Soul And Martial Emperor

C937 He Had Nothing Better to Do

C937 He Had Nothing Better to Do

3Powerful energy ripples rippled on Zhan Ming's body as the seals in his hands gradually appeared. He did not intend to hold back any longer. At this moment, even Yan Minghe revealed a surprised expression.    


Obviously, he didn't expect Zhan Ming to be forced to use the Martial Soul. At this moment, boundless golden light emerged from the Inheritance Divine Hall. It turned into a huge golden hand and grabbed at Zhan Ming.    


Zhan Ming was grabbed by the huge golden hand like a little chicken. The Qi on his body dissipated, and he seemed to be in low spirits.    


In the next moment, the huge golden hand waved lightly, and Zhan Ming was thrown out of the fighting stage. Everyone present was shocked. Obviously, they hadn't expected Zhan Ming to be eliminated. In other words, Zhan Ming had lost the chance to enter the Inheritance Divine Hall.    


Therefore, many people looked at Zhan Ming with sympathy. However, there were also some who secretly revealed mocking expressions. He had to rely on his own strength to find trouble with Meng Hao. Now, everything was fine. He had been kicked out of the Inheritance Divine Hall, and his chance of entering the Inheritance Divine Hall was gone.    


Even Meng Hao was a little surprised. Immediately, he looked at the Inheritance Divine Hall. He didn't know why, but he felt a sense of familiarity when he looked at the huge golden hand. As a result, he fell into deep thought.    


A moment later, a look of shock appeared in his eyes, because he suddenly remembered something. When the Nine Solar Universe was activated, the ultimate skill he used was the Nine Solar Heaven Ginseng Palm. It was a huge golden hand, but he had yet to fully control it. The huge golden hand looked just like the huge golden hand of the Inheritance Divine Hall in front of him.    


Could it be that there was a connection between the two? Meng Hao revealed a thoughtful expression. However, he could only investigate this matter after entering Inheritance Divine Hall. However, he had some interest in Inheritance Divine Hall now.    


Zhan Ming looked at himself as he was brought up, and a hint of unwillingness appeared in his eyes. He gave Meng Hao a cold glance, then turned around and left the place. He no longer wanted to fight for the ten spots, so he might as well leave as soon as possible. He didn't want to stay and worry.    


At this time, there was another big battle on the martial arts stage, but there were a few places that were quiet. These places were where Jin Ti was, where Dong Mei and Dong Zhu were. The place where Yan Minghe was, where Meng Hao and Dung Qingyan were. The place where Sima Lingkong was.    


There were only seven spots left. The remaining twenty-two people needed to fight for three spots. It could be said to be very intense. In fact, if it wasn't for Zhan Ming finding trouble with Meng Hao, Zhan Ming would have gotten one too.    


Actually, this was also a good thing. Meng Hao had revealed a strength that was even more terrifying than Zhan Ming. Therefore, no one dared to provoke Meng Hao. However, Jin Ti looked at Meng Hao with eyes full of fighting spirit.    


Therefore, he said to Meng Hao via divine sense, "You are very strong. I can tell that you didn't use your full strength in the battle against Zhan Ming. Enter. Inheritance Divine Hall! If we meet, I hope you can fight me with all your strength. I'm looking forward to our battle.    


Without saying anything else, he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to rest. After all, no one had come to cause trouble for them, which saved him a lot of energy.    


After a short moment, the outcome of some of the other battles had been decided. These three spots had also come out, and Meng Hao knew one of them. It was Pei Kong of the Heavenly Province Prefecture. At this moment, he was covered in blood, and his body was emitting a strong Qi fluctuation. He was actually an early Late Period of Saint Venerable Stage. It seemed like he had also made a breakthrough recently.    


Apart from Pei Kong, there was also another girl. She was Yun Luo from Luo Sha. Luo Sha could be considered as a first-rate power, and it was obvious that his strength wasn't any weaker than Pei Kong's, and he was also at the early Late Period of Saint Venerable Stage.    


The last spot was obtained by Yi Xing. He was a member of the Yi Family, one of the four major families. However, the Yi Family was the weakest among the four major families. Yi Xing had the strength of an early Late Period of Saint Venerable Stage, just like Pei Kong and Yun Luo.    


"Among the four major families in Azure Dragon County, the Zhan and Sima Families are the strongest. The Yun and Yi families were relatively weaker, but Yun Luo had become the personal disciple of a mighty elder of Luo Sha. Therefore, the Yun Family has also risen along with them. They are slightly better than the Yi Family.    


