the main bloodline of Chu Family." The dragon elephant said excitedly.    


He continued: "Marshal Chu, quickly return to the Chu Family. The Chu Family Master has passed away now and is currently discussing about the successor of the Chu Family Master.    


Chu Xihee was a little surprised and asked, "When did it happen?"    


The old man didn't have it last night, but it's already opening the spirit hall today. The matter is, the head of the family didn't have it that night, and his bones haven't even turned cold yet. The dragon elephant said somewhat anxiously.    


Just as Long Xiang finished his sentence, Chu Xihee, who was in front of him, disappeared. Chu Xihee appeared behind him the next second, when Long Xiang noticed it.    


"Since that's the case, let's hurry up and go back." Chu Xihee said lightly.    


As he spoke, his figure rapidly flew out, with the dragon elephant hurriedly following closely behind.    


When Long Xiang saw Chu Xihee this time, he felt that the Qi on Chu Xihee's body had changed again. It had become stronger than before and his domineering aura leaked out. It took a lot of effort before he could keep up with Chu Xihee.    


"Looks like Marshal Chu became stronger again." The dragon elephant thought to himself.    


At this moment, the capital city's old aristocratic families were all in a mess. Not only were they all crying and making noise on the surface, but there were also undercurrents.    


In the main courtyard of Chu Family, Chu Deyuv's mourning hall was solemn and dignified, with the specifications and face of a top noble, but at the same time, it was also very traditional.    


The shop had invited more than a hundred monks over. Soon after, they stopped breathing and began to chant. Everything had been prepared in advance.    


Chu Angrann, however, was a little upset when she heard these transcendent Buddhist chanting.    


Since last night, he had been feeling uneasy. On Chu Deyuv's side, he had just stopped breathing, and his corpse was not yet cold. A group of people were about to pick the Patriarch under Chu Family.    


As one of the twelve ancient clans in Yanjing City, regardless of wealth, power, or Chu Family, they were all top of the bunch, and were all comparable to the other large clans.    


it was even more powerful than the other clans. Even half of the wealth and power of the other twelve clans combined could only be equal to one Chu Family.    


It could be seen how powerful Chu Family was, and precisely because of this, the position of the Patriarch had always been the focus of everyone's competition.    


Also, due to the fact that the Chu Family was too strong, the matters regarding the successor to the Chu Family were closely followed by the various great clans.    


Although these twelve great clans were similar to the past, each of them had their share of prosperity while the other had their share of losses.    


However, there were differences between the two, as well as differences between the two.    


Towards such a powerful Chu Family, every clan would secretly support someone. If they were able to support him well, his future successor would come up, and it would be equivalent to having his profits tied.    


Thus, the relationship between the two became even more complicated.    


An Ran could be considered to be more intimate with Uncle Deyuv, and she could also be considered to be in the main Chu Family line.    


When Deyuv was around, Chu Angrann helped to manage the energy industry in the family. With Deyuv, Chu Angrann helped to manage the energy industry in the family.    


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