Peerless War God Returns

C261 It Would be Better to Stop

C261 It Would be Better to Stop

0Chu Xihee said, "Aren't you always afraid that something will hinder your thinking? Wouldn't it be impossible for you to think after drinking so much?"    


"There are some things that are useless even if you think it through. It would be better to let your brain stop, since you can drink with me."    


Zhuang Jiyue picked up her glass and clinked it with Chu Xihee's. She raised her head and drained the cup before continuing to fill it.    


Chu Xihee saw that she was pretty drunk already, if she finished the beer again, wouldn't she faint?    


This bit of alcohol was nothing to Chu Xihee, not even drunk, only slightly drunk. However, with Zhuang Jiyue's normal body, if she drank until she was unconscious, then he would be the only one to take care of her.    


As Chu Xihee expected, Zhuang Jiyue vomited twice and couldn't even walk anymore. She staggered and finally had to be sent home by Chu Xihee.    


When they got off the car, Chu Xihee dug her out of the passenger seat. Zhuang Jiyue laid on top of Chu Xihee with her body soft and spoke some broken words randomly, as if she was talking crazy.    


This was Chu Xihee's second time coming to Zhuang Jiyue's home. Now, it was the dead of night in the villa complex, and the environment was good for sleeping.    


However, the more tranquil the environment was, the more people would feel empty and lonely. Now, Chu Xihee had a body without any form of resistance.    


Usually, this kind of drunk girls had a strange special term for it. They were called "corpses" because they were usually drunk and fell by the roadside like corpses. However, there was no doubt that she was alive.    


However, they were unconscious from the alcohol, so all you had to do was pick them up and bring them home.    


At this moment, Chu Xihee was in a similar state to picking up corpses. Zhuang Jiyue was leaning against him so softly that no matter where he touched her at this moment, she would not react.    


Although Chu Xihee didn't have the intention to take the opportunity to eat tofu, he could still accidentally touch the sensitive parts of the tofu, especially the soft water bag in front of Zhuang Jiyue.    


Furthermore, Chu Xihee had no choice but to hug her slim waist to help her walk. That feeling of skin touching, normal men wouldn't be able to resist.    


"Is she not afraid that I'm that kind of bad guy when she was unrestrainedly intoxicating herself?" Chu Xihee thought as he looked for the key in front of the door.    


Such an empty night, a long night, if there is a beauty to sleep with also a good experience.    


Dieh'er had already instructed her to stay at the Lee Family for the night, so she didn't have to worry about Dieh'er. No matter what, this was an opportunity to improve their relationship.    


However, when he thought about it, this also meant that Zhuang Jiyue trusted his character. Chu Xihee naturally wouldn't do anything that would let her down.    


He finally found the key to the door and opened it. It still smelled the same as last time.    


After helping Zhuang Jiyue into the room, she found that it was still neat and tidy, filled with the aura of a girl. It was just that the smell of alcohol on Zhuang Jiyue's body was incompatible with the atmosphere of the room.    


"Where is this place?" Zhuang Jiyue spoke like she was holding a candy in her mouth.    


"This is your room. Where else could it be? Don't tell me you don't even recognize your own room?" Chu Xihee said as he dragged her to the bedside.    


"It's still early, let's drink again... "Let's drink to our heart's content …"    


It was rare for Chu Xihee to see her in such a 'improper' state. Instead, he felt that she was rather cute.    


Because her usual expression was filled with a sense of arrogance, the current her was even closer to the real her.    


"If you keep drinking, you won't even be able to speak anymore. You should hurry up and go to bed."    


As Chu Xihee said this, he put her on the bed. Zhuang Jiyue laid down on the bed and comfortably hugged her blanket. She had an intoxicated expression on her face and was as happy as a child.    


Seeing Zhuang Jiyue like this, Chu Xihee felt relieved and revealed a smile.    


She didn't want to see Zhuang Jiyue unhesitatingly reveal a pair of long white legs from under her skirt all the way to her underpants.    


Chu Xihee looked at it and was shocked. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva. That long, white leg of his looked extremely delicious, making people want to put their hands on it to touch it.    


However, Chu Xihee endured it. He gently pulled his skirt to hide his private parts. Only then did the burning feeling in his heart slowly subside.    


Although she must be unhappy to see her drink so much, but after this drunkenness, she definitely wouldn't have anything to worry about when she woke up.    


Chu Xihee was about to leave as he thought about this. But when he turned around, his hand was caught by something. He turned around and saw Zhuang Jiyue holding his hand.    


This caused Chu Xihee to panic. He didn't know if it was Zhuang Jiyue's intentional act or if it was unconscious. If it was still okay, but if it was conscious, then it meant …    


"Jiyue, what do you mean …"    


"Don't go..."    


Zhuang Jiyue had her head buried under the blanket, but her hands were tightly clenched. She looked like she was in a state of consciousness.    


In this quiet night, in this quiet room, there were many things that could support the exciting stories that were happening here.    


Chu Xihee felt Zhuang Jiyue's grip on his hand and could only stand there blankly.    


"Don't go."    


"En, I'm not leaving."    


Chu Xihee felt that she was still drunk, so he complied with her words.    


He didn't know how long he stood there, but since Zhuang Jiyue still hadn't let go of his hand, Chu Xihee had no choice but to sit on the bed and fall asleep.    


The next day, the two of them woke up at the sound of a doorbell. After a night of deep sleep, their limbs were intertwined together. Zhuang Jiyue was comfortably resting her head on Chu Xihee's shoulder, and Chu Xihee's arm was naturally around Zhuang Jiyue's waist.    


Although it was very comfortable when she was sleeping, Zhuang Jiyue still jumped in fright when she opened her eyes and saw Chu Xihee. She immediately pushed him off the bed.    


Chu Xihee felt like he fell off a cliff in his dreams. He felt weightless. When he woke up and saw Zhuang Jiyue's victimized expression, he realized what had happened.    


Zhuang Jiyue's eyes were filled with anger, as if she was talking about what you did last night when I was drunk.    


Chu Xihee's expression was saying, "Listen to me explain it, it's not what you think."    


"Jiyue, listen to my explanation." Chu Xihee felt a little guilty. He vaguely remembered that when he slept, he touched something soft in his hand. He felt like he was holding someone. In the dim light, Chu Xihee thought it was Yuqing lying beside him.    


At this moment, he realized it was Zhuang Jiyue. This was rather unexpected and awkward, because Chu Xihee had intimate contact with Yuqing in his dream.    


Zhuang Jiyue first looked at her clothes. Although they were a bit messy, she didn't show any signs of being in a passive situation. She then remembered that she drank a lot last night and was still feeling a little dizzy.    


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