" Junior brother, you have to be careful of Sima Lingkong. He is a member of the Sima Family, and he controls the Green Dragon Martial Soul. "Dung Qingyan's voice rang in Meng Hao's ears. Upon hearing this, Meng Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he revealed a surprised expression.    


In other words, the Sima Family was one of the ancient families, and he knew about the four great Divine Beasts. The Azure Dragon White Tiger and the Vermillion Bird Black Tortoise were both very proud existences. No one was willing to submit to the other. Therefore, even if one became a Martial Soul, no one was willing to submit to the other. As for who was stronger between them, no one knew.    


Buzz buzz!!    


At this moment, a golden staircase appeared in the Inheritance Divine Hall. After that, the golden light wrapped around Meng Hao, Dung Qingyan, and the others. In the next moment, everyone present felt that their strength had improved a lot. Especially Pei Kong, Yi Xing, and Yun Luo. They were extremely happy right now. Because their injuries had fully recovered.    


"Let's enter the Inheritance Divine Hall." The ten of them turned into rays of light and flew towards the golden staircase, disappearing in the blink of an eye. When the people outside the fighting stage saw this scene, they let out a soft sigh. Because Meng Hao and the others had already entered the Inheritance Divine Hall.    


"I wonder who will be able to find that Holy Void Fruit." Many people revealed thoughtful expressions. At the same time, it was normal for them to be curious.    


"Of course it's Jin Ti. He is the strongest." There were also many people who supported Jin Ti. Of course, they were confident that Jin Ti would be able to obtain the Holy Void Fruit.    


However, there were also people who refuted, "I feel that Miss Dong Mei and Miss Qingyan are also very likely. They are not much weaker than Jin Ti." These people supported Dong Mei and Dung Qingyan.    


"I think there is hope for that young man called Meng Hao. After all, he is the direct disciple of the Fire Spirit Sect's Sect Master, Lord Fire Emperor." At the same time, there were also many people who supported Meng Hao because Meng Hao's reputation was not weak.    


Meng Hao did not know that there were still people who supported him. He had already stepped into the Inheritance Divine Hall, but he felt a strong sense of calling rushing into his heart, asking him to go somewhere.    


After entering this place, Jin Ti, Yan Minghe and the others also left. Only Dong Mei, Dong Zhu, Dung Qingyan and Meng Hao were left on the spot. At this time, Dong Mei lightly smiled and said, "There are countless opportunities in Inheritance Divine Hall, so separating is the best method. Junior Brother Meng Hao, senior sister Qingyan, let's meet again sometime."    


Following which Dong Mei and Dong Zhu left this place. Meng Hao looked at Dung Qingyan and lightly laughed, "Senior sister, you should also go and find opportunities." Dung Qingyan nodded when she heard this but did not leave immediately. Instead, she asked softly," junior brother, is there something wrong with you? Ever since you entered the Inheritance Divine Hall, your expression has changed. What exactly happened?    


Meng Hao thought for a moment and decided to tell Dung Qingyan. Otherwise, Dung Qingyan would still be worried about him. So, he said softly, "Senior sister, do you still remember the Nine Solar Celestial Bodies that I used when I was fighting Zhan Ming?"    


"I remember, what's wrong?" Dung Qingyan looked puzzled. Meng Hao sighed and said, "The strongest Nine Solar Celestial Bodies is the Nine Solar Form. The ultimate attack of the Nine Solar Form is called the Nine Solar Sky Ginseng Palm. It is the same as the huge golden hand that was released by Inheritance Divine Hall."    


"Could it be a coincidence?" Dung Qingyan asked softly. It was very likely a coincidence. Meng Hao shook his head and said, "I don't think it is a coincidence. Ever since we entered the Inheritance Divine Hall, I felt a strong sense of summoning in my heart, as if it was guiding me to a certain place.    


He paused for a moment and continued, "Now that I think back to the time when I was fighting Zhan Ming, I didn't want to use the Nine Solar Energies. However, when Zhan Ming used the Heavenly Lightning Vortex, I felt the Nine Suns Celestial Body become restless. It was as if I had encountered a provocation, and wanted to eliminate the person who provoked him.    


" That's why I feel that this isn't a coincidence. I have to go and take a look. Furthermore, I plan to go and take a look myself. Senior sister, go and find your own fortune and that Holy Void Fruit, "Meng Hao said softly.    


